Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 753 Becky and Luke

"Askar, do you know Mandarin? A well-known master of mind energy."

During his break, he didn't do much mischief. He gently reached out and brushed away a few strands of hair that were carelessly scattered in front of his forehead, revealing a small, blushing face.

"I know, her Nian Qi is a special Nian Qi like Nina. It is as pure as snow, so she is called the Flower of Snow. But a long time ago, when I was young, she suddenly disappeared from Xu Ancestor. Maybe Go live in seclusion."

Xu Zu’s dojos and martial arts schools are everywhere, and they often like to be built in Yuelun Mountain, Qijin Mountain and other places where ordinary people rarely go.

The Void Ancestor Mandarin suddenly disappeared. In Askar's opinion, he might have gone into seclusion like other masters. It was not such a rare behavior.

I heard that she also took in two disciples, both of whom have special attributes of Nian Qi, Uzo, who is an ice-based comprehender, and Sild, who is a fire-based person like Nina.

Even Mandarin's old friends thought that she had gone into retreat to teach, but it had been a long time, more than ten years ago.

"You should be busy. I want to sleep for a while. I have to go to my mother's house to pay my respects tonight." Soft palms pushed his shoulders, but there was no strength. His delicate face was full of sleepiness and exhaustion. He had nothing to do if he stayed in the palace. Do.

Nuoyu went to Feng Chime at noon. She had a batch of supplies that needed to be purchased specifically because Feng Chime was in charge of the branch of the Celia Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, material procurement is originally done by logistics, but what Nuoyu wants to buy is something special, it’s a book!

Whether it is picture books for children or professional books recording aspects such as planting, medicine, architecture, etc., Xu Zu needs a lot of supplements to develop related professionals.

Xu Zu has always been a martial artist and has been isolated from the country for too long. Unconsciously, there are already some deficiencies in cultural heritage, which urgently needs to be supplemented and improved.

Nuoyu also plans to open a medical major to develop the identification, cultivation, and sales of medicinal herbs, and even plans to select some people to participate in GBL teaching and learning.

There is a big market gap in the heavenly world for medicinal herbs in Arad continent.

Nuoyu lived a relatively full life and was a little busy, which led to the ghost spirit Nina to follow her busy schedule and work as an assistant with a grimace. The only advantage was that she didn't have to feel constrained in the palace.

"No, wait a minute!"

Aska, who had just closed his eyes for a few seconds, his face was red and his eyes were glancing wildly. He covered himself with a quilt up to the tip of his nose, "You wipe that floor clean before leaving."


Out of concern about the transfer phenomenon, he quickly informed Meia of the news and asked her to remind the soldiers in Vanes to pay more attention and not to repeat the tragedy of Noipela.

On the other hand, the Third Princess is notified or not. In fact, it makes no difference.

If a similar monster appears in Delos, Leon will not only not feel worried, but will happily dissect the monster and explore whether it can be exploited.

silent city

Holding her cheek with her little hand, Becky sat on the observation deck and swayed her legs in boredom. Suddenly, she aimed a large slingshot at a mechanical spider crawling on the top floor, and made a "launch" accent in her mouth.

"It's so boring. What's going on with everyone? You're so busy."

He muttered unhappily and reached out to touch his pocket. There was still the last piece of chocolate. He was reluctant to eat it. Touching it made him feel happy.

The atmosphere in Silent City has become very strange recently. Everyone looks hasty. Even Sister Rosselló and Aunt Karina, who are always kind, have serious looks and no longer play with her.

The sound in the Sanctuary of Birth kept ringing all day long. She accidentally heard Argos say that the production speed of combat machinery was more than twice as fast as before.

Even inexplicably, she saw a few guys who looked very similar to her. She greeted them excitedly at the time, but those "Beckies" ignored her at all. They were so indifferent.

Feeling bored, Becky could only take out a pair of watercolor pens from a drawer, write and draw in a notebook, recording the adventure stories of the great "Becky the Destiny".

Just as she was slowly getting into her spirit, there was a sudden commotion outside the observation deck, as if someone was approaching.

"Who is it? Are you here to play with Becky?"

As soon as the paintbrush was thrown away, Becky jumped down from the observation deck nimbly, peeked out her little head at the door, and immediately cheered: "Grandpa Luke, you are back!"

Luke's stature is very stooped and short, like a member of the Stone Bone Beast. His skin has an earthy color, and his beard reaches down to his chest.

