Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 843 Xiaoyu is fat

One of the rules of the exhibition is that the winner will auction off the winning item at the end, and the highest bidder will get it, and then the official will draw a certain percentage, and all the proceeds will be used for charity.

And because the initiator is the famous Celia Chamber of Commerce, and the guests are all nobles and celebrities, there is no possibility of collective fraud for a little auction money, so many designers are willing to take this opportunity to make money and Being able to promote yourself can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Feng Ying pinched the corner of her clothes and felt dumbfounded. She had fallen into her old habit of obsessive-compulsive disorder again.

If she entered the competition with this beautiful and exquisite body, and if she won, she would have to abide by the rules and auction the clothes, and she would not be willing to part with it.

If she didn't win, she felt that those guests must have eyes that were like dust, even worse than earthworms. Wouldn't it be a waste of her enthusiasm and anger.

After thinking about it, it seems that not participating in the competition is the most cost-effective option.

"Anyway, I gave you the stuff. As for whether you want a generous bonus or these clothes, the choice is yours. I have to go to the church."

Suppressing laughter in his stomach, Ye Lin pretended to be helpless, whether it was a generous sum of gold coins or the clothes he liked very much.

Most people would be satisfied with just one of them, but Feng Ying has obsessive-compulsive disorder and wants them all.


Cathedral of Remedia, Library

Grandis, who was sitting in the corner, had a nostalgic look on his face, gently stroking the silver-white armor of the Gracia family with his fingers, rubbing the very rough scratches, which may be the merits of defeating the enemy's pretenders.

The Avenger who could not be found during the day yesterday, and her inexplicable low and disappointed mood affected her that night, and she suddenly had a dream from her childhood.

After his elder brother became the much-anticipated saint, the suppression due to his age made Teda only act as the younger brother, let alone himself and Obeis who were like little girls.

After Nilbas disappeared, she often wore this armor that did not match her physical strength as a woman, but had easily identifiable characteristics, and went to ask adventurers to help her during training and inquire about Nirbas.

Next to him, holding the small wooden box containing the holy relics, Obers seemed to be used to this kind of reminiscence state of Mihaoshi students. He walked gently and waved to her, not to disturb her thoughts, and whispered:

"Actually, except for the Inquisition where Lucille belongs, the plate armors that we female Paladins wear to protect themselves are basically lightweight special products."

After leaving the library, she lightly tapped the gray-white sacred armguard on her arm. Although it sounded like a clanging metal, it was actually about the same weight as light armor.

And the relics of the Gracia family that Grandis wears are truly full-metal products, and generally only men with strong physiques can use them flexibly.

Galandis, who often wears heavy armor, looks frail and frail, but in fact his fists are extremely lethal.

It was still a secret confession room, with gem-like holy relics suspended in the air, blooming with a vigorous vitality, until the holy power in Obes's body dried up, and Held's curse was once again reduced.

The holy relics were returned to the archbishop for safekeeping. Magello, who had always been kind and kind, stretched out his hand to take back the items and glanced sideways at him with a clear sense of vigilance.

One of the four great priests, Obes, a descendant of the Saint of Milan, is also his only granddaughter and the only Miao Miao of the Roschbach family. This trip will represent the entire position of Remedia and sincerely pay tribute to the heroes of the Dark Crusade. Condolences.

Aslan's body had been transported to Xuzu a few days ago by a team of elite clerics and adventurers who came along to take care of it.

The archbishop also held a simple memorial ceremony for Aslan on the day he took him back. While paying homage to his ancestors, he also considered whether he could use the glory of his ancestors to improve the cohesion of Remedia Cathedral.

As traces of pretenders appear more and more frequently on the continent of Arad, and injuries occur everywhere, there are still internal differences on how to deal with pretenders.

The Inquisition Office and the Holy Envoy of the Blue Fist suggested cutting off the knot with a sharp knife, beating him to death on the spot, or binding him and burning him.

The paladin lineage symbolizes God's mercy, indicating that the pretender was once a victim and infected human being, and there may be a possibility of salvation, even if the probability is only one percent.

Outside the city of Hedunmar, there is still a cold scene of ice and snow. Two or three days of warm sunshine have not melted the snow much.

The auspicious snow heralds a good harvest, and there may be a good harvest next year, provided that there is no war.

The airship slowly lifted into the sky from outside the city, like a black goshawk, heading towards Xu Zu.

