Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 857: A method that allows Obeis to practice quickly

It’s not nutritious, it’s very official, and it’s also a textbook standard answer.

Lucille was obviously not satisfied with the answer, but the things had been loaned out and the intention was good, so she couldn't say much.

So he stared at Majello's kind and kind face, and then reminded him carefully: "Once the news of the Holy Relic of Life is leaked, the powerful people will definitely go crazy because of it, and even the people who hold the imperial power will be moved. Lord Bishop, I will treat you as yours." Mercy saves a poor ignorant person, as long as the other person is not a disgusting noble."

Majello nodded slightly without moving his face, but he couldn't help but secretly curse in his heart. That guy Ye Lin seemed to be named a dark elf count, and he was indeed from a noble family.

He seemed to have more or less of all the attributes that Lucille hated.

If Lucille could burn him...

Inexplicably, the archbishop actually gave a thumbs up in his heart.

Yuena and Xiaoyu on the side quietly looked at each other, then turned their heads silently and sat upright, pretending they didn't hear anything.

With a character like Lucille, if she learned that the holy relics were for Ye Lin, the biggest "heretic", she would probably immediately pick up an ax, light a flame, and tear down the entire room.

It seems that the holy relics still need to wait for some time, and then there is another useless debate. How to deal with the increase in pretenders and the distribution of supplies are not very important matters.

As for the absent Remedian Church, they are very wealthy because of the empire's funding, and rarely care about the rationing of weapons, equipment, and medicines.

The Bishop of Remedia Bell Tower, Coloche, sincerely invited Yuena to go to the bell tower to conduct an evangelism and bring a bright revelation closer to "Him". Yuena thought about it for a moment and nodded in agreement. This is her. Things within the scope of responsibilities.

During this period, Lucille asked to meet the Paladin Hina, because there were rumors that Hina was the messenger of the Holy Eye, Michelle, and the inheritor of Shapiro's skills.

But Sanhao student helplessly put up her hands and said that we should talk about it at night. She would only wake up for a while in the evening and go to eat.

"There is one more thing. This is the message that Bishop Hendrys asked me to convey."

It is estimated that there was no letter but a casual retelling. Bishop Antonio, who had always had a sullen face and was not friendly but not hostile to Archbishop Magello, unexpectedly removed himself first.

Remedia Chapel and the church are both within the territory of the Delos Empire. Bishops often communicate with each other through letters and have many opportunities to meet. The two are often considered to be on the same side.

"Bishop Hendrys said that since the main areas where pretenders appear are basically within the empire, such as the town of Chester and near Chartley, he suggested that elite clergymen be transferred to the imperial church to prepare for any emergencies, and..."

He hesitated for a moment, and was obviously surprised by this request, and said: "Establish Remedia Church as the first level to improve cohesion."

As soon as he finished speaking, Guangyun, who had been closing his eyes and concentrating, couldn't help but sneered. It was ridiculous to be ranked first, because he coveted Remedia's position.

And as long as the church is recognized as the first level, the two holy relics will be transferred and displayed in the Delos Empire.

Naturally, the position of Archbishop will also be taken from Magello.

"I also propose that our Four Temples in Sunan be set up as the first level. After all, during the Dark Jihad era, it was our anti-magic group who fought side by side with Lord Michel and endured the most difficult period of time to save the world. "

Guangyun obviously couldn't stand it and was muddying the waters on a whim.

The virtual motherland also had a painful history of being invaded by Delos's predecessor, the Pelus Empire. His favorability towards the people who belonged to the empire was really average.

As for the battle over rank, it was obviously another process that was difficult to reach a conclusion. They continued to talk nonsense for half an hour, and finally broke up on bad terms.

Hendrys himself didn't even come over, but he wanted to mention something about being tied for first place. Is it just arrogance or just lip service?


He absorbed about one-third of Wuxuan's remaining life force, and he discovered that he could create a new "original sin crystal" through a branch of Wuxuan, which was a delicious red apple.

The fat little Obesi sat firmly on the dining table, a pair of beautiful legs wrapped around her like a belt, her naturally slightly curly hair was tied in the middle by a silk hair tie, and the ends were dancing in a naughty arc.

He has the power of Taichu Wuxuan in his body, and his behavior seems to have become like Wuxuan, taking root in the deepest part and absorbing water and heat.

Time seemed to disappear here, there was no wall clock in the room, and neither of them knew whether it was a bright day or a deep night.

