Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 788: Dragon Emperor Wushuang

"The rift between dimensions is gradually widening and may have a very special impact."

Ye Lin suddenly changed the topic without any reason, ignoring the fierce and bloody war, and instead talked about dimensional issues, which seemed to contain some deep meaning.

There is a contrast between eating and drinking soup in a warm home one moment, and being sent to a desolate desert with a bowl in hand the next, waiting to die.

Silent City should belong to the demon world dimension, and the part that was cut off by him now shows signs of falling.

From the perspective of the demon world, it is the top floor of Silent City, about to fly!

Patting his head rather unhappily, Richard sneered, "You will die in my hands later, do you still have the heart to watch this now?"

"Whether we die or not is another matter. The crack in this boundary line means that the balance of space will temporarily collapse. Wait a while..." Ye Lin looked completely unconcerned, still showing great interest in the sword mark. .

What he said was completely confusing. At least Richard and Ron felt that there was something wrong with this guy's brain.

The balance of victory is gradually tilting towards the Demon Realm. The alien beasts pouring down from Anton's back like a tide are still far behind the thousands of races in the Demon Realm.

In addition to the native demonic people, at least two-thirds of the races living in the eight major regions are "invaders"!

When the Demon Realm came into contact with Greenbrad, Solaris, and other planets, countless warlike races rushed to the Demon Realm, setting off one bloody storm after another.

Although the first apostle Kahn makes people suspicious, even more fearful, and unclear about the details, it is undeniable that if Kahn alone had not suppressed the invading tribes, the demon world would have long ago become a paradise for monsters, and distortions would breed at will.

By then, the situation of the native race, the demon race, may not be any better than that of the alien race today.

It was the hometown of her sister Isu that Mailu had been talking about.

I don’t know how many years have passed since the explosion of Terra. The demon world is still in a very harsh living environment, but various races have slowly evolved some useful abilities, as well as stronger bodies and environmental adaptability. .

For example, demons like Elf Maker Katie, their ears gradually become pointed, and their hearing is sharp and they can discern subtle things.

The wings of the Gruda clan are more powerful and can fly against the wind in sandstorms.

The eyesight and sense of smell of the orcs are also more sensitive, especially the stone-bone beasts. Although they are considered inferior in the demon world, it is undeniable that they may be the strongest race in terms of "evolution" alone.

If it weren't for the Stone Bone Beast's evolved abilities, I don't know what would happen to the organization of this powerful force in the demon world.

The warm blood fell on the ice and was frozen by the extreme cold of the death icicles, turning into an insignificant speck in this vast area of ​​ice.

But the blood flowed too much, seeping out from the edge of the ice and falling into the deep sea water, along with the body parts and debris, attracting a large number of predators in the ocean.

The corpses were piled up in a thick layer on the ice sheet. Their mutilated limbs were so bloody that it was impossible to look directly at them. Now it has become the best anti-slip measure.

The latecomers stepped on the corpse of the former, turning it into a bloody mess.

The frogman has algae-green skin and spits out fishy saliva that can corrode Glennie's shell.

The man-eating plant in the demon world, its fangs are like crushers, and it can crush bones!

The hundred-meter-tall giant roared, cracks appeared on the ice when it jumped, and deep pits could be smashed with a punch.

A scorpion with a black hard shell, a rock race that moves slowly but has extremely high defense...

Although the alien beasts produced from fraternal eggs are also powerful and can swallow up a whole country in the Arad continent if used properly, they are still a little inferior to the races that have evolved over countless years in the demon world.

The line of fire of the battle was slowly moving in the direction of Anton, but it strangely stayed at about a kilometer away. The corpses were piled up into a high wall, separating the two armies.

The exotic island is an isolated island in the heavens. Due to the legend of Bakar and the Silent City, as well as the dark and cold environment, this place has never been included in the sea train line even though it is rich in fishery resources.

Flying races and those who can swim are better off, but the orcs, demons, etc. can only stare helplessly.

Near the Apostle Andersen?

They don't dare!

In the vast sea, there are oceans everywhere, and the only land is still extremely devastated by the aftermath of the battle between the strong, and two layers of the land have been scraped off.

"What a fat fish, haha!"

A hunter, who was well-dressed even in the cold weather, used a harpoon to pierce a shark that smelled fishy in the sea. With his strong arms, he picked up the three-meter-long guy.

One of the eight major regions, Main, is the most ferocious and wild place.

Now the area that connects with the heaven is the center of the earth's orbit, but when it touched other planets in the past, it was always the Main area as the landing place.

