Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 764 The Invader on the Other Side

The battle in Silent City continues, or rather never stops.

The demon races going up encountered new troubles, high-temperature lava!

The blazing lava spurted out, not only burning many people to ashes, but also blocking the upward path and delaying time.

Several orcs holding axes suddenly broke into a bright place, and then froze on the spot, looking around. They had never seen such a bright and clean environment.

The bright light above the head makes all the darkness invisible, and the spacious and clean room seems not to be stained with a trace of dust.

When the orc with blood-red eyes stepped in, he suddenly felt a sense of guilt in his heart, as if entering here was desecrating the sanctity.


The wall at the other end of the room suddenly flipped with a mechanical sound, and a tall woman wearing a sexy bunny girl's costume walked out.

The beautiful legs are slender and fleshy, wearing stockings. The high heels make a crisp sound on the ground, and a pleasant smile blooms on the beautiful face.

She held a crescent-shaped staff in her hand, pointed at a large colorful turntable emerging from the floor, and said with a smile: "Welcome guests to the Silent City, then, who is going to call the start?"

The orcs, who had always been struck by the blood in their eyes and dizzy, suddenly saw such a clean environment and beautiful beauties in front of them, immediately looked at each other, confused.

Isn't this the routine of the Casino Royale in Harlem? I heard that at least half of the wealth in the devil world is concentrated there. Countless gamblers with dreams of getting rich gather at the Casino Royale.

Dice, playing cards, spinners... are all common gambling methods there.

"No one said anything? Then let me transfer it for you."

Rousselot's smile was a little regretful, and she stretched out her hand to gently spin the colorful wheel. She looked intently and seemed to be looking forward to it. Until now, she had not shown any hostility towards the intruder.

The turntable slowly stopped, and the pointer finally stopped on the snowflake-like area, which represented ice, one of the four elements.

"Congratulations everyone, you got ice."

She praised them sincerely, and her tone and expression showed that she was very happy, as if this was some great prize and she was happy for them.

Just when the orc finally couldn't help but want to ask, the staff of the Eye of Wisdom in her hand suddenly lit up with a cold blue light.

The crescent-shaped bead in the middle of the front end of the Staff of Wisdom is the solidified and complete Eye of Darkness. The weapon is extremely rare.

The entire process requires the holder of the weapon to soak in blood and invest spiritual power, and the risk is also extremely high. Even in the Kaxiu Sect, there are only a few successes.

As for those who failed, most of them would be badly affected along with their owners, turning into magic swordsmen with little independent wisdom and only knowing how to attack blindly.

The walls in the bright room were flipped and moved away, and the mechanisms were secretly operating. Rousselot had left this place. Only a few solidified ice sculptures were left in the place, and a few frozen orcs with frightened expressions were frozen.

Rousselot was born in the alien race and was a gifted magician since childhood. Later, in order to seek more powerful power, he was selected by Schneider's selection meeting and came to the Silent City.

Her experience was similar to that of Gakalina.

The aliens are also quite strange in the demon world. When they are young, they look like the Giza tribe among the orcs, but when they grow up, their appearance will be closer to the ordinary pointed-eared demons, which is what Rousselot looks like now. .

Because of the transformation of facial and body features, it is called "different face".

All of them have very high magic talents. They are born with magic power, and it will increase with age. It can be said that they are a magic race with talents as good as the dark elves.

However, the situation of the alien race in the demon world is extremely bad now. In other words, the entire race is in danger, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is almost destroyed. Basically, they barely survive in Time Square and near the Orc Canyon.

The reason why the Alien Tribe is in such a miserable situation today can be traced back to the era of the Dragon War thousands of years ago.

Due to his unique overlord charm, Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, also has a group of followers in the demon world, including some alien tribesmen.

After Bakar was defeated and escaped through the Silent City, an alliance meeting was held between the following forces in the Demon World, and the Alien Tribe was naturally affected and implicated.