Accompanied by an indescribable song, Obeis received the holy relic of pure white in her pink purse.

After touching each other's heads and enjoying a tender moment, Ye Lin reached over Scarlet's neck and whispered in her ear: "I seem to have discovered a way to quickly improve your strength."

"any solution?"

His little nose was slightly short of breath. When Obes murmured in response, there were still some undried tears hanging from the corners of his eyes. He unexpectedly repaired it and lost HP again.

"Think about it carefully. The special thing about your state is that your holy power will decline when you are depressed, but when you are happy and excited, your holy power will be at its peak."


Obeis was still a little confused, but a pair of fat little meats were lifted up with force. He immediately screamed and could only turn into a koala again and get entangled.

The body was slowly lowered a little, but fortunately the repairing life force had not yet taken effect. There was humming in her nose and her face turned red. She understood.

"So, if it blooms often, will its strength soar all the way, directly to the name of the Seven Archangels~!"

"I reject!"

Obers shook his head vigorously and objected. It was precisely because of their different ideas that there was an irresolvable conflict.

Time passed by two days later, and the original green Wuxuan body gradually became like a dead tree, and the small space was filled with a pleasant fruity fragrance.

He came out of seclusion two days later than scheduled. Celia and the others came to see him once during the period. They were reluctantly relieved after hearing Niyali confirm that the people inside were still alive.

Almost all of Wuxuan's power has been acquired by him and stored in his heart. After nearly a week of tempering, his body has become as flawless as a jade.

And he had a feeling that because of Wuxuan's version of Eye of Darkness, he might not need resurrection coins to replenish his energy in the future.

The last green leaf of the tree with its branches coiled like a horned dragon slowly lost its freshness and withered, but it never fell off. This is true for all leaves.

Perfectly stored, in an instant, green light burst out from his opened eyes, and he looked up at the sky, seeming to have broken through some extraordinary boundaries and gazed into a mysterious realm.

For a sudden moment, he saw the flow of time, concretely transformed into some kind of symbol, attached to all things, but with some unique existence, and his body was clean and flawless during bathing time.

The one who is as misty as a ghost, the one who wears golden armor, the one who holds a spear...

The dimensional barriers were clear and transparent in front of him. The subtle distance between Arad and the demon world was not natural, but man-made!

It was Held who used his infinite power to cleverly prevent the two worlds from colliding with each other, causing a devastating explosion.

He seems to have been able to open the entrance to Tana's hometown at a suitable point.

Celia's large crystal seal was also shattered, and the remaining aura of Wuxuan in the air dissipated. In just a few minutes, the grass in Remedia's Great Cathedral was covered with green grass and the flowers were brilliant.

With a grab of the palm, all Wuxuan's remains were stored away, and the bright light outside the door and window showed that it might be around noon.

The moment he was bathed in the sunlight, his aura was no longer concealed. Some powerful and ancient beings looked at him with different eyes, including surprise, appreciation, and deep hostility.

The sky is dark like a sandstorm and is the eternal scenery here. The land is barren and full of stench, with a faint smell of blood.

On a brown oval boulder, a young man wearing a white holy dress sat quietly. The young man's chestnut hair was messy and unruly, his face was calm, and there was a blood-stained cross beside him.

I don’t know how long he has been sitting here, but the blood on the cross is very new and smells fishy.

The boy who seemed to feel something, raised his head slightly, his blue eyes flickered for a moment, then calmed down again, slightly surprised.

He had already penetrated the truth. An acquaintance who had never met each other actually contained a trace of the "birth" of Taichu!

Demonic world, the center of the earth's orbit.

A girl with glasses and a very petite and straight figure is wandering behind a super giant monster. Next to her, there is a golden little lion head that ordinary people cannot see with the naked eye. Kabbalah, also known as "Bean" ".

"Wow, Douzi, he seems to be lucky. He bumped into him by accident. Wuxuan will refuse to die in exchange for a new life."

The monster she and Douzi chased was not as fierce and ferocious as Hiero, but a monster that could only crawl while carrying a mysterious stone tablet.


Its size is only a few circles smaller than Anton's, and it will crawl along the eight major areas of the Demon World day and night. At the same time, it is also the roughest but most well-known "almanac" in the Demon World.

If it sets off from the center of the orbit, and waits until it returns to almost the same position as the center of the orbit, one year will have passed exactly.

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