Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 872 The God of Imperial Fighting

Keeping this suspicion deep in your heart for the time being, it is not uncommon for rebels to break out in the Empire. Many of them do not belong to Captain Root's group at all, but are simply oppressed by the Empire for too long.

Even if the former leader of the Imperial Knights was the bait, he didn't know where the other party was now, and the "positioning system" Xiaoyu didn't come with him, so it would be useless to worry more.

Just when Ye Lin felt that he had gained something and was about to leave, a man and a woman suddenly sat down at his table.

It's not that there's no room elsewhere in the store and he's at a table alone, but it's that he seems to be heading straight for it.

The two of them should be a couple or even a couple. The woman has short hair, a face that is not beautiful but very attractive. There is a shallow scar on her chin, and her temperament is very similar to Siatt's valiant and heroic temperament.

However, he didn't know this woman.

The man also had fresh, short hair, with some green stubble remaining on his face, and his eyebrows were thick, like a thick stroke of ink.

"As the deputy leader of the Iron Wolf Knights, why haven't I seen you as a knight?" The man said in a playful tone, staring at the badge on his chest. It was in the shape of a wolf's head.

He didn't notice Ye Lin at first, but it was the imperial badge or the badge of his subordinates that was too eye-catching for him.

"Well, I'm a new member. It's normal if you don't know me. Who is this?"

Ye Lin shrugged and gave up his original intention of leaving. The first acquaintance he made after entering Vetalun was actually the upright deputy commander Hyde Bern Kruger.

"My wife, Hannah." After a simple and straightforward introduction, Hyde nodded again: "He is a knight under my command."

Of course Hannah knew that he was talking nonsense. She just said that there was no such person in the Iron Wolf Knights. However, when she was out, she was very considerate to her husband and just smiled and nodded.

Because at home, Hyde, who had always preferred to bend over bending, was strictly controlled by his little wife. As for the reason, it was because Hyde's strength was actually not as good as his wife's.

The two of them were a marriage of interest between aristocrats, and Hannah was a few years older, but fortunately they had similar personalities, so it was considered a happy marriage.

"Deputy leader, what does this Red Moon Festival mean?"

It's rare to have an acquaintance, and he's in a high position, so he might know some inside information.

"Haha, a bunch of rubbish playing the game of life."

Hyde called the waiter, removed the plates from the table, and ordered a few more side dishes and a pot of hot wine.

The rules of the Red Moon Festival are to win based on how much prey you get, but there is no one of them. During the competition, you are not allowed to fight and kill each other.

So when the blood moon rises that night, many lives will be lost!

He bluntly ridiculed the participating nobles as rubbish, which frightened many of the surrounding diners, but Hannah's expression remained normal. She had the same opinion.

As soon as Hyde picked up the wine glass, her wife had already downed two glasses of wine, smacking her lips gently, as if just to appetize, and the amount of alcohol she drank was amazing.

In fact, ordinary men couldn't drink her at all.

"The emperor has advanced the Red Moon Festival. It is said that it is because of Leviathan. That monster is raging in the empire and many soldiers have died. It is estimated that it must be in the legendary realm to be invincible."

His tone was a bit disdainful and sarcastic. He was not mocking Leviathan, but how many people would die during this Red Moon Festival.

Although the monsters are fierce, there must be brave men under heavy rewards. Some lives are worthless!

The next period of time was filled with questions and answers between him and Hyde, about the details of the Red Moon Festival, and even whether Coral Will was alive or dead.

The diners around him, some with sensitive minds, vaguely noticed something was wrong with this knight, but sitting opposite him was Young Master Hyde of the Conard family.

There wouldn't be such a stupid spy or an imperial master who would say whatever he asked, right?

He is probably a guy from the countryside who has never seen the world.

This is the label and positioning that many people silently give to Ye Lin.

After a long conversation, Ye Lin held up his hands and wanted to stand up and say goodbye, "I still have something to do. I will host a banquet and drink some other day. Please treat me specially."


A chopstick suddenly pressed down on his wrist. Haide sneered, tapped his chin, and said, "Don't wait for another day, you fool. You can buy this meal directly, and order a bottle of wine by the way."


Ye Lin paid and left, and Haide accompanied his wife leisurely, drinking a pot of wine and not leaving the restaurant until they had finished eating.