Countless evil beasts and beasts landed from Mein, and then spread and radiated throughout the demon world.

Although they brought terrible disasters to the demon world, they also brought some quite useful "materials".

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Mein is a primitive region, and therefore, a "hunter" profession was born, which hunts down ferocious monsters in exchange for considerable economic rewards.

Their strength is also quite unknown. Ordinary people will hunt giant scorpions or catch fish in the sea, but powerful people dare to covet monsters!

The hunter who caught the shark skillfully skinned the shark with a crude knife on his waist and cut off a delicious piece of flesh to taste.

Of course, the taste is not very good, but this is the first prey after arriving in the "beautiful world", and it seems to have a different taste.

At the bottom of the dim ice, a bright red shadow emerged from the depths. It smashed the newly thin ice at the edge, letting some unlucky guys fall into the sea, and then opened its bloody mouth.

Unexpected events, the smell of blood was too strong, so it alarmed some aborigines in the heavenly ocean, the ferocious red-blooded giant sharks.

The ocean in the heaven has extraordinary magic power. Not only are there intelligent mermaids like Little Lantern and Kong Kongyi, but they also produce some mutants.

Even under Bakar's ruthless order to ban magic, there is still a trace of magical civilization remaining in the ocean.

"It seems like there's another drop." Ye Lin's eyes showed anticipation, the corners of his mouth raised, and he didn't pay much attention to Richard.

Richard put on an exaggerated and shocked expression on his face, then returned to his original state in an instant. He frowned and smoothed his broken hair, "You guy, the falling Silent City can't save your heaven!"

As more and more powerful people from the demon world entered the scene, Feng Ying and the others' situation became more and more difficult, and they gradually moved closer together, with Mo Mei as the center.

"Sakura Tribulation!"

Feng Ying's body was like a flowing shadow, slashing at a large area in front of her at the speed of light. Wherever she passed, the cherry blossoms transformed by her internal energy danced and swayed down.

As soon as the long sword was withdrawn, the cherry blossoms turned into deadly sword energy, cutting vertically and horizontally, sharp and unstoppable, and all the dead were neatly divided into pieces.

In addition to the demon Puno of Boronx, her and Mavis's enemy also had a tall, weird guy with hair parted in the middle and a chain mask on his cheek.

This person has no trace of his whereabouts and seems to have mastered some teleportation power. Although not as good as Matega, he is still quite difficult to deal with.

He can attack directly in front of them through space cracks, which is quite strange when attacking.

It was Gu Yu who cut off one of his arms at the critical moment, thus wiping out most of the opponent's combat effectiveness.

But now, his arms have grown back!


At this time, it is impossible to take

The yellow sand flying all over the sky could only surrender in front of Anubis, and the dark realm expanded rapidly, covering a small half of the Kalaha Desert.

It is different from Horus in that it can feel the direction and atmosphere of Silent City, and wants to fly back to continue protecting the king of Hebron.

Siatt understood that letting this guy go back should temporarily delay Held, but in the end, he still had to ask Luke for a black nightmare explanation.

The black nightmare affected Anzu Cypher's mind, causing the friendly "Eton Brothers" to transform into the aggressive Kallet, invaded Ghent, and set off decades of blood and fire in the heavens.

Now Anubis is not an enemy, but there will definitely be no peace talks in the future, and there will always be a fight.

So Astra stopped the Dark Guardian, the dragon's breath exploded, and the hatred soared.

The tornado-like hurricane mixed with the power of broken ice hit Anubis's body horizontally, and the strong wind pressure carved a hundred-meter-deep ravine on the sofa.

Astra and Sophie match up perfectly, sometimes soaring and sometimes flanking.

When the "Elephant of Judgment" struck, the sand grains within a kilometer radius jumped, creating a huge crater.

Oubeis, who was assisting from behind with a cross on his back, showed deep envy in his eyes.

Although she is a woman, she also longs for a hearty battle like Siatt and Sophie.

It's just a pity that she is a preacher of God's mercy, not a judge of fire.

She knew that Siatt's magic sword was called Rewardin, and it was a mysterious sword with four harmonious elements.

And Sophie fused the round shield given by the God of Wisdom Nimer, and then tempered the narrow blood blade with the blood of the giant dragon Natra. It has a domineering name that makes Obes stunned - Dragon Emperor Wushuang!

Although she was restricted by the unscrupulous grandfather Majello and was not allowed to run around with the team at will, she knew the team's affairs in detail because of Yuena.

Sophie is the next Explosive Dragon King. It is not surprising that Dragon Blade has this name.

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