Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 809 Shameless!

" did I fall asleep?"

The man who slowly opened his eyes and regained consciousness first scratched his dazed head, and then immediately touched his waist and shoulders. He felt blood on his hand, and it was burning and painful, as if he had rolled on glass shards.

"You lost to him, and then you were knocked unconscious." Phantom Ghost leaned against a tree with his sword, his words were cold and indifferent, as if he was looking up at the branches.

Because of the cold climate, the leaves of this tree have basically fallen off, with only a few remaining.

"Well, I admit that he is very strong and contains extremely powerful power in his body. I am not my opponent for the time being, but..."

The man frowned fiercely, as if his waist and abdomen had been skinned. Only the "ghost" knew what was going on, and asked doubtfully: "Why did I seem to hear, was it you who suggested knocking me out?"

"You heard wrong."

"What about this injury on my body?"

"He hit me."

Staring at the traces of blood on the ground not far away and one of his shoes about three meters away, he continued to cast suspicious glances, pretending that Phantom Ghost didn't see it.

Fortunately, since he merged with Phantom Ghost, his recovery ability has also been greatly improved, and soon the skin that was split was covered with a thin layer of scab.

"I said, we can't even defeat Luke's followers, how can you be resurrected? How can you take revenge on the people who attacked you?"

Because he had jumped down from the Silent City when he met Ye Lin, he mistakenly thought that Ye Lin was one of the Maker's followers.

There was a horrific scar on Phantom's back that stretched from his shoulder to his waist. It was caused by a sneak attack by a despicable person, and it was one of the people he trusted the most.

As a superb swordsman, how could he be easily hit by a sneak attack and cause fatal injuries if he didn't let down his guard 100%.

The condition of the mysterious woman was to resurrect his partner Phantom, so he decided to come to Silent City and try to kill Luke.

The result was unexpected. The reality was cruel. Not to mention the apostle battlefield where gods fought, he himself was directly defeated by his followers.

"As you become stronger, I can also become stronger. It doesn't matter if you live or not."

"I suspect you don't want to walk again if you don't revive."

After complaining, the man leaned on the tree trunk. After being silent for a long time, he suddenly raised his head and said seriously: "Thank you."


On the battlefield of Silent City, after an earth-shattering apostle-level collision, Casillas quickly left the nearly shattered battlefield like a dexterous swift.

Then he looked sideways at his left shoulder. His face, which had always been Gujing Wubo, couldn't help but show a little surprise.

As expected of the king of Hebron, it seems that he has not yet recovered to his full state, and has inflicted fatal injuries on himself.

His left shoulder and most of his waist and abdomen were hit by the terrible light and annihilated. The worst time was when he was almost cut in half at the waist, and his flesh and blood were blurred.

However, the apostles' inability to harm each other allowed these horrific injuries to recover almost in the blink of an eye.

Of course, Luke also had his four arms and even the spine at his neck severed by his steel blade. The consequences were exactly the same, and he recovered in the blink of an eye.

Since Luke had only heard the legend that apostles could not hurt each other and had not verified it, he was a little crazy now that he had personally verified the status of the maker.

He wanted to take revenge on Herder for the grudges he had accumulated for more than a thousand years, but the restriction of the same origin between the apostles undoubtedly made the extremely angry heart in the chest of the maker suppress a terrifying rage that had nowhere to vent. .

Since it cannot be destroyed, how can we take revenge.

Casillas was much more sensible. He had challenged most of the apostles and was already mentally prepared for the restrictions among the apostles. The slight surprise was purely due to Luke's fighting ability.

"I don't believe that after turning every inch of you into dust, you can still be resurrected!"

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The maker raised his head and roared, and the sound shook the sky, filled with anger that would destroy everything.

His four arms were raised in front of him, and the majestic power of light that had been accumulated for thousands of years was gathered in front of him, and the brilliance behind him, like a divine ring, was mostly dimmed.

