Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 84 Boss, do you only have one tent?

"Ophelia did ask me to help make the jamming transmitter, but this kind of product called technology is probably the only one in Arad that Kelly can make."

The flowers on Shalan's head withered a little in line with her master's emotions. The magic that the dark elf was so proud of could not give Ophelia any useful help at this time, which shocked her.

"Hey, why are you staring at me?"

After Shalan was dejected for a short time, she suddenly found that except for Ye Lin and Ophelia, the rest of the people were staring at her fiercely, as if there was a flower on her face... Oh, there was indeed a blue flower on her head. Enchantress.

"Haha, principal, you are really beautiful and generous, with noble temperament. You and Alice are called the two high-altitude flowers of the magic school. This is very famous in Hutton Mardu."

It was Siatt who reacted quickly with her sharp mind and used words of praise to cover up their embarrassment and impolite looks.

Mailu is an elf with fair skin and a soft personality. Shalan is a dark elf with a noble and elegant temperament. Her skin is brown-black. She doesn't feel like an eyesore but has a unique charm.

It was because Ye Lin told them about the origin of the dark elves on the road, which inevitably led them to wonder whether Shalan would be more beautiful if she were a fair-skinned elf.

"I can't compare to you young people, with thin skin and tender flesh. When I was two hundred years old, I was as energetic as you."

Although Shallan's memories were slightly sad, they felt strange to their ears. Although Venus deprived the dark elves of their skin color and living habits, it did not change the inherent long life of the elves.

Siatt has long been used to strange things. There is a dragon over 700 years old in her family, two elves, and another elf in the Moonlight Tavern. Alice is a doll of the same generation as Bakar. She has no idea about her age. The problem has been immunized.

Only Mo Mei and Yuena looked at Shalan with surprise and asked questions. Because the dark elves were extremely xenophobic, they couldn't make friends with the dark elves and have a good chat. It was a rare opportunity.

"Okay, okay, Ophelia is in a hurry. Let's solve the Lotus crisis and let's have a good chat. You tell me the story of the Sky Veil Beast, and I'll tell you the strange things about the Dark Elves."

Shalan smiled generously. Everyone who saw her for the first time would be surprised by her skin color and the blue enchantress blooming on her head. She had seen this kind of look many times.

"Let's go, Ka Kun is still waiting." Ye Lin and Sha Lan nodded, turned around and walked out first.

Magadha is a special flying tool that only dark elves can fly. It is shaped like an ordinary ship and is also equipped with sails, but uses magic as energy to drive its flight.

Every dark elf possesses some magical talent, strong or weak, and Mogado's driving skills are secretly passed down by the dark elves. When the dark elves are almost closed to the country, Kakun has become a hot small businessman on the west coast. .

Who wouldn’t love the experience of flying over the beautiful and colorful west coast on Magadha.

"Are you the adventurer who is tied with the Lord of the City of Light? Sword Master Barn and the Knights have already gone up. If you are included, there should be a good chance of winning. It's just a big octopus."

Ka Kun nodded with satisfaction. As long as he killed that Lotus, nothing would accidentally fall from his head.

Most people on the West Coast only care about the ancient ruins on the Sky Curtain Beast, and whether Lotus will drop some bricks from the sky and hit people when he goes crazy...

As for the apostle, can that thing be eaten? What disciple? octopus? Is it possible that the Sky Sea accidentally fell down? Will it taste too old? Is it appropriate to make sashimi?

Only a few people and strong people know that Shilok, who caused the mutation in the Screaming Cave, is an apostle, and that the ice dragon in the Snowy Land is also a creation of the apostle, etc.

At this time, Kakun's Magadha was surrounded by adventurers, all of whom were eager to get a share of the ancient ruins.

"Please step aside. You have neither a pass to the principality nor an Adventurer's Alliance medal. Most of you are not even professionals. Some of you are even afraid of heights. Why are you just joining in the fun?"

Ka Kun looked disgusted and impatient. It wasn't that he didn't want to make money from these people, but he also understood that the octopus that could beat GBL to the point of being unable to fight back was a ruthless character. Non-professionals would die if they went up to it. Didn't he become an accomplice?

When she heard that she was afraid of heights, Yuena, who had always been calm, began to look bitter and looked at Ye Lin for help. He was the one who carried her last time she went to Hanging City.

"Being a captain means suffering. I'll carry you when we get there. Ophelia, where is the best place for us to land?" Ye Lin shook his head as if sighing and asked the red-haired twin-tailed man with a melancholy look on his side.

Magadha has already risen into the sky, heading straight towards the giant sky-curtain beast hidden in the clouds, which is as big as the entire Faro Bay.

"The outer perimeter of the temple is best at the tail, where the mental control is weakest and there may be survivors. If it's at the head, Magadha may be shot down by the GBL's leading cannon."

After Ophelia finished speaking, she lowered her head and became silent. It was hard to imagine how miserable a life she lived after the surviving believers sent her away.

Magadha quickly approached the giant Sky Veil Beast. Only when he got closer could he feel its enormity most intuitively. The wind and clouds could change with a wave of his wings, and the sky could be shaken by a cry.

From beginning to end, there is a long mountain range and dense forest on its back, and ancient ruins and buildings are even more densely packed.

"I can only send you here. If you get closer, Magadha will be in danger. I will drive Magadha to this place every afternoon. I wish you good luck."

Kakun hung a rope from Mogada, indicating that they had no choice but to jump down. Mogada could not get too close, as there would be a risk of being attacked.

His feet landed firmly on the ground, and the sense of security brought by the weight under his feet gave him time to tease: "Yue Na, lose weight. You seem to be heavier than last time."

"I've been busy dealing with the sect's old belongings every day lately. I've lost weight without eating any meat, okay? Take your claws away."

Yuena jumped off him and rubbed her legs, but still stepped on it a few times in disbelief, and exclaimed: "It's hard to imagine that we are actually on the back of a giant beast instead of the solid earth! "

"Ophelia leads the way, we..."

Ye Lin suddenly got stuck in the middle of his words. He looked at the rows of buildings in front of him, as well as the mountains and forests observed on Magadha. His face turned dark instantly. How long would it take to meet Lotus?

"We have a very serious problem before us."

Siatt pointed at the mechanical bracelet on his hand and frowned: "It is impossible to walk in front of Lotus in a day or two. Even if the interference transmitter uses small golden crystal blocks to power it, it can only hold three blocks at most. Two hours, shall we take turns to keep vigil?"

The jamming transmitter must be kept running at all times. A single oversight may be invaded by Lotus' spirit. This is what Ye Lin Qian Dingzhu and Wan asked.

"I had already thought about this and Kelly gave me this."

Ye Lin smiled proudly, took out a cubic mechanical device about calf height, and introduced: "The upgraded version of the interference transmitter can last for eight hours after being filled with materials. The only flaw is that the effective range is only about six meters. diameter……"



"Boss, did you bring a sleeping bag? And you only brought one tent? Do you want to squeeze together at night?"


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