Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 768 The difference between machinery and flesh and blood

"If Silent City is in a difficult situation, you might as well be more free and easy-going and come to Heaven. Becky gained two pounds in Heaven. She said she misses you."

Ye Lin's expression was calm and a bit teasing. In his words, he didn't seem to care much about the fighting situation in Silent City. He even tried to persuade her to surrender and run away to save her life.

There is a suspicion of poaching people from Silent City.

"Silent City is our home and the starting point for Lord Luke to change the demon world. How can we give up so easily. As long as Lord Luke recovers, all crises will be solved."

Rousselot's tone was slightly excited. Although she had not been brainwashed and had her memory erased, everything she experienced after entering the Silent City, the growth of her own magic power, and the acquisition of the Eye of Darkness weapon, were all considered miraculous.

They have long been impressed by Luke's mechanical power and methods. Except for the rebellious guy like the magic sword Bello, every follower has an almost fanatical worship of him.

I have no doubt that Luke can bring light to the demon world.


Suddenly, his disdainful sneer instantly made Rousselot shiver, and he furrowed his beautiful eyebrows in confusion.

Because this kind of laughter is not hostility, but naked contempt and shame.

It seems that the words of admiration she just expressed for Luke are not even a speck of dust in the ears of this "celestial being". Instead, they feel ridiculous. Why?

"Your home? Master Luke?"

Ye Lin shook his head slightly as if he didn't understand at all, and his eyes were a little playful.

He summoned Aslan's frozen body with one hand, raised his chin and said, "His memory after death is still asking me to protect the continent of Arad and protect the world. I know you think Luke is from the demon world. The Savior will bring the light of new life. It’s okay to tell others this reason, but it’s not appropriate for you!”

The last few words were deliberately accentuated, causing Rousselot to frown and feel even more dissatisfied. He didn't understand how this heavenly person could be so angry and say such things.

If she hadn't been good-tempered and not as strong as him, she would have swung the staff at him.

Blaspheming Lord Luke will never be tolerated.

"A few of my friends in the demon world told me..." Ye Lin waved to her in farewell, and revealed intentionally or unintentionally: "The alien tribe is about to be exterminated in the demon world because of Bakar's incident. It's true. Fake, you should be able to do divination, right?"

His and Aslan's bodies disappeared instantly from the observation tower and returned to the foreign island.

After satisfying his curiosity and bringing back the hero's body, and confirming the progress of the war below, he now needs to mobilize all his forces, including the team, to prepare for a complete response.

When the time comes, if you come, everyone counts, so don’t leave and just feed the fish.


It was as if his brain had been bombarded by an iron will, everything turned into a blank, the world was spinning, and his vision was briefly blurred.

Rossello initially thought he was lying to himself.

Because most of the members of the Alien Clan have moved to the vicinity of Time Square, which should be an area protected by Apostle Luke, and no one would deliberately provoke them.

But with the other party's strength, there seemed to be no reason or need to lie to her.

Even though he felt in his heart that he was telling lies, for peace of mind, Rousselot still kept his lips pale and piously spent a lot of magic power to use astrology to get a glimpse of the situation of the alien tribe.

"I call to the shining stars in the sky, may your light guide my path..."

Rousselot, who has a unique secret astrology, although his predictive ability is not as good as oracles or divination, he can still provide some references for "good and bad luck" in the future.

The mysterious nebula shimmered with dense points of light, surrounding her body. This was a kind of magic that only she could see.

Based on the brightness of the stars, we can predict whether the future within a certain period of time will be unlucky, blessed, or ordinary and stable.

The top of the staff of wisdom in her hand, the tip of the crescent moon, touched a star, and then Rousselot quickly opened his eyes.

"How did that happen!"

Her pretty cheeks suddenly turned as pale as paper, and her eyes were filled with disbelief. The light star was dim and almost extinguished.

This means that the future of the alien race is in an extremely dangerous situation.

After being stunned for a moment, she hurriedly left the observation tower and broke into the Temple of Darkness where Buffon was.

"Buffon, why are my aliens almost dying? Didn't they accept Lord Luke's protection?"

