Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 757 The mechanical torrent in Silent City

"Have you had such beautiful hair for a long time to reach this size?"

He gently twisted a strand of silver-white hair with his fingertips. The principal's hair was thick and long, and it took three hairbands of different colors to tie it up neatly.

A semi-hollow one she brought with her, and two pure white and fiery red ones.

"It's very short, only about five years. I will trim it occasionally." Pushing away this gluttonous guy, Shalan slowly shrank her figure into the quilt, comfortable, and said with a bit of command tone, "Sleep , go back tomorrow.”

Ye Lin, who has never taken the "initiative" and has never been able to stand up as the master, is a little reluctant, but there is nothing he can do.

In the eyes of Principal Shalan, he and the naughty kids in the school are actually the same age, so they have to be obedient and do whatever they want.

next day

The west coast port was crowded with people, becoming more lively, and there was constant business. Not only humans, but also some dark elves were mixed in.

Although the trading city of Vanes and Belmare is Afallia, some shrewd merchants have already smelled the smell and gone straight to the source of the goods.

The blue enchantress on top of Shalan's head was replaced by a palm-sized flower bone. The one bloomed too warmly last night and the fragrance was too rich to wear.

Since the number of students in the school is not too many and it is convenient to eat, she generously brought back some seafood and ordered the canteen in the evening to give those guys extra meals.

After taking the airship back to Hutton Mar, and rushing back to the principal's office, Shallan took off her mandrill fur coat, gently tapped his forehead with her nails painted with blue gloss, and smiled softly: "I still have it. Work, it won’t be long until the end of the semester, there are a lot of things to do, you can just go and enjoy yourself.”

Ye Lin nodded and then shook his head immediately. The principal's eyes were not affectionate now, but rather looked like he was doting on a child.

"Aren't you just a child?" Shalan seemed to have read through his thoughts, the corners of her mouth raised, and her eyes became increasingly charming, "To me, your age and your gluttony for justice are very consistent with the behavior of a child. "

"Oh? Really?" Ye Lin had bad intentions.

The lips are coated with a blue and seductive luster that can erode the heart and bones, and restraint is as strong as steel. As a principal, with her unique status and wide network of contacts, Shallan can also be said to be smooth-tongued.

It wasn't until half an hour before the school ended in the morning that he was kicked out of the principal's office by Shalan.

Shalan re-applied lip gloss and unconsciously glanced out the window. Although the sun was shining brightly and warmly, an uncomfortable and dull atmosphere was weighing heavily on her heart.

For safety and insurance reasons, Ye Lin prepared some living supplies and went to the exotic island in person to prepare for any eventuality.

Siatt and the others initially wanted to join them and sit on a foreign island to face a possible world war, but he refused for the time being.

"I need to recharge my batteries and get back to the top. You fairies will only mess with my heartstrings!"

He clenched his hands tightly, and his tone was sonorous, powerful, and resounding. He was like an elegant gentleman who cultivated his moral character and cultivated his character. Self-discipline had long been a habit.

They will only affect the speed of drawing the sword, because they cannot pull it out on their own.

"Get out of here, mom!"

Siatt raised her foot and kicked him directly into the space crack, rolling her eyes.

A few days passed by in a blink of an eye, and Ye Lin, who was standing quietly on the top of the black volcano, seemed to have something in his heart. He raised his head and stared at the location of the Silent City.

Just now, the city seemed to tremble suddenly.

Demonic world

Reitz's eyes flashed with blazing white light, and a vast white ball of light slammed into the blurry Silent City. This was a full blow from her Holy Spirit state.

The bright and powerful light elements enveloped the entire World Square, and for a moment it seemed as if a sun suddenly appeared in the devil world!

In the demon world, a place cursed by the sun, Reitz did not expect that his full blow would only make the murderous aura of those races that wanted to invade even stronger.

Arad has rivers of wine, beautiful mountains and clear waters, cattle and sheep everywhere, every weed and every lowly reptile is qualified to bathe in the warm sunshine~

Now, they are going to occupy and plunder!


