Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 730: Reni’s nagging letters home

"Auntie, why does Domic suddenly want to learn magic?"

Reni also slowly figured out the secret hidden inside. She and Luo Lian have been colleagues for almost a year, and they know how difficult magic is to learn.

More than 600 years have passed since the former Dark Elf Saint Lord Aled traded part of the magic secrets to the Perus Empire for Mistral Hareth, and humanity has not yet seen any amazing magic geniuses.

Compared to becoming a magician, she felt that becoming a knight was easier.

Of course, Luo Lian boasted that the super magic genius that humans are waiting for must be her~

"Because magicians are powerful and have a noble status, who doesn't envy and desire them."

Emma sighed deeply. People of her age vaguely felt that the magic warriors sent by the empire were unreliable, but a child of six or seven years old would not know so much.

I just feel that magic is gorgeous, powerful, admired by others and easy to show off to others.

"Hmm~ When I was an apprentice knight, my arms were swollen when I was practicing swordsmanship. It's really curious that I can gain magical abilities by following the magic warrior~"

Although Reni said he was curious, the expression on his face was one of "I don't believe it's so cheap and simple."

After all, magic warriors do exist. It would be unreasonable to kill them all with one stick, but I am under the care of my aunt, so I used this as a hint.

Everyone wants a good thing like pie in the sky, but they are afraid that what will come down is not the pie, but a devastating meteorite.


Emma nodded with a look of sadness on her face, and decided to go home and try to persuade her children. In recent years, they had not seen the transfer experiment and the magic gun experiment, and had only vaguely heard of it.

It is said that more than half a year ago, there was a problem with the data at a test site, and the emperor and the earl were killed.

At dusk, Reni's mother slowly returned home from shopping for groceries. At the same time, she brought back a little boy who looked about seven or eight years old. He was just young and very naughty, and he was Reni's younger brother.

As soon as he entered the house, he screamed at the top of his lungs: "Let me see, whoever wants to be my brother-in-law is not afraid of death."

Reni, who was listening to Ye Lin's story about the Demon Fighter, suddenly turned dark. He immediately walked over and pinched his smooth face with his fingers, pulling hard on both sides: "Dewen, you're itchy again, aren't you!"

"It hurts...sister, I was wrong!"

The younger brother, who was finally let go after begging for mercy, immediately jumped behind Ye Lin, grabbed the corner of his clothes and said with lingering fear: "Brother-in-law, look, my sister has a bad temper and is very strong. She uses a giant sword. When you get married, you are destined to be subjected to domestic violence."

"You know so much, bastard!" Renee was furious.

A chase between siblings ended with Devin jumping onto the street. Reni was embarrassed to show violence in front of the neighbors and held his breath.

For the dinner table, her mother's craftsmanship was indeed good.

"Mom, I'm sending you money, but you should use it. The family hasn't changed much in the past year." Reni chewed rice in his mouth, a little unhappy.

"Save some dowry for you, and eat more and talk less." Martina rolled her eyes at her, then glanced at Ye Lin who was eating the meal.

Devin was also busy eating. Such a sumptuous meal might not come once a month.

After he was full, he touched his belly and felt uneasy: "Brother-in-law, I'm telling you, if you don't have the strength of a professional, you should really consider my sister's muscles..."


A foot was stepped on under the table, Reni pretended as if nothing had happened, and Devin hugged his foot and gasped.

"By the way, Devin, your aunt's Domik wants to become a magic warrior. What do you think?"

Reni was a little worried. If his brother wanted to participate in that damn experiment, he might as well just put him in solitary confinement until the Imperial Demon Warrior left.

"I don't want to go, maybe it's a lie."


Ye Lin, who was cooking rice, cast his eyes curiously. It was a bit surprising for a child to say that the empire was a liar.

"I have a classmate whose brother was also summoned by the empire. In the first half of the year, he still had money to send back, but then... unfortunately, he only had a pair of clothes left."

Martina frowned and said seriously: "Dewen, go do your homework after eating."

"I want to be with my sister..."

"Do your homework first!"

His tone unconsciously became a little colder, which made Devin shrink his neck and reluctantly go upstairs.

Reni didn't notice anything unusual, and looked a little gloating about his misfortune.