As the New Year's holiday approaches, the general's wife also takes a holiday, which is why today's casual stroll is possible.

Hannah didn't ask anything along the way, because she knew that Hyde would say it himself.

Sure enough, Hyde put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker and looked up at the relatively clear blue sky. However, the city under the sky was extremely dirty and filthy, making people despise him.

"I guess he can disturb the waters of Weitalun. The limit that I can't do is to fight against the entire aristocratic class. He can do it."

"Yes, you are also a noble."

Hannah, who didn't know Ye Lin, was noncommittal. As the core and most formidable place in the empire, not just any fish could make waves.

"Haha, just watch. He is not a peaceful master. The emperor may have ulterior motives for inviting him here. What he hates most about this sword is being held in someone's hand."

Hyde's cold and handsome face showed an interesting and expectant look.

The next Red Moon Festival may have different and interesting changes!


In the evening, the dusk faded away and the darkness fell, but the urban streets of Vetalun were still bright, especially in the direction of the palace, the light filled the sky, as bright as day.

Several towers as tall as the sky light up and are clearly visible outside the city.

The central square of Weitalun is bustling with people. Restaurants, theaters, teahouses, etc. are the busiest time of the day.

Every inch of land is valuable!

Except for some remote places in the city that are similar to slums, the name of the Golden City may not only refer to the economic development of Weitalun, but also to the fact that this inch of land is truly comparable to gold.

The temporary closure of this store of the Celia Chamber of Commerce surprised some old customers. They knocked on the door and received no response, so they left with regret.

The Red Moon Festival is not far away, and some very effective potions are only sold in this store. If you can prepare more, your chances of winning in the future will increase.

A small casserole was cooking in a small hot pot. Siatt put some tofu on the plate, with a mixed expression on his face.

Her family was fine, but the Ixir family was taken to the palace and put under house arrest in disguise.

The idea of ​​taking his family away secretly was shattered. If he wanted to reunite with his family, he had to face the tyrant Leon.

In that case, if she got angry, she might twist Leon's head, but it was a pity that he couldn't see the scene of father's kindness and son's filial piety.

"Fat Lao, Captain Coro is still alive. The eldest son of the Conard family told me that his escape is true. It is said that there was a problem with the defense of the Imperial Research Institute."

I put a piece of fat on Fatty. From the slight steam rising from the hot pot, I can see that the curvy figure is becoming more mature and plump. It is obvious that the meat eaten is growing in the right place.

Siatt tapped the fat lamb with chopsticks and sighed: "Pray for good luck to him."

Although Captain Koro was kind to her and was helpful to Feng Ying and Mavis, her thoughts were all on her family and she no longer had much thought to care about others.

Otherwise, call those two people over?

"No, you have to help him." Ye Lin shook his head slightly and told him about fishing. The leader of the Knights, who is quite famous in the resistance army, who would be fishing for such a delicious and precious bait?

There is a high probability that they are the ones from the Call of the Saint!

Queen Skadi also told him not long ago that Captain Root and others were preparing to cause trouble in the empire and wanted to make Lyon unsafe for the whole year.

In particular, Ludmila's 10 billion bounty has been hanging for nearly four years, but no one has been able to take her head. If she is left alone, she will slap the emperor in the face every day of her life.

Leon's endurance may have finally reached its limit!

Therefore, he guessed that the legendary level powerhouse that the empire had always hidden might take action.

As his strength returned to his original state and he came into contact with Taichu through Wuxuan, he no longer looked down upon the strong men in general, but there was one person in the empire who was an absolute exception and cautious.

The Imperial God of Fighting, Zara Maya!

She is a female, quite old, but she once broke the Nian Qi Master Feng Zhen's Nian Qi shield with a single punch, and she is the champion of several martial arts tournaments.

She is talented and intelligent, and has truly developed and improved the lineage of fighting skills to the point where she is comparable to swordsmanship through the ages. She is the idol of countless fighting skills, and is equivalent to Sodros, the swordsman.

But it was also because she did not accept male disciples that the men in the fighting lineage were in extreme decline and almost became extinct.

The reason is somewhat similar to the situation in the heaven, that is, women have delicate minds and are better able to exert the power of martial arts.

"You go follow the clues of Koro, and then I will go to the palace tomorrow to bring my father-in-law and mother-in-law back."

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