Along with the energy rippling like water ripples, the black clouds that had been shrouded all day began to break away, and the condensers and reflectors controlled by Argos, the creation of darkness, all exploded and collapsed at this moment.

The permanent passage that people in the demon world have been searching for thousands of years has finally shown its majestic power that leads directly to the sky, like a pillar of heaven.

Climb this tower to reach the "beautiful world".

"Annihilation mode, activate!"

The trial pronouncement, filled with electronically synthesized sounds and without the slightest emotion, made those guys who had been carried away by the fanaticism slightly sober up.

Maker Luke, the king of machines, controls a mechanical army that is no less powerful than the Bakar Dragon Army. He is called the ultimate mechanic.

Along with the Silent City, there were also mechanical legions densely packed like locusts, making the sky vibrate with a buzzing sound.

The light of all the machines changed from green and still to uniformly red and killing in an instant!

Bullets, missiles, lasers, every machine was pouring out fire bombardment wantonly, throwing explosives like hail, but in more than ten seconds they were annihilated thousands of meters in the direction, and the sea of ​​​​fire surged.

There was a wailing sound in the flames, as if the god of death was waving a sickle, cutting away the life like wheat in pieces.

During the long dimensional journey in the demon world, the bodies of various races have evolved to be tougher, but this does not mean that they are invulnerable.

Although the mass-produced works of the Machine King are made casually, they are still powerful.

Rivers of blood, mountains of corpses and seas of bones, the surroundings of Silent City have turned into a purgatory of the dead. Those races that longed to reach the sky paid the price of almost total annihilation in the first batch, but the mechanical losses were completely worthless.

The flying machines threw balls one after another. After landing, they transformed into steel machines, such as Gamma Advancers, Mechanical Assaulters, Mechanical Spiders, and Mechanical Hounds...

They all used their cold weapons to pierce the creatures with warm blood flowing through them.

The huge and majestic Silent City, like a hive, is still constantly flying out various machines and throwing them into the battlefield to transform into killing machines.

After nearly annihilating all nearby enemies, the machine began to spread out with Silent City as its starting point, like a spider web, actively detecting all living creatures, setting off a new round of bloodshed.

"Interesting, you want to go to a beautiful world, but you don't think that the maker, Luke, will open the door to welcome them?" Ron sneered, seeming to be dismissive of the bloody sea of ​​​​carnage in the distance.

No matter which world, there is no shortage of brainless guys, that is, poor cannon fodder.

Will the guy who can build a dimensional city really be an old man with a stooped waist and a weak hand?

The great king of Hebron, Lord Held, also spent a lot of time and used the water of life as a temptation to trick him into going to the demon world and find Luke's weakness.

Reitz on the side had an expressionless face, also indifferent to the purgatory scene. Instead, he stared at the red-lighting machines with great interest.

Is this the power of mechanical technology? The Demon World seemed to have been a technological planet a long time ago.

In some areas, traces of the ancient Terra star can still be seen, such as the Night Skyscraper.

Judging from the current situation, in terms of low-end combat power, there is no doubt that high-tech machinery has the advantage.

Reitz turned around and left the battlefield. The smell of blood had spread thousands of meters away. The smell was uncomfortable and he said lightly: "If you don't think of a way, even if you have a hundred times the number, you still won't be able to withstand Luke's mechanical army."

"Of course, I still hope that they will clear the mines. If it continues, they will probably be afraid." Ron didn't even look at the several giant mechanical mosquitoes that attacked. The machine that could instantly penetrate the human body was annihilated by the ball of nothingness. It's clean.

"Smilla, help." Ron said backwards.

"Of course, but don't break your promise."

A woman walked from the back. Her tight-fitting clothes accentuated her graceful figure and was dotted with some gold decorations. She had long hair that reached her waist, and her wrists were as slender as snow. Her facial features were delicate and beautiful, but she had an elegant and melancholy temperament.

"No problem. As long as the Silent City is conquered, Tarakuta can help with the second agreement and leave the cold Quest."

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