Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 742 The Kingdom’s Treasure House

Although it is probably only plated with gold on the surface to show its luxury and nobility, having the entire throne coated with it would also be a considerable wealth.

The two of them dug out the melted gold bit by bit with small shovels, and then smelted it with a little process, and they got the gratifying, yellow real gold.

Guyu didn't go over to join in the fun, there wasn't much gold, and the two of them were digging too fast. She suddenly remembered something, blinked and said: "Saya's desperate curse enveloped the Liang'an Palace, causing it to sink into the ground. So, Are there any leftover things like the Kingdom’s treasury?”

After being reminded of this speculation, Siatt and the others did not feel tired anymore. They stood up one after another and searched for possible treasure troves among the ruins.

Even Heman was no longer sad, he was in high spirits, and Le Diandian followed to dig through the wealth left behind by the ancient kingdom.

If it's just some gold coins or cultural relics, they won't be too interested, but it may be related to the accumulation of the entire kingdom, and maybe they can dig out a room full of gold bricks, gems, etc. No one can resist that alluring luster.

I finally came here, and I felt sad about it. If I didn’t take something with me, it would be a waste of time.

The melancholy atmosphere suddenly disappeared, and everything began to feel like a treasure hunt and archeology, wandering around the ruins of the ancient royal capital, wanting to break every floor tile to see if there might be diamonds or something hidden inside.

The curator was not very interested. She valued knowledge more than wealth.

I took a lot of photos with my camera a long time ago. After bringing them back to the GBL religion, the believers can better understand the data and artistic value of the ancient kingdom.

There is indeed a treasure house in the royal capital of the ruins of Ancient Calamity Bank. Ye Lin can detect it and it is buried in the basement of a pile of ruins.

But it is a pity that most of the gemstones, pearl agate and the like were destroyed by Jon's ghostly flames previously. The gold was okay, and solidified into cake-like pieces after melting.

Yuena knocked the floor tiles hard with her holy spear, listening to which area was empty, and asked Heman next to her expectantly: "Well... can you write the poems of Saya and Jon?"

She liked Seaman's poetry collection very much, and would even secretly read it hidden in the holy book. The poems praising love and peace often moved people to tears.

"Probably, no. Their love involves too many things. It is more suitable for an evening drama performance. As for poems with shorter themes, it is difficult to express the love and hatred of those three people."

The poems sung by bards generally do not have too many chapters, and the concepts are relatively simple and easy to understand, making it easy for listeners to understand quickly.

The love entanglement of those three people also involves the imperial power. Seaman is not willing to write that kind of thing. It is too cumbersome and tiring.

If Saya and Jon were ordinary people in the war, simple victims, she would be happy to compose a song.

An unexpected but interesting treasure hunt, the environment is not dangerous. The ruins of the hidden treasure house are at the edge of the underground space, and it is estimated that it will not be found for a while.

Even if you find it, it will take a lot of time to collect all the valuable things.

The curator is still looking at the photos in the camera, wondering which ones can be used and what are the shortcomings that need to be added.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her wrist and gently pulled her back, pointing to a collapsed palace house in the back. The roof was missing, and only a few mottled walls were left to block the view.

Since Yuena's holy light ball rises in the center of the palace, it is easy for the walls to block the darkness in the outer areas, making it difficult for people to notice.

Moreover, the first instinct of a country's treasures must be that they are all in the palace, and they will not go to the outside to look for them.

At first, the curator thought there were some precious cultural relics hidden there, but when he saw his passionate and obsessed eyes, he instantly understood that he wanted to pay!

A touch of light red appeared on her charming cheeks, and her slightly irritated eyes were like a naughty cat, tickling the itch in her heart. The eyelashes on her beautiful eyes were curved and charming, and each frown could stir the heartstrings.

Two green vine handrails suddenly appeared on the half-broken wall. They were roughly positioned around the curator's waist, making it easier to bear part of the body's weight.

Slowly bending down, her jade-like soft hands grasped the vines, and she stood lightly on her feet. The cotton-padded uniform could not hide her plump and undulating curves, and her mature and charming temperament was even more intoxicating.