However, she barely noticed that the boss, who was always unruly and capable of talking nonsense, behaved like a baby.

After dinner, Rennie sat in the living room chatting with his mother, talking about his life in Hutton Mar and the honor of knighthood.

After she becomes a knight, she can be exempted from some taxes and reduce the burden on her family.

Martina was both proud and helpless. This daughter was good at everything, but even when she talked a lot, the women in the neighborhood couldn't talk to her.

"Go and clean up Devin's room, let him sleep in my room tonight, and give his room to Ye Lin."


Reni nodded vigorously and went upstairs, leaving two people in the living room on the first floor, where the atmosphere was gradually becoming more and more subtle.

Slowly, Martina took the initiative to speak. She was no longer the same as before, looking at him with calm eyes: "Should I call you son-in-law, Lord Sword God, or the third prince-in-law of the imperial family?" ?”

"Well, I..." A little sweat broke out on Ye Lin's forehead. He could see that Reni's mother was extremely well-educated. She didn't look like an ordinary woman, but a bit like a maid from a wealthy family, maybe even a small noble.

After dinner, she put a pair of glasses on her nose. Although her hair was a little gray and her clothes were very ordinary, her bookish temperament could not be concealed.

"You come with me."

Even though she revealed his identity, Martina acted very calmly, even giving some orders.

The study was small but neat. Renee complained that he could count the number of times he had entered it honestly on both hands.

Although she was not willing to fight, she was even less willing to read obscure documents.

While rummaging through something in the drawer, she said: "Our Blaineski family has been in decline for too long. Ever since the emperor came to power, he has shown his incomparable ambition, and those who don't comply have been eliminated. "

Ye Lin looked calm and was secretly shocked. These words were normal to Siatt or someone in the team, but when they came from the mouth of an "ordinary" woman, they seemed a bit shocking.

"I hope that Reni will be admitted to the Cavaliers and bring some glory. It's a little selfish, but she works very hard."

What Martina took out was a letter, which was a thick pile of letters written by Reni this year.

"Want to take it apart and take a look?"

"This... okay." Ye Lin looked at the letter handed to him and was stunned. Since the other party said that, there should be something he wanted to show him.

Reni's handwriting is very beautiful, probably due to her mother's earnest teachings, but the content is a bit verbose, with everything written upwards.

The puppy I picked up has grown up, I am considering whether to grow my hair long, are there many customers in the store today, bought a bag of sugar-roasted chestnuts, etc.

And, every letter will mention a few things, saying that my boss has gone on adventures somewhere, but my own strength is too low to hold him back. It is a pity...

"Reni would be very sad if I kicked you out." Martina said in a leisurely tone. Before he could think of words, she said lightly: "You are a great nobleman, an earl, and you are extremely powerful. You can take concubines." In the eyes of others, it may even be natural.”

Ye Lin's forehead was so nervous that he was sweating in the cold weather. She was not afraid of his identity and strength and dealt with it calmly. Martina was indeed very impressive.

"Renee likes you very much. She has been innocent since she was a child. Although her words are a bit annoying, her eyes have always been sincere."

Martina's calm expression finally showed some helplessness, and she slowly packed up the envelopes, "If you were notorious, like Count Hillens, I would stop her even if I tried to cut off the relationship between mother and daughter, but you live in Bell Mal, your reputation is very good in the Delos Empire, I am surprised."

The lifted heart slowly let go, and Ye Lin felt a rare "suppressive force", that is, being guided by others, without daring to say a word the whole time.

The last time he felt like this was when Father Mo Mei glared at him with a straight face.

"I have a request. If you agree to my request, I will be able to hand over Reni to you with confidence. Otherwise..."

"You say."

After finally getting a chance to speak, Ye Lin felt anxious in his heart. Could the request be for the liberation of the Blaineskirk family?

Although it is not difficult for him, who should sit this title? Devin's age is not suitable, so why not give it to Martina herself? She is smart enough to do the job.

"My Reni is no more noble than Her Royal Highness, but she is still a treasure in my heart. I will be sad if she is bullied."

"Mom! Devon is asleep! The house is in a mess and it's not easy to clean up. I'll sleep with you tonight and let the boss live in my room."

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