Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 775 The second demon Puno!

Watching his old friend running towards the Silent City with the steel blade, Yasin held the bamboo tube and sighed with sadness.

In fact, I have the same idea as that guy. I feel that as long as I can defeat the "old enemy" once, I can break my sword on the spot and retreat to the mountains and forests.

But, it’s so difficult!

"The person I regard as a target is also targeting the stronger man, so the gap between me and that man..."

He cut open the bamboo tube with a sword, leaned back and took a swig of strong liquor. He felt a fire rising in his heart, and then he felt that his accumulated depression was slowly getting better.

"By the way, the Trial Blade..."

He stopped mid-sentence, and Yasin suddenly shook his head and smiled bitterly. That guy Casillas probably didn't care about prophecies or blades.

It makes no sense to talk about chickens and ducks.

"The sanctuary unfolds, annihilation mode!"

Every part of the body is made of a special alloy and is infused with the "will of the fighting god". The full-metal mecha emits strong current pulses, forming a huge energy field that blocks the passage of the Mechanical Throne. the road.

Silent City has absorbed the power of light and darkness for thousands of years, which is enough to support it to spend as much as it wants!

The barrel of the gun was red, and the bullets composed of energy exploded thousands of times in one second. The torrent ruthlessly destroyed the demonic race below. Even if Da Keer had the best barrier, he could not withstand the impact of the bullets, causing death in large numbers.

"Its domain can isolate magical elements. The creator has thought it through quite carefully." Smilla tried to attack. If he didn't expose his trump card, there was really nothing he could do against this guy.

She looked at the full-metal mecha God of War greedily. The "Second Promise" high-level combat power was severely damaged after the lunar eclipse. If this thing could be included in the organization, it would be like adding a big killer weapon. .

Of course, that’s just thinking about it.

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Not everyone can keep Kahn in her Brooklyn like Held did.

"Go to hell, you intruders!"

The wall on one side suddenly opened, and a red walking mecha stepped out. Its right arm turned into a machine gun, and its left hand was a micro laser cannon.

Sigh Lampard!

The double firepower intertwined to form a "net" of death, covering a large area of ​​enemies, and the wails were endless, echoing in the Silent City.

Lampard is the most "lowly" stone bone beast. In the demon world, the stone bone beast's status is probably the same as that of the alien tribe.

They are greedy, dirty, and stinky, but in the eyes of the strong, stone bone beasts are actually extremely unique creatures that are very fascinating.

Its ability to adapt and evolve alone can be said to be unique in the demon world, and can even be called "top-notch"!

Stone-bone beasts are born to admire the strong and are extremely loyal. Once they choose the person they want to follow, their bodies will undergo certain changes over a certain period of time based on the characteristics of the person they follow.

Just like Nazzaro, the stone bone beast who follows Di Ruigi, its weird anti-virus power can even get close to the apostle's true body.

This is something that even powerful people like Smila avoid and marvel at.

As for Lampard, the stone-bone beast following Luke, the mecha he carried was completely created by himself, without Luke's intervention at all.

From lowly stone beasts to engineers whose minds are filled with technological knowledge, it is hard to imagine how they have evolved.

Probably weak races will always have special talents, as is the case with Stone Bone Beasts. Arad's Goblins also have amazing fecundity, and some Goblins with elemental powers have also evolved.

In fact, if the intelligence of goblins can be higher, it can be said that the magic talent of humans is almost on the same level as that of goblins~

Held tried to throw a fireball, but the result was not unexpected. The full-metal mecha, which had integrated the thousand-year power of light and darkness in the Silent City, was quite troublesome in the energy sanctuary, and her magic was annihilated.

"It seems that someone with a strong body is required to defeat this guy."

Her tone was a bit suggestive. Energy attacks were unlikely to be effective and would be neutralized, so pure physical slashes should have miraculous effects.

"Hmph, I'm not your thug."

Casillas was dismissive, and his fighting spirit became more and more high, but he only had no interest in Luke, a guy like a fish on the road.

Moreover, the woman next to her was obviously so powerful in magic that even the Dragon King was extremely afraid of her. She had no choice but to issue a magic ban order in the heaven in an attempt to develop mechanical power.

But she always packages herself as a weak person and allows herself to follow him. The reason is that there is a strong person who is not good for her and needs protection.

"How could it be possible, Lord Conqueror, you are my friend."

"Superficial friends."


The sudden sound of "hissing" and spitting out snake messages made both apostles frown and stare with interest at the scarlet "giant snake" swimming on the wall of Silent City.

It has a human-like head, but the body under the head is a twisted snake body covered with dense "scales". The bone armor extending on the edges of both sides of the body is as sharp and shiny as a knife.

Casillas's eyes sparkled and his interest became more intense, "Oh, it's really a grand event in the devil world. This thing is here too. After seeing him, I actually remembered an old friend."

"Your friend, I guess it's Tamos, right? He's not dead yet." Held agreed with a smile and quickly guessed the target.

"I just don't like your stinky attitude of not missing anything and knowing everything. If you can act a bit more stupid, some people will like you."

Conquerors have always been upright in their speech, and the most compliments and praises they receive are "good, not bad...".

Snake demon, Puno!

A powerful demon who lives in the south of Quest, one of the eight major divisions of the demon world, has a violent and cruel personality. His body seems to be ten meters long, but it can easily extend more than ten times.

Ever since the Demon Lord Tamos subdued a Puno and turned it into a snake-belly sword, countless people have longed for the power that Puno can bring.

But Puno's cruel and cold character, even if he is subdued by a strong person, will backfire at some point and make the strong person hate him.

But if it crushes Puno's soul, then the "Snake Belly Sword" is not a living magic sword, but a weak whip.


The black scales on Puno's body are not its snake scales, but a lower-level demon that also lives in Quest, Kekus!

Kekus can strengthen Puno's defense and can also spread out to attack. Puno's more powerful force can hunt down some things that Kekus can't deal with. Although they seem to be dependent on each other, they are more like symbiosis.

The blood shadow exploded, turning into an afterimage and heading towards the all-metal mecha God of War!

Puno seemed to be in some pain in the current sanctuary. Countless sparks flew up when the bullet hit his body, and large pieces of Kekus turned into fragments and fell off.


The snake-like body uses the usual biological attack form of pythons, using its strong and tough body to crush the enemy's bones and internal organs bit by bit, and finally becomes loose and swallowed into the stomach.

Puno's bone armor is comparable to a blade. When it strangles large prey, it will also cut through the opponent's skin, flesh, and blood vessels.

Peeping in the dark and sneaking up on Puno is an absolute nightmare.

The bone armor was entangled with the metal, causing sparks to rub against each other, and the sound was harsh. The powerful force moved the barrel of the all-metal mecha God of War, and broke the metal arm bit by bit.


The all-metal mecha God of War, possessing independent consciousness and falling into a rage, found wheel-shaped saw teeth in the gaps in the steel, rotating at high speed and cutting the dark red bone armor. The friction sound of gold and iron was extremely harsh.

"I see."

Held nodded lightly as if understanding, raised his fingers, and the full-metal mecha God of War began to lose control, and his body left the ground.

After losing the energy support of Silent City, its ability to fight back was obviously weakened. It was only because of its amazing material that it was not squeezed into an iron ball for a while.


A heartbreaking voice suddenly sounded. Puno's fierce body completely covered the all-metal mecha God of War without energy support, broke its joints, and twisted off its mechanical head.

Of course, Puno is not completely undamaged. Its body has many tears, blood dripping, and a strange smell.

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