The reason why there is no need to cross the space gap in one step is because it is already a leisure time, and it is fun to enjoy the scenery along the way leisurely.

Moreover, there are many things you can do while enjoying the snowy scenery, which are not only interesting in some way.

The red jungle is covered with frost and covered with white snow. On the shady side of some peaks, the snow is as thick as a velvet quilt.

Among the team members, except for Xiaoyu who went to the Auspicious Valley every once in a while to hold an oracle ceremony, the others were as lazy as cats basking in the sun and didn't want to move much.

"Hmm~ I also want to be like Xiaoxiao, who can sleep sixteen hours a day and only eat two meals to be full." Xiaoyu cupped her cheeks in her hands and stared at the beautiful snow scenery outside Dornier, at the mountains and forests. Somewhat lost in thought.

Occasionally, you can see a few hunters stepping on the snow and hunting in the forest with weapons, looking for traces of prey. If you are lucky, you can catch a few rabbits and take them back.

If you look more carefully, you might be able to find a training dojo hidden in the mountains.

After making a pot of hot tea, Ye Lin brewed two cups with skillful skills and a pleasant taste. "Although sleeping sixteen hours a day is very comfortable, but after a long time, you will have trouble sleeping."

"Having said that, I'm still very envious. In fact, I could have slept in today. If you didn't remind me, I would have forgotten about Xiangrui Valley."

Xiaoyu took a sip of tea and immediately stuck out her slightly numb tongue. It was a bit too hot to drink.

Shuang Xuehao's wrist was gently held, and Xiaoyu's heart skipped a beat. She made a silent gesture and said nervously: "Oubeis, where is she?"

"She's busy and won't be able to get through for a while."

After getting the answer, he tasted the soft blush, then held a cute little face, looked at it for a moment, and then said a little uncertainly: "I always feel that Xiaoyu, you seem a little rounder."

"No, no, my weight has definitely not changed!" Xiaoyu quickly shook her head in denial. The long hairpins in her hair had a bunch of petal-like pendants hanging from the top, and they jingled like wind chimes.

"I don't believe it~"

"If you don't believe it, just try it."

A slender palm gently pushed his shoulder, and Ye Lin let out a deliberate "Ouch" before lying flat on his back on the soft carpet.

When the miko costume rotates and floats, it looks like a brilliant blooming flower. Her beautiful legs are as straight and slender as chopsticks, but at the top of the "chopsticks", there is a piece of pleasing sky blue.

A slight trace of fat and hairband pressed against his cheeks and the tip of his nose. Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Is it heavy?"


Her mouth was speechless and she was eloquent, but she could feel that Xiaoyu's weight had increased somewhat compared to before. Of course, it might also be due to the development of fat.

After reversing the numbers, Xiaoyu worked hard to warm his stomach, and he also quenched his thirst without leaking water.

Dornier faced the fine snow of Xu Ancestor and parked steadily outside the Temple of Remedia. Of course, the name was just an official form, and the local exorcists were more willing to call it the Four Temples.

Ye Lin held his ankle and was swaying a little. Xiaoyu, who had not yet recovered, suddenly left the warm Dornier and stepped into the Xuzu Mountain. A cold breath instantly filled every gap in the clothes, and the two of them could not help but shiver. .

"Speaking of which, this is my first time to Xuzu, one of the Five Saints, the hometown of Xinye."

Obeis raised his eyebrows slightly, a little curious as to why the legs of these two people were shaking.

Judging from the strength of Ye Lin and Xiao Yu, even if they only wear underwear in the snowy area of ​​​​Ston, they wouldn't feel that sad.

The Xuzu Kingdom was in a special state of isolation a year ago. It was difficult for outsiders to enter, not even the clergy.

The famous Void Ancestor anti-demon group in history made immortal achievements during the Dark Holy War era. If you have the opportunity during this trip, you must pay homage to them.

A young exorcist led them into the Four Temples. Yelin and Xiaoyu had both been here before and were familiar with it. It was the first time Obeis came here and he was amazed at the completely different architectural style here from the Great Temple.

The status of the four divine beasts in the heart of the exorcist is no less than that of the five saints respected by the priests.

"I've heard about the priest for a long time. I'm Guangyuan, the person in charge here. Oh, I'm the agent."

Mr. Shishen Guangyuan made a little joke. After all, the great priest of this generation who was canonized by the Xuzu royal family was Xinzang, the descendant of the saint.

When Xinzang was away, he managed the affairs of the Four Temples.

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