As a rare strong person from the alien race, the reason why she was able to find the Silent City with peace of mind and stay there for a long time was precisely because Time Square was the area protected by the apostle Luke.

She thought that her race, not to mention living happily, could at least live in peace, and for this, she was grateful.

Race is the root!

Before Aslan died, he still wanted to return to the Xu Ancestor. Although Rousselot was not comfortable with the legend of "Norni the Beyond" in her clan, she was not the kind of heartless or jealous person who would put the entire race at risk. Those who do not care about perdition.

"You are back. It may be that the enemy also destroyed Time Square during the siege of Silent City." Buffon glanced at her and answered very casually, full of perfunctory taste.

Because she didn't know the answer. External affairs were generally governed by Schneider, the Purifier.

Naturally, Rousselot would not be fooled and asked sternly: "There were signs of war a few months ago. Why didn't you warn the aliens? Let them move away?"

"Lord Luke is the monarch who will bring eternal light to the demon world."

Buffon changed his look of fanatical admiration and full of love, and his tone was extremely sincere: "How can he have time to take care of these trivial things? As long as Sir Luke restores the glory of the King of Hebron, the aliens will naturally do the same. Bathed in the Holy Light, everything will get better."

Extremely unfamiliar, cold and ruthless, Rousselot's eyes were filled with disbelief, as if she was meeting Buffon for the first time. Why could she say such a thing?

Although it is said that those who make big things do not stick to trivial matters, that "little" is her race and her home!

"Giggle~ Are you surprised? Rousselot, among all Luke's followers, you are the only one who is different from us."

Suddenly, a mocking laugh came from the corner. The seemingly tight and seamless steel floor under her high heels quickly seeped out a mysterious blue liquid, and formed the appearance of a pretty girl in front of her eyes.

The seventh Mister comes from Zhuyalopa, the hometown of the apostle Sirok. She was also defeated at the hands of Sirok.

The battle for Queen Zhuyalopa couldn't even be called a battle, because Sirok just moved his fingers and she was defeated.

Mister's appearance was almost invisible in the past, but Sirocco's queenly posture and skirt once covered half the planet.

Later, with the "death" of Sirocco, she luckily escaped from the ice prison and came to the devil world, and selected a good-looking appearance from Buffon's database as a common form.

The reason for following Luke is similar to that of Antuen. She needs to devour warm energy, and the devil world is too barren.

Because of this characteristic, she actually has a good relationship with Habu, the fellow villager who was picked up by Luke.

Because Habu's stove is very hot, she likes to rub it. Habu often offends her and drives her away, saying that the stove is cold.

There is a small white flower on her head. It has no special meaning, it is just an ordinary plant.

Mister said that only a flower that nourishes itself can remind him to be "alive" all the time, instead of being thrown into the frozen state of the ice prison by Shilok.

As for her name, why it is called "Seventh Mister" is because the place where Shilok once sealed her was the seventh floor of the coldest prison in Zhuyalopa.

Mister on the seventh floor.

"Most of us have no worries, only you, the astrologer Rossello, and a pitiful race living in the corner of the demon world. Although Jakarina is also quite miserable, the life of the orcs is slightly better than that of your alien race. a little better."

Mister said it very bluntly and ruthlessly.

In an instant, Rousselot felt that the ground under his feet, the surrounding walls, and every inch of steel were so cold and cruel.

What is the difference between the mechanical race and the flesh and blood race? She suddenly understood something.

Luke, the king of Hebron, is unparalleled in machinery and can even design the tyrannical Nemegate, the loving Buffon, the loyal golden clown, the guardian of light and darkness, etc...

But Luke seems to have ignored a life, the attachment and emotion that gave birth to her race.

Because machinery is something that is easy to mass-produce. As long as there are enough resources, its expansion speed can reach exponential levels, and it is only a matter of time before it surpasses the entire demon world.

She was in charge of the Sanctuary of Birth, injecting the power of light into those machines. She once thought this was a very meaningful job, as if it was injecting new life into those machines.

But she rarely went to Habu's Sanctuary of Annihilation, and she failed to truly feel the other side of the machine, which was ruthlessly melted into molten iron.

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