Wearing patched clothes, there are some tools such as wrenches and axes in the back pocket. If he didn't have four arms and three eyes, he would look like an ordinary old man with a slight hunchback.

However, the appearance of four arms and three eyes is a characteristic of the royal family of Hebron!

"Becky, are you bored?"

A palm gently stroked the orange-haired little head, and Luke's eyes under his glasses revealed a kind of love and reluctance.

When he originally ordered the Golden Clown to steal Becky from the Eldin Memorial Hall, his intention was just to use her highly developed brain to accurately locate the dimensional gap between Arad and the Demon World.

Because ordinary strong people will get lost in the chaotic dimension. If you want to build a silent city to absorb the light of Arad, you must have an accurate "compass".

Becky is the foundation for building the Silent City.

As the first-generation artificial human Homonkuluz, Beqi already possesses high-level intelligence and a mischievous and mischievous personality.

When Luke was still the king of Hebron, he had been childless for hundreds of years, so he worshiped the legendary sun god of the planet Hebron for a full thousand days, and then he finally got a pair of children, Prince Gurt, Princess Kabali naturally loves both of them very much.

Of course, this is not actually due to some inexplicable influence of the Sun God, but because Luke's power is too powerful, so it is difficult to obtain descendants.

Among the many apostles, apart from special abilities similar to Mr. Luo's ability to turn people into octopuses and Di Ruiji's ability to resurrect the dead, Luke is the only one who has naturally born offspring.

Although Becky is not his biological granddaughter, their situations and experiences are actually very similar in a sense, and they share the same pain.

Becky, who was sealed in the darkness of the Eldin Memorial Hall, was a confused king in the demon world...

But the real emotional touch came from when he gave Becky the big slingshot. Becky was overjoyed, and then the entire Silent City was disturbed. That innocent, happy and unadulterated smile made the girl always cold and gloomy. The mechanical monarch who was planning something quietly melted in his heart.

Machines can also have emotions.

"Grandpa Luke, are you here to play with me? You haven't been here for a long time. By the way, there's also this piece of chocolate..." Becky took out the last piece of chocolate from his pocket that he was reluctant to eat, as if it were a treasure. He stuffed it into Luke's hand, "It's delicious. Grandpa, you should try it too. You can't buy it in the devil world."

The chocolates wrapped in plastic, because Becky had always kept them in his pocket for protection, the contents inside had actually melted and had long ceased to form lumps.

"Okay, let me try it."

His rough fingers trembled, then he peeled off the wrapping paper and put it into his mouth to chew. His white beard also trembled, and he nodded slightly: "Well, it is indeed delicious, Becky, I have a task for you. "

"Is it locating dimensions? I'm the best at this, leave it to me!"

"No, no, you can barely see it from the observation deck. There is a big turtle in the sea. It is very dangerous and may be harmful to Silent City. I would like to ask Becky to help me go to the island in the sky to monitor its actions."

Becky was stunned for a while. After a while, she slowly opened her mouth. Then she raised her hands and cheered, "Oh, long live! Grandpa Luke, can I leave Silent City temporarily? Can I go play? Really?" not bad?"

She wanted to go out to play and have adventures for a long time, but the bad clown never allowed her to leave. Now that Grandpa Luke has an important mission, no one can stop Becky.

"Of course, take your slingshot and the Golden Clown will see you off."

Becky's fingers gently pinched her smooth face. Becky, who was cheering for joy, didn't notice that there was a thousand kinds of reluctance and love in Luke's tone.

"Grandpa, it may take some time to research a new machine. Your task is very difficult, so be careful."

"Yeah, I will! Keep it on Becky."

Hearing the lively reply, a smile appeared on his old and wrinkled face. Carrying the tools on his back, he became like a taciturn old man, turned around slowly, and left the observation deck.

Becky wanted to run out and say "Goodbye, grandpa", but was suddenly stopped by the golden clown, "Becky, let's hurry up, there is still a mission waiting for you."

The Golden Clown's extremely outstanding spatial ability took Becky out of Silent City in an instant and arrived at an exotic island in the "heaven" from the perspective of Silent City.

"Becky, you have to work hard."

The metal palm gently patted her head. Although he was often the "villain" in Becky's novels and comics, he would never be angry about it.

Every time Becky accidentally caused trouble in the Silent City, he would clean up the aftermath and then quarrel with her.

Before Becky, who was dizzy due to the dimension reversal, could recover, the golden clown was gone.

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