Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 863 The Battle of the Battle Maids

A well-known first-class organization does not mean just gathering some strong people and laying down a piece of land. There are also quite a lot of trivial matters.

From top to bottom of the organization, members also need food, clothing, housing, and transportation. As a leader, he must naturally take responsibility.

Even if we can import food from Arad to deal with temporary emergencies, it is not a long-term solution after all.

Of course, members naturally have to feed back the organization and provide their own expertise and labor.

Although the Demon Realm is a place where the weak prey on the strong, ordinary residents, that is, people with little power, still account for the majority. There may not be many professional-level people in a village.

Therefore, the means of survival of the residents of the demon world are actually no different from Arad. The strong provide shelter and safety, while the weak have to pay some "protection fees", such as money, taxes, or food.

Alice gave him a general introduction to the rules of the demon world, so that he could deeply understand that to truly rule one of the eight major regions, it is not just about having high force value.

In particular, the races in the center of the orbit are quite complicated, such as the alien race, the orc race, Bagur, and the flying Gorda race, etc.

Benjamin, the former leader of the orcs, has passed away, and it is not difficult to conquer them. However, the Goruda race, which invaded from another world, has a queen who can control the wind and sand and is quite powerful.

"Sleepy~ I'm going to bed first."

Seaman covered his lips and yawned. He listened to his master telling stories about the demon world for so long that it was late at night before he knew it, and his head felt sleepy.

Yawning is contagious, and Mailu and others gradually became tired. One by one, they waved goodbye and went upstairs to sleep.

Finally, Ye Lin turned off the lights in the living room of the manor, and fell into a dark silence. The curtains were closed, and there was no moonlight tonight.

But after a while, if you hold your breath and listen carefully, in the dark corner, there are very suppressed and patient low hums and snapping sounds.

Mavis grasped the sofa with her slender knuckles, her bent waist was gracefully curved, and her straight legs and toes were lifted up, like a beautiful ballet posture.

Suddenly, someone seemed to be walking down the stairs slowly. Mavis's face turned crimson and she turned to beg. Her face was originally as cold as the moon, but suddenly it was filled with blush, and her eyes were flowing like delicate flowers.

However, Ye Lin couldn't help but not stop attacking. Instead, he accelerated his attack speed.

Seaman walked quietly down the living room and looked nervously left and right. She seemed to hear a sound just now, but now there was no one in sight.

Could it be that Mi Gao was stealing the wine?

Feeling a little more relaxed, Heman didn't wear slippers, only a pair of knee-length warm white stockings, and crept into the kitchen like a cat stealing food.

He skillfully took out a glass from the cup holder, then took out a large box of milk from the refrigerator, and poured himself half a glass.

Looking back warily again, she always felt as if a pair of eyes were watching her. Heman quickly drank the milk in the cup, licked the corners of his mouth, and then quietly went upstairs again.

With a beautiful wish that she could grow up and be as good as Mailu, she had a sweet dream.

It's not like she has nothing to do. She has a small business and a promising future, but compared to Mailu, who is about the same age as her, the pressure is still too great.

After He-Man left, the two people who were released from the Shadow Escape state looked at each other, blinked, and then smiled knowingly.

Adolescent girls have sensitive minds and emotions that are easily touched. It is normal to have such petty thoughts.

The attack speed resumed, Mavis covered her mouth, half of her long gray-white hair was draped on her back, and half of it was scattered around her shoulders and ears.

After injecting hundreds of millions of funds into the most critical places, Mavis knelt on the soft carpet under her knees and leaned quietly on the sofa to rest her strength.

"No, it's a bit..."

Mavis suddenly frowned and quickly mobilized the power of shadow in her body to destroy and remove a ray of power that was incompatible with her.

"What's wrong?" Ye Lin also noticed the accident and became nervous. Could it be that there was a problem with the funds.

After completely cleaning up, Mavis moved her fat body and sat firmly on the sofa, raised her slender legs and put on a hair tie, guessing: "You accommodated Wuxuan and changed his physique, but Wuxuan's power of life is different from the shadow. There seems to be some conflict with the power."

"Sorry, I forgot."

He slapped his forehead, filled with great annoyance and regret. He accidentally forgot about Mavis's physique, full of shadow power, cold on the outside and hot on the inside like the dark elf race.

If the attribute conflict is severe, he must consider using an umbrella or spreading it outside.

Mavis was very satisfied with his anxious look, so she kept silent. After a while, Ye Lin discovered something was wrong, and after a while he scratched his soles and gave up.

It feels like slightly hot porridge, which can warm your lower abdomen.


next day

Originally, he planned to clean up with Siatt and go to Vetalun, the golden capital of the Delos Empire, to see what kind of medicine was sold in Lyon's gourd.

But the problem is that one of the key people in this matter, the Third Princess Isabella, also has to go with her. However, because of the exhibition initiated by Celia, the Third Princess is a guest and enjoys it, but she is not willing to leave now. Wait until the end.

He let Lyon go because he wanted to remove the curse. This was good news, but the third princess let her father go again.

Poor Heumann was so anxious that he was sweating all over his forehead but he didn't dare to say anything.

I thought it was a good job, and the letter was delivered. Even if it took two days at night, it would not matter. Because the weather was bad and there was heavy snow in the northern area, the emperor would not blame it.

However, it has been ten days, and the princess and the consort have no intention of even moving.

Human was so angry that he couldn't sleep. He originally wanted to find out who knocked him out, but he didn't bother to do it. He sighed and frowned all day long, and unexpectedly lost a few pounds.


