Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 811 Dark Luke

"King, has your memory deteriorated? Can't you remember?"

Ye Lin seemed to be very excited. He took out a tablet and placed it tremblingly in front of Luke's eyes. His anger was high: "Look, this is Ghent that was once in the war. Half of the city was destroyed and turned into ruins."

He slid his finger and changed the picture, "This is the lawless zone, their numb and gray eyes, the aloof king, can you feel it?"

"This is Mount Hart filled with flames, these are the injured and disabled soldiers, and these are people covered with white cloth who will never wake up! Are they worthy of your kneeling down to apologize? Great king!"

The wrinkled lips trembled slightly, and Luke's three eyes looked at the strange but very tragic photos, the black nightmare, the name that sounded so familiar.

"I don't understand what you are saying, but are these tragedies really because of me?"

His voice was hoarse and low, truly filled with sadness, and his eyes seemed to be sparkling.

For a moment, Ye Lin was a little confused. Did the maker really lose his memory again, or was he so understanding that he cooperated with him?


He nodded heavily and answered in the affirmative.

In fact, Luke cannot be entirely blamed for the Celestial Kallet rebellion.

The failure of the sea train to reach the lawless zone, the obvious gap between rich and poor, regional discrimination, and intentional or unintentional suppression by the House of Lords turned the world of heaven into a powder keg that could explode at any moment.

Heaven has been building up for a long time, and strong conflicts will break out sooner or later. Luke's black nightmare affecting Anzu Cypher's character is actually just a fuse that is ignited in advance.

If we divide the responsibilities and take the blame, Black Nightmare probably only has 30% responsibility.

"It's all, poor child."

Luke sighed softly. He seemed to agree with his mistake. The majesty and glory of the king will not be dimmed because of small mistakes.

Admit it frankly, why not!

Just when Ye Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief and dropped a dagger from his palm, something unexpected and horrifying happened to him.

Luke's rickety body actually slowly touched the ground with his knees, his four arms slightly stretched, his back and head lowered, and he lay on the ground in silence for a long time.


Gurt was extremely angry and wanted to pick up his damaged arm armor and rush out. How could the king of Hebron kneel down and worship!

Especially, when he saw that his father had clearly done this, the trial blade still refused to let go and raised the blade!

Buffon no longer stopped him. She loved Luke so much, how could she see that king fall.

The few remaining followers poured out from the Silent City and ran madly towards Luke's location.


Ye Lin scolded them coldly, and thrust several invisible blades in front of them. The cold light was cold, and he blocked the followers including Gemini and Habu with one person.

The grieving Buffon's body was surrounded by electric light. With a casual blow, her metal structure showed signs of collapse and she had to stop.

"If you dare to touch my father, I will use the most powerful creature to destroy the heaven!"

Kabali's lips were trembling, and anger had gone to her head.


The royal family of Hebron had never suffered such an insult.

"You can't protect yourself, so why are you threatening me? Ridiculous!"

With disdain on his face, Ye Lin held the dagger in his hand backwards, and with everyone's shocked and horrified eyes, he pierced Luke's trembling body from top to bottom.

Blood seeps out...

The author, who was originally in a state of weakness, fell to his knees again after suffering a severe injury, his voice hoarse and unable to express even a single word.

From the position, you can see that the place where the dagger sank is Luke's heart!


The cold wind was biting and the twins almost fainted, their faces full of tears and despair.

The sharpened edge can penetrate the apostle's heart. Have the prophecies and nightmares been realized?

Neither Curtullo, nor the Guardians of Light and Darkness, nor those seemingly powerful followers, could prevent the fulfillment of the prophecy.

Held, who appeared like a black crow, stared coldly at the impaled Luke below, as well as the blood stained Ye Lin's palms, which could not be faked.

Luke's life breath was indeed disappearing quickly.

She, who had always been resourceful and knew everything, could not figure out this sudden series of twists and turns.

Everything that is entangled with this disobedient blade will always become confusing, making it difficult to glimpse a corner of the future.

