Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 848 Weird Nuo Yu

"Actually, it's so cold in winter, so it's nice to keep some hair on to keep you warm."

Embarrassed and found a seemingly suitable reason for himself, Feng Zhen still felt a little uncomfortable being seen by an acquaintance.

When he was bald, he was often mistaken for a middle-aged man in his forties. Now that he has short hair, he looks a little younger.

Putting down the shallow cup of tea in his hand, Ye Lin still couldn't help laughing, and said teasingly: "Actually, master, this is what you should be like. This is your original appearance of being suave, handsome and unrestrained."

"Oh, it doesn't take much effort to talk."

Feng Zhen was quite dismissive when he heard this and was too lazy to talk to him.

What he hopes most now is to wait until the snow melts and spring flowers bloom, then he can find any excuse to say it's too hot and then shave his hair to feel fresh and refreshed.

"I'm going to meditate for a while. Lord Priest, why don't you stay for dinner today? Oh, by the way, wind chimes. If this kid doesn't come with a door greeting, don't let him eat and drive him out with a broom."

After saying that, he rubbed the back of his head uncomfortably, Feng Zheng opened the door and left, muttering that his sign of being strong was gone and he was no longer respected even when he went out.

As Su Nan approached the evening, the snow finally stopped filling the sky, but the clouds in the sky above had not dispersed. It was estimated that the warm sun would not be available until the next morning.

Feng Chie brought some more melon seed snacks, and listened to his adventure stories. He was fascinated, and it wasn't until Feng Zhen knocked on the door resentfully that he thought of cooking.

Ye Lin, who was shameless and refused to leave, bluntly told Feng Zhen that he had decided on this meal. He also teased that not only that, he would also steal your cook in the future.

Feng Zhen's eyes widened in anger and he almost summoned Jin Leihu.

As for the final gift, there was only half a fan of the best beef thighs produced in the snowy area of ​​​​Ston, and one more dish was added.

The white snow on the ground was also covered with a black gauze. As dusk fell, Master Feng Lian came back from the Chamber of Commerce branch and expressed surprise and welcome to the two visiting people.

The craftsmanship of Feng Chime has always been very good. A few home-cooked dishes made Obesi, who has a small appetite, add half a bowl more.

Grandmaster Feng Lian was the first to finish eating, and sat comfortably aside with a cup of tea, saying: "It's surprising to say that as the year is approaching, something auspicious has happened to Xu Ancestor again."

Before they could ask, Feng Lian explained: "First, there were seven-colored lights appearing in the direction of the Four Temples. Then in the evening, explosive news came from the city, saying that the evil monk Karas was confirmed to be dead."

The guy at the top of the wanted list was killed, which was naturally a great joy to the people and very satisfying.

Even those who have never seen Karas in person have heard of the evil monk in taverns or on the streets.

Now that the evil monk is dead, this New Year is much more comfortable.

Oubeis, who was wiping his mouth gracefully, glanced at Ye Lin who was cooking rice. The latter was busy grabbing the delicious braised hairtail fish pieces from Feng Zhen and didn't react at all.

As expected, he didn't care. There was a little sparkle in his beautiful eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

But Feng Ling, on the other hand, had keen eyesight, leaned her head next to Obeis, and asked in a low voice in surprise: "He did it?"

"Well, at the exorcist's cemetery, Karas threatened Guangyun with the explosive talisman, and for the colorful glow..."

After dinner, they chatted for a while, and Feng Lian also invited them to stay overnight. There are still guest rooms at home, and the weather will most likely clear up tomorrow, so it won't be too late to leave.

next day

Sure enough, the dark clouds that had accumulated over Suran City had almost dissipated, and the bright and warm sunshine spread across the earth, dispelling the coldness of the midwinter night.

After breakfast, Obeis went to the Four Temples again with a stack of documents. There was a sudden change in the cemetery yesterday, and there was no time to discuss many things in detail.

The holy relic, the Tears of Remedios, was not carried with him, so Ye Lin originally wanted to go into seclusion to completely break the curse, but it seemed that he still had to return to Hedunmar.

As long as the curse is removed, he can travel safely and boldly in the demon world, as long as he doesn't get close to Brooklyn, or explore the location of the four ferocious beasts.

After the weather cleared, Su Nan Street was obviously more popular than yesterday, with vendors and shops opening one after another to attract passing customers.

In the direction of Qinglong Gate, early in the morning after the weather cleared, a small caravan arrived. The boss at the head could not help but clasp his hands and utter words of praise such as thanking the divine dragon for blessing, the true dragon for blessing, and so on.