Casillas's sword had been retracted into its scabbard, and he did not pay attention to the next attack.

He has fought enough now, and there is no need to fight with the creator for a result that cannot be achieved at all.

A dazzling and destructive beam of light burst out from the palm of his hand. It did not touch the ground, but the violent shock wave it came with created a deep, straight and broken ravine.

The maker, who seemed to have been carried away by anger, used the remaining light power in his body.

This last impact started from the towering Silent City, hit the edge of the center of the earth's orbit, and then fell into the demonic ocean.

The dark and smelly ocean was blown thousands of meters away again, the waves rolled, and the frightening light slowly dimmed.

The seawater begins to pour in, following the gully made by the maker. It will take about an hour or two to complete, and a "canal" will appear from the Silent City directly to the ocean!

Casillas easily dodged the attack and shook his head secretly.

He satisfies the ghost clan's desire and desire for battle. He doesn't care how this chaotic situation between heaven and demon will end.

But Luke is undoubtedly in a very dangerous situation.


The maker, who had almost completely used the power of light, suddenly lost his momentum like a punctured balloon. From the dazzling sun to the dots of candlelight, his tall and burly body began to stagger.

The vast land has been shattered, and the creator seems to be trying hard to absorb the few lights in the air, hoping to regain its former strength.

After struggling for a moment, he began to move towards the dilapidated Silent City. There might still be some light power left in the city.

If he doesn't get any more supplements, it may not be long before his body becomes rickety again and becomes muddled.

Just when Casillas felt bored and wanted to turn around and leave, a figure holding a sword passed by like the wind and went straight to the sluggish maker.

The steel blade slashed in an instant, but was quickly blocked by the holy sword. A simple parry made Casillas's eyes brighten slightly.

Compared with the accidental encounter in the heaven, Ye Lin's response was obviously more calm.

"Are you going to kill Luke?"

"Well, I have my reasons for doing this."

Sheathing the sword, Casillas glanced at the stumbling maker and snorted coldly, "The old man never dreamed that he would die in the hands of a sneak attack like you."

The conquered people expressed disdain directly to their faces. Ye Lin felt aggrieved secretly in his heart, but he did not dare to show it on his face.

He must be extremely cautious in everything that follows, and it may even depend on whether the maker understands and cooperates.

He wants to fish, to catch Held. Next, it will be his absolute home field, where everything will end!

"Luke's black nightmare made us Arad animals become violent and bloodthirsty, resulting in numerous deaths and injuries. It also changed many people's temperaments and caused the tragedy of broken families."

Ye Lin was high-spirited and fearless, and said in a deep and sad voice: "In the heaven, Luke collects light wantonly, and the black nightmare infection he spreads makes the residents of the lawless zone extremely distorted. I have witnessed it with my own eyes by attacking the imperial capital twice. The scene in the sky is full of mourners, it’s like purgatory! Shouldn’t he pay the price for this!”

The conqueror, who had been scolded, was unhappy, but he didn't want to draw his sword and chop him down. What they said was reasonable, and now it was justifiable to avenge the heaven and Arad.

He is a fighting maniac, but he is not an ignorant fool.

"Taking advantage of a weak point is not the work of a swordsman!"

Casillas couldn't find the words to refute and could only complain a few words as he was a rough man with no culture and only knew how to fight.

Ye Lin immediately looked strange after hearing this, coughed dryly, and muttered: "His energy has been drained."

Who was the first to take action excitedly when the maker returned to form?

And who, after Luke declared war on Held, still ignored him and insisted on pestering him?

Or who, after knocking someone's energy away, then acted righteously and awe-inspiring? This was not the work of a swordsman?

Like a turtle struggling to crawl toward the sea, the maker's strong body looked extremely weak at the moment, shaking three times with a gust of wind.

His body has almost lost all light, showing a gray-black color. The power of light that has been condensed for thousands of years has been completely swayed.

Now Luke already has the possibility of being killed by a stray fish at any time.

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