Luke's power of light has definitely been used cleanly, she can be sure.

The place where the blade pierced was also at the heart, and the terrible amount of bleeding was definitely a fatal injury to an already weak old man.

But the Trial Blade, which was always against him before, really went out of his way and killed its maker?

In particular, Anton is still standing and sleeping in the ocean, which is the best proof of his stance.

She was extremely suspicious, but she had to show up.

After the death of an apostle, a mysterious force will be generated, which is the original power of the apostle. When it is introduced into the demon world, it will bring about revitalizing changes in the demon world.

Although due to the death of the Dragon King, it seems that this statement is not accurate. There have indeed been changes in the demon world, such as the emergence of the Eye of Darkness, but it is still far from being fully revived and becoming Terra.

Held herself also understood that she was just holding on to the expectation that quantitative change would lead to qualitative change, as well as the feeling of revenge against the twelve artificial gods.

If no one captures or controls the power generated after the death of the apostle and introduces it into the demon world, it will just disappear and find the next host in the dark.

Become a new apostle!

As the main messenger of all plans, there are no puppets controlled by her around the foreign island, so she can only take the initiative to guide the power of the apostle after Luke's death into the demon world.

Otherwise, she felt that there was a slight possibility that Luke's apostle power would choose to stay close to Ye Lin.

That guy is not stubborn like Casillas. Even if the apostles can't hurt each other, it's annoying enough if he stalks them.

Ye Lin did not raise his head to look. He was still holding the handle of the knife in his hand, and he could already sense Held's arrival.

He guessed right. Without a puppet, if she wanted to obtain Luke's apostle power, she would need to guide her personally.

We have been planning for a long time, how can we let this power disappear?

Besides, it was the Trial Blade that killed Luke, and she, Held, is still the well-known savior of the demon world.

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The atmosphere suddenly fell into a strange state. Even the cold sea breeze seemed to be suppressed and did not dare to whistle at all.

Finally, Ye Lin took the lead to break the deadlock and silence, pretending to be relaxed and said: "Held, this is the heaven. It has been almost seven hundred years since you last came, right? Are you familiar?"

What he was hinting at was that almost seven hundred years had passed since Held pretended to be the Seven Mechanical Gods of War.

Moreover, the heaven is the place where the Dragon King fell.

Held, suspended in the sky, is preparing to capture Luke's apostle power. As for Anton, that big guy is too bulky. If she wants to deal with it, there are many ways.

On the contrary, the strength and wisdom of the maker, Luke, are more troublesome. After all, I am still half a student of the other party.

"I almost killed you."

This voice was cold and majestic. Although it was spoken to Ye Lin, Held's calm expression suddenly changed slightly. She seemed to have missed something.

The decaying old man who was originally like a candle in the wind with one foot in the coffin, but his precarious vitality suddenly burst into bloom like a bucket of gasoline poured into the embers of a campfire.

The stooped old man's figure actually rose at an incredible speed. In just a few breaths, he became tall and tall again.

But what is different from before is that Luke is now filled with almost endless power of darkness, like a deep black hole swallowing the universe.

The maker who masters the power of light and darkness, although the balance between light and darkness is not as perfect as in Hebron, he can still use two independent states.

Compared to the light that has been accumulated for more than a thousand years, the darkness that has existed for a long time is actually more powerful.

"If you hadn't knelt down and apologized, I would have had a strong murderous thought the moment I looked at the picture." Ye Lin curled his lips, not to be outdone.

As Luke's figure returned to his dark form again, he also casually threw away the blade.

In fact, the dagger only penetrated half an inch into the body, to the point where it could cut open the flesh. The rest was skillfully melted by him, and it was used as an iron supplement for Luke.

As for what Held saw, he thought that the massive blood loss caused by piercing Luke's heart was actually the blood from the wound on his palm. The maker suffered very little loss. Instead, he felt a little dizzy from blood loss and turned pale.

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