Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 766 Who am I?

In the photo, Becky smiles happily and holds the big slingshot tightly in her arms, but her eyes are slightly red.

This is the first gift she has received since her birth.

The artificial man Horukumunds is an absolute taboo in the demon world. Things that are strictly prohibited from being made by the second apostle Held, even if they are previous finished products, must be sealed and hidden.

Because of the disaster of artificial humans, going back in history, it was the twelve artificial gods!

Deep darkness, silent loneliness, occasional strange noises, the footsteps of people passing by and the chewing of rats, this is all Becky's life and memories before she met Luke.

Ye Lin stood in front of this photo for a long time. The king's library is a secret place. The things that can be placed here must be very precious to Luke.

Then he walked to the edge of the library. The huge and thick steel pillars, with complicated magic patterns engraved on the surface, connected the demon world end of Silent City.

Under his feet was an endless darkness and chaos. The thick fog was constantly churning and flashing with dull thunder, which contained an extremely dangerous power.

The boundary line between the dimensions of the demon world and the heaven world. If he stumbles and jumps, he will not fall into the fog, but will "fly upside down" to the land of heaven.

The dimension inside Silent City belongs to the demon world, but the space outside of it still belongs to the realm of heaven. This extremely magical space power is maintained by Luke and the Joker.

Silently looking at the border line and sighing, he was ready to stop there and go back to the foreign island to continue waiting. Otherwise, if he went down through the Silent City, he would be stepping into the sky belonging to the demon world, where a fierce and bloody battle was breaking out below.

But a sudden burst of power made him stop and frown slightly, because that kind of power felt a little familiar. Then his expression changed and he immediately rushed towards the point of explosion of power.

In a demon world where weird things are rampant, the sources and branches of power are naturally all kinds of strange, including swordsmanship, elements, machinery, puppets...

But in the Silent City, he felt a kind of shikigami power that was unique only in the Arad continent!

He had been friends with Xinzang for a period of time, and had relatively close contact with Little Suzaku and Qinglong Turbulence. Shikigami with powerful demon-repelling effects, their power system is unique in the demon world.

There is no such strong person in the demon world, but there happens to be a strong person who uses shikigami in Silent City, that is, the exorcist hero who disappeared during the Dark Crusade, Aslan.

The most important thing is that the power of this shikigami is a bit like the explosion when dying, with a kind of brilliance like fireworks.

"Ahem, Shikigami, please give me power again... No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't borrow it anymore, I don't deserve it..."

At the intersection of an upward passage, Aslan stood guard there, holding on to the Holy Spirit Cross and coughing up blood. His resolute face was full of struggle, sometimes angry, sometimes painful, and full of regret.

He reached out and pulled off the Four Directions Seal necklace around his neck, and wanted to recite the incantation to call the shikigami, but his mind was so mushy that he couldn't even say the first sentence.

An assassin who looked like a fox from the Lucca tribe took out a dagger and sneaked up to Aslan, wanting to give the big man a blow and cut his throat.

But a black shadow suddenly appeared under his feet, like a trap, tightly binding his ankles, preventing him from moving.


With the clear and loud chirping of birds, a flame burst out from the Holy Spirit Cross, instantly burning the fox assassin into ashes.

But Suzaku's projection never appeared.

The demon invaders gathered nearby had cruel and excited looks in their eyes.

This guy's performance just now was too terrifying. He can ban the magic power in a certain area. Even the Eye of Darkness is extremely obscure when it operates within the body.

Ordinary magicians or races that use magic to fight were destroyed by Aslan like wheat.

His Suzaku flame is unquenchable, the Black Tortoise Cage is indefensible, the White Tiger eliminates all defenses, and the Azure Dragon Thunder and Lightning destroys a hundred meters radius...

The Kaxiu sect, which even the demon races are afraid of, seems to have met its natural nemesis, and many combat specialists died in his hands.

Forbidden Demon!

For the magic race, it is a devastating blow, a kind of battle that has never been experienced against the enemy.


Gripping his hair with his thick-knuckled hands, Aslan mumbled some names in a daze.

"Don't stop, attack him, Lord Agate!"