Until now, the Alien Clan has been ostracized no matter where they are in the Demon World. In terms of status, they may only be higher than the Stone Bone Beast Clan.

If we put it in the world of heaven, the foreigners are the residents of the "lawless zone".

Stone-bone beasts are a kind of natural "slave". They are greedy but respect following the strong. Once they are determined to follow, they will be loyal and will even undergo physical evolution and changes according to the strength or requirements of the strong.

Although stone bone beasts are lowly, their adaptability is also top-notch in the demon world.

For example, Nazzaro, the stone-skeleton magician who followed Di Ruigi, became surrounded by black energy and could not die even if he was possessed by disasters.

There is also a stone beast following Luke in the Silent City, the Sighing Lampard.

Rousselot, who walked through the mechanical secret passages one after another, rushed to the temple where Buffon was with a complicated and uneasy expression, and asked: "How is the situation?"

"Generally, Nemegate is destroyed, Beir seems to be dead, Lampard is also in trouble, Habu temporarily blocked the way up with lava, and the red clown is still guarding Lord Luke's mechanical throne. , the overall situation is not optimistic.”

A very human concern appeared on Buffon's mechanical face. Silent City can still survive for a while, but Lord Luke's recovery progress is probably only known to the red clown.

And as the powerful men in the demon world take action one after another, the speed of advancement is also a minute faster, and the corresponding mechanical damage is decreasing.

When will the decisive battle situation occur? Buffon's program cannot calculate this issue.

"Your astrology..."

Before Buffon finished speaking, Rousselot shook his head directly with regret on his face, "Even with the blessing of the Eye of Darkness, my power cannot see into the future, it is blurry and chaotic."

The Temple of Darkness fell into a wordless silence. After a while, Buffon suddenly raised his head and stared at the three-dimensional model in front of him that symbolized the structure of the Silent City.

Below, about one-fifth of the area was dyed red with blood, which meant that these areas had basically fallen and the defenses and traps had failed.

About a quarter of the way above Silent City, there are two white lines, symbolizing the dimensional separation between the two worlds of Arad and the Demon World, which are close to each other but do not merge.

However, just a quarter of the way up, where the Silent City in the Heaven Realm was located, at the observatory, suddenly there was a red dot the size of a sesame seed.

This symbolizes that part of heaven that has also encountered intruders.

"An attack from heaven?" Rousselot's eyes turned cold. If it was attacked from two sides, the speed at which Silent City would be destroyed would more than double.

Now there is no time to divide the troops and snipe the invasion of heaven.

Because the Sanctuary of Birth at the bottom has been destroyed, the power to re-create machinery is seriously insufficient.

"No, it doesn't seem to be the case. There seems to be only one person." Buffon quickly turned the screen and controlled the camera to monitor the intruder.

Fortunately, there are more cameras near the observation deck because of Becky's mischief, so there are almost no blind spots.

The camera turned slightly, and the picture that appeared stunned both Buffon and Rousselot.

A very young man in casual clothes was sitting on a stool with his head covered, seemingly dizzy and uncomfortable.

After resting for a while, he stood up and looked around the inside of the observation tower. He looked here and there, looking extremely curious. He didn't look like a destructive intruder, but rather like a thief peeking at property.

Buffon was immediately stunned, and then immediately linked himself to the general program of Silent City, saying in a horrified tone: "Why did he get in!"

According to the overall inspection, there is no sign of damage at all in that quarter of Silent City.

Instead of smashing the upside-down observation tower, he broke directly into the Silent City through some kind of space force.

Space is also an extremely rare mystery in the demon world.

The famous void mage Ron has dabbled in this a little bit, and his own red clown is a real space master.

Suddenly, the person on the screen seemed to notice the gaze of the camera. Not only did he not feel ashamed for trespassing, but he smoothed his clothes, gave a friendly smile, and waved to the camera.

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