Squatting down to roll up the long hem, the curve of the body formed an exaggerated and round curve, and rolled it up to the waist. The sudden coldness made the curator subconsciously tighten the fat, causing subtle ripples.

Ye Lin's eyes were full of pity and love, and he murmured: "The fat must have cramped. Hold it tightly and don't move it. The cramps can be relieved by massaging them."

Sure enough, with his gentle massage and kiss, the tight and cramped fat was relieved to its normal state again, soft, smooth and flawless.

He nodded slightly to express satisfaction. He always stepped forward at critical moments.

The headband restrained the slightly trembling knees and was dotted with translucent silk threads. The curator tilted his head and bit his lips. He was indeed the most active member of the GBL cult and was very motivated in everything he did.

The treasure house of the Calamity Coast Kingdom was found by Mo Mei. Her all-pervasive subtle thoughts found the huge basement among the ruins.

The gold is melted and gathered into lumps of gold cake. Although it contains impurities, the color is still charming. It's just a pity that those gems are well-preserved after being corroded by Jon's ghost. About one in ten.

There are also some pocket jars used to store equipment. Earth Jar is happy to find these things. There are too many and I don’t have time to smash them one by one.

"Wow, I'm rich!"

Xiaoyu cheered excitedly. She was actually not short of money. If she opened her mouth, Xuzu's people would treat her as a god and give her money to pray for the oracle.

However, she still likes this kind of "fishing" treasure hunt, which can bring a sense of spiritual satisfaction.

Just like scraping the land, they took away all the valuable things. The economic idea Celia taught them was that if you leave a gold coin and don't pick it up, you will lose two gold coins!

"Director, I saw you went over there. Did you find anything valuable? I found a piece of magic jewelry."

He-Man took the curator's wrist affectionately and didn't notice that her cheeks were hot and red, thinking that they were burned by Jon's flames before.

"Ah...well, I found some, I'm just lucky." The curator was still worried about the hot water in the thermal pants, and he quickly responded casually when he heard the inquiry.

"Only a little? Hehe, then you are really unlucky."

"Yes, she just got 100 million points and said she was satisfied." Ye Lin nodded and smiled, convinced, and his arm was pinched immediately.

Satisfied with the harvest, he left in the direction of the entrance. There was no such sad atmosphere around him, and the echo of Saya's curse disappeared silently.

At the city gate of the Calamity Bank Capital, the stone tablet unexpectedly remained intact in the flames, probably because it was too far away.


Everyone stared at the stone tablet for a moment and sighed silently.

Dynasties always decline, but the wheel of history never stops.

When the Calamity Coast Kingdom was in glory, did it ever occur to anyone that it would become a ruin under the earth, with no one paying attention to it for hundreds of years, and only one stone tablet left, which made people feel sad and sighing.

Ximan pursed his lips and asked: "Will Belmare also decline? Where is Delos? I heard that Xuzu has a history of more than two thousand years."

Will it decline?

The answer is of course self-evident.

But when will it be...

Ye Lin shrugged without thinking too much and left the deep pit opened by Jig. The moonlight was pouring in outside and it was chilly.

Siatt used his eyes to indicate whether the pit should be covered up. He shook his head slightly and said to let it go. There might be archaeologists interested in it, or it might become a hiding place for thieves.

"I didn't expect to stay in there for so long. I want to eat." Mo Mei touched her stomach, which was empty and suddenly felt hungry.

EX Dornier took off and sailed slowly towards the direction of Huttonmar. Inside the brightly lit airship, the atmosphere was comfortable and lazy. He prepared bread, cakes and hot milk on the dining table and bar, and wanted to eat something else. If so, you can go to the kitchen and make it yourself, but I don’t have much energy, so I’ll just deal with it.

"By the way..." Yuena soaked cookies in milk and ate them. She pointed upward and said suspiciously, "Ye Lin, you said the devil world is very barren. Will there be cakes or something?"

"Of course there are. In barren lands, there will also be relatively wealthy people who enjoy themselves. For example, Biana said that Demon King Schaller lives in a huge mansion."

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