Although the weather has not been very good recently, as long as the mountains are not completely closed, businessmen are trying to make as much money as possible in the new year.

Ye Lin looked at the caravan for a while. Most of the goods moved from the car were some fashionable cotton clothes, shoes, and some spices and other items.

A carriage slowly stopped on the street. After seeing the crowd in front of it, a white hand poked out from the carriage and directed the horse to go to another street.

It seems that the old horse knows the way and understands human nature. No one is waving the whip outside, and the horse walks steadily and knows where to go.

Ye Lin recognized the tassel decoration on the outside of the carriage and the familiar horse at a glance as the carriage of the diplomatic envoy Nuo Yu.

"The clouds think of clothes, the flowers think of face, the spring breeze blows the threshold and the dew is thick~"

With her beautiful face covered with gauze, Nuo Yu held a book of poetry in her left hand and read softly, admiring and intoxicated by the beautiful verses.

Suddenly, a figure flashed out of the carriage. Nuo Yu was not frightened, but his right hand instantly grabbed the sword on the side. The sword energy was like frost, pointing directly at the visitor's neck.


Holding the cold sword blade between his two fingers, Ye Lin quickly apologized with a smile and said, "Madam, I was the one who was rude. Put down the sword."


After being stunned for a moment, Nuo Yu hurriedly took back the sword, and smiled as if he was not surprised: "Let me guess, the death of the evil monk that caused a sensation yesterday afternoon, could it be related to you?"

"Miss Yu, Bingxue is indeed smart."

"Then, the place where the colorful brilliance is located is near the Four Temples, which is the exorcist headquarters. Since you ran there, does it mean that it is related to the pretenders and ferocious beasts that have been causing a stir recently?"


After receiving an affirmative answer, Nuo Yu smiled knowingly, her face was as delicate as a flower, and her eyes were filled with tenderness. She gently lifted the veil with one hand, offering two touches of gentleness and one touch of agility.

Ye Lin pursed his lips softly and reminisced, and Ye Lin couldn't help but be a little surprised. Nuo Yu had always behaved like a young and talented woman, like a morning water lily, reserved and shy.

If it weren't for the fact that Doris never read poetry books and wasn't with Xuzu, he would have doubted whether it was Princess Suimon's disguise.

The beauty is like a flower and the moon, and the fragrance in the small space is refreshing. He wants more.

The interior space of the carriage is not large. If you just sit down, it can squeeze about six or seven people. There are cushioned seats on both sides and behind.

"I just went to the newly built school. It was covered with heavy snow. I was worried about whether there would be anything wrong there." Nuo Yu casually pulled off the cushion on one side and laid it on the bottom of the carriage. Then she knelt down and sat down gracefully. A swordsman with the strength of a sword master, his fingers are long and beautiful, and he slowly dances with his sword into a flower.

"School, I remember, Aska said that you want to set up a comprehensive school like Shalan to provide talents for Xu Zu, hiss..."

His face trembled, and he had the intuition that Nuo Yu must be hiding something, otherwise it would be impossible for him to just beg once and Nuo Yu agreed and lowered his head to eat.

"Well, for this reason, I also asked Celia to buy a large number of books."

Nuo Yu's veil was not taken off, and the plain white barrier separated their gazes. He could only see a pair of golden earrings gently swaying back and forth.

The carriage walked steadily on Suran Street, heading towards the palace. When there were occasional bumps on the bluestone road, Ye Lin would frown, witnessing the bite force of his sharp teeth.

The old horse knew the way and gradually walked to a hidden side door of the Suran Palace. It was located on a high slope and there was no one around to guard it.

"Madam, we seem to have arrived at the palace. How about you eat faster and more wholesomely? Chewing slowly is too elegant."

Even though he served as Xuzu's diplomatic envoy, he had excellent diplomatic eloquence. After walking slowly for a long time, his words were tired and his food seemed a bit boring.

Nodding gently in agreement, half a minute later, Nuo Yu's beautiful eyes widened as if she felt something, she immediately raised her head and blurted out.

That layer of delicate white veil just blocked the incoming attack, and Huarong was also saved from danger.

After a while, Nuo Yu pulled off the veil, folded it carefully, took out a handkerchief and wiped it clean. After wrapping it, he handed it to Ye Lin, indicating that he would burn it and don't want it anymore.

The Sunan Palace, covered with heavy snow, reflected dazzling light under the sun. Because I walked on a small road, I didn't encounter any guards or maids.

They are all used to it, and they know that this road is where His Majesty the Emperor sneaks out to play. Aska's strength is stuck on the threshold of the legendary realm. There are not many people in Sunan City who can rival her.

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