A hunter from the Kaxiu sect roared, extremely excited, he drew his bow and arrow, and aimed the poisoned arrow at Aslan, who was struggling in pain, and pierced his leg severely, causing blood to flow out.

There are many corpses around, all caused by this big guy.

The effect of banning demons really caught too many people in the demon world off guard, especially those guys from Tarakuta, who suddenly lost the power of the elements and were stunned on the spot, and were smashed to pieces by heavy weapons.

As a result, they were frightened, frightened, and even wanted to run away. Aslan, who had a violent personality, naturally refused to let him go.

But just when he waved his giant soldier and hit a small leader of the Kaxiu sect, an accident happened...

The little boss is Agate, known as the Hostage Warlock, a pretty but ruthless orange-haired woman who is good at manipulating slaves' minds. She wears red hot pants with suspenders and stockings, and a sexy tube top on her upper body.

Although she does not have the Eye of Darkness, her natural spiritual ability is quite good. Her master is a cadre of the Kaxiu Sect, the infamous spiritual ruler Kaiba Dona!

Agate, who was running away in fear, activated her spiritual power in desperation.

Originally, there was a huge gap between her strength and Aslan's, and there was no chance of her winning, but she never thought that Aslan was a "forgotten one" with amnesia!

He disappeared during the Dark Jihad. After following the mysterious dark energy to the Demon Realm, he learned more information and news.

Aslan then made it his mission to eliminate all the apostles. The first target was Luke, the apostle who focused light between dimensions and spread black nightmares.

Unfortunately, he failed and died, but he was "reborn" after being transformed by Luke, and his thoughts changed to protect Luke to the death.

Agate's spiritual power touched his brain, affecting his actions while also awakening a memory that had been buried for a long time.

"Ozma...the pretender..."

More and more words came out of his mouth and began to be connected in his mind, vaguely pointing to a final answer...Who am I?

He knew that his name was "Aslan", but what did this name mean?

If I had always been one of Luke's guards, then why did the names Ozma and Michelle appear in my mind?


In extreme pain, Aslan awakened the power of the blue dragon, and endless thunder and lightning roared, turning the surroundings into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, annihilating the demonic races that were preparing to attack him.

Agata was sweating on her forehead. She was lucky not to die, but her whole body was numb, and electricity was spreading along the steel.

The hunter's poisoned arrows had taken effect. Aslan's wounds were festering, his body was turning blue, and his heartbeat was gradually decreasing.

"who I am!"

Suffering from mental influence, Aslan has gone crazy. He is not afraid of death, and even wishes for it, but he must understand what the name "Aslan" means.

The Four Directions Seal in his hand shone with light, but Aslan, whose vision was blurred, could not notice it.

The fragments of memory are gradually being picked up and put together slowly.


A section of the sword blade suddenly penetrated the body, and the metal section that penetrated the body was blood red.

"Agata, you are lucky. I saved you."

The mysterious attacker withdrew his long sword, his tone was playful, and his eyes greedily glanced at the opponent's beautiful body.


Agate, who had survived the disaster, immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The other party was also the small leader of the Ka Xiu sect, Blood Sword Rabina.

The source of his power is quite strange. It is neither natural nor the entry of the Eye of Darkness, but the Scale Weapon of the Abyss!

A technology that embeds fragments of the Eye of Darkness into weapons. It is less powerful than Rousselot's Wand of Wisdom, but the cost to the holder is almost non-existent.

The Eye of Darkness established the high-level combat effectiveness of the Kaxiu Sect, and the Abyss Scale weapon completely gave the grassroots level of combat effectiveness, allowing it to become an organization comparable to Tarakuta.

"who I am?"

The burly and strong body knelt on its knees, barely holding on to the weapon. Blood was choking on its chest, legs, and lungs, and blood foam was spitting out of its mouth.


The Four Directions Seal Necklace in his hand suddenly broke, and a few beads fell to the ground, rolling into the blood and among the corpses.

Aslan bent down with trembling hands, trying to grab the beads, but the fatal scars on his body and the poisonous effects burst out. In the end, he had no choice but to lower his hands, and his reason gradually collapsed.

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