The place where Celia held the exhibition was a corner of the palace provided by Queen Skadi.

Since she succeeded to the throne, there have been only a few maids in the palace, as well as her, Lobach, and Ye Lin, who has an irregular frequency. Other than that, it is mostly free space.

Therefore, renting a piece of space is not only high-quality in terms of specifications, but also prevents it from being idle all day long and being wasted.

The entrance to the main road was crowded with cars and horses, servants from various families were busy, and a group of nobles had already arrived and were waiting in the hall.

I heard that Queen Skadi will also attend in person today and take photos of some clothes and jewelry, which is to serve as a lucky draw and representative for the charity exhibition.

So today is also an excellent opportunity to perform in front of the Queen and leave a good impression.

Ye Lin was a little surprised when he jumped off the carriage of the Chamber of Commerce. There was a lot of traffic. Even the entrances of the city hall and the cathedral were not so lively. Sure enough, there were too many leisurely nobles.

Although he ran to the palace frequently, he had never been to this area and could not find the way to the main hall, but he was familiar with Luo Lian who was traveling with him.

Wearing a red dress and a pink skirt, with fluttering blond hair, and holding a delicate sachet in her hand, Luo Lian, with her dazzling aura and appearance, finally regained her aristocratic appearance and attracted the attention of many young handsome men.

"The Queen is in power now, and everyone wants to please the Queen, so~" Luo Lian shrugged slightly, unable to explain her emotions, "The works that are qualified to be on stage today to be judged, especially the top few, may be sold for sky-high prices. .”

"Understood..." Ye Lin nodded slightly. It is estimated that Celia has also missed the nobles' favor to the Queen. The influx of huge auction funds is very eye-catching to handle. If you are not careful, the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce may be ruined. .

Because she had Ye Lin as her male companion, there were no unnecessary conversations around Luo Lian. Just as the two of them walked towards the main hall together, a maid in a black and white dress hurried past.

The maid is not tall but has a sweet smile. She has short blue hair with reddish ends.

The black-based maid skirt is embroidered with dark flowers with exquisite craftsmanship, while the fluffy skirt has a white bottom and is decorated with lace.

The front of the long skirt is white, a bit like a cleaning apron, but a little cuter, with black and white blending, lantern sleeves on both arms, and a big bow tied behind the waist.

Luo Lian glanced over with a professional look, and said with a little surprise: "Whose maid is, the maid uniform is quite exquisitely sewn."


Ye Lin's face looked a little strange, and then he quietly raised his fingers.

Bang ~

The maid, who was walking quickly with her hands in ladylike makeup, suddenly fell out of the maid skirt that covered her calves. A pair of large metal scissors with sharp edges fell out.

"Huh?" Luo Lian was startled.

The maid who heard the sound was also stunned for a moment, then hurriedly bent down to pick it up, held it in her hand, and explained to the people around her: "My boss is a tailor, so it is normal for me to carry a pair of scissors."

People passing by felt that something was wrong, but they could only nod silently.

However, before the maid took two steps, the hem of her skirt moved, and a dagger over a foot long fell out from it. There was no scabbard and a cold light shone out.

"This~ is the ruler I used when I was a tailor!"

It was obvious that she was telling lies with her eyes open, but the maid still smiled sweetly and cutely. Just as she was about to walk away, she wanted to check her long skirt.

Strange why it fell off.

It was a good thing that she didn't swing the maid's skirt. With this flick, daggers, chains, throwing knives, and even two round things that looked like heavenly grenades all fell down.

"Oh, Darby, help me once. You have to put on the outfit I like most and then go on stage..."

A man wearing tight shiny leather pants, a purple jacket, many exaggerated decorative tassels, and his hair styled like a cockatiel just walked out from a certain direction, his words were stuck in his throat, like a Crow a big rooster that cannot be beaten.

"Darby, I know you never wear clothes designed by me, but you don't have to worry about me so much, right?" Hills' face, which had already been put on makeup, was as white as a ball of flour at this moment.

Darby is the maid he hired with money, but she is a girl with a very strange personality. Not only does she never wear the clothes he designs, this maid uniform is also designed by herself.

And he knew that Darby would carry some weapons with him. After all, the girl was young and it was understandable that she would have some weapons for self-defense, but the chains and grenades...

"Mr. Hills, these are just self-defense props. However, I won't wear your clothes. You can find another model."

Darby still smiled sweetly, and kept putting away the throwing knife and bombs in his hands.


Because Darby caused a small sensation, many people focused their attention, including Kanina who came with Da Keer.

When she was doing business before, she met this famous East Coast designer.

"Kanina!" Hills's eyes lit up, he shook his cockatiel hairstyle, looked at Da Keer, and took a few steps closer, "My genius little businessman, your maid, this The clothes are also quite exquisite..."


Hills' face hit an invisible wall, and he covered his nose with tears almost streaming down his face.

"Da Ke'er, I don't like strangers who come too close!"

Although she had her Eye of Darkness sealed by Ye Lin, she could still use the power of her own barrier technique, so she had no problem dealing with ordinary people.

On the other side, Darby, who was still picking up the throwing knife, raised his arm, and a diamond-shaped hidden weapon flew directly at Da Keer's umbrella-holding wrist, but was blocked.

Darby held the throwing knife between his fingers and said with a sweet smile: "I am paid a salary, which also includes money for personal safety."

"Dake'er, you want to eat too!"

The barrier technique trapped Dabi in the shape of a cage. If it weren't for the Eye of Darkness, she would have defeated her opponent in an instant.

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