Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 886 I want to be a rich woman!

"Tsk, tsk, uncle, you destroyed the ship, and this is still within the empire. I can already imagine you being caught, tied to the experimental table, and injected with some weird liquids."

Natalia's tone was still half-joking, and she tied her messy red hair behind her with both hands. She was about to really start working hard.

She was right. Although a giant dragon was in human form, it still had great value to the empire.

There were traces of orange flames spitting out of Lute's mouth, his expression was extremely awkward, and he was so powerless that he felt like punching the quilt.

But the feeling of throbbing from the depths of the blood, which can transform oneself into a red dragon, has not appeared for a long time, and it has never been more exciting.

Although the giant dragons near the volcanoes in his line are basically the first and second generation dragons, and rarely the third generation, since the death of Dragon King Bakar, as created beings, their magic power has been on a downward trend.

"Then get out of the way, useless old man, get out of the way and run for your life."

Natalia's onyx-like eyes shone with cold light as she strode in front of several people, telling them to run away.

Her voice was straightforward and unemotional. This special state made the captain, who had always complained about her tomboy, feel a little distressed and remorseful.

This was her lingering nightmare, that of being a slave and fighting for her life in an underground arena.

You must try your best to win every battle, otherwise, you will die.

The demonic figure holding the halberd exuded overwhelming power, and a residual sound like a bellows came from his throat. His arms and thighs were dripping with blood, and several broken arrows were deeply embedded in his muscles.

Ludmila's divine arrows caused considerable damage, but the opponent turned into a demon through battle, like a steel killing machine that knew no pain. On the battlefield, he was definitely a terrifying nightmare for the enemy.

Natalia took a deep breath and said solemnly and solemnly: "If I can survive, I will eat a hundred cakes! With chocolate beans, I will be in a hurry with anyone who stops me."

Extreme Sword Controlling Technique (when...)


In the disbelief eyes of several people, a hand suddenly came out from behind the demon shadow and firmly grasped his shoulder.

The demonic figure is now surrounded by a violent red air current, as if it can shatter even the steel that is close to it. He can no longer be said to be a "human", but a demon. He has truly become a demon due to battle.

There is wilderness all around, and there is no human habitation within a hundred miles. Not even a goblin can be seen. The hand that suddenly puts on the shoulder of the demon shadow also gives people a bit of horror.

The demonic figure waved the halberd with his backhand, and a hundred-meter ravine exploded on the ground, and everything in the large fan-shaped area was turned into powder.

He felt a stronger opponent, but there was no fear or fear in his soul. His muscles trembled with excitement, his spine creaked with all his strength, his halberd was like a dragon, and his momentum shook the sky.


The crisp sound of gold and iron clashing carried an indescribable destructive power. The weaker Rebecca covered her ears with pain on her face.

A wave of air erupted from the place where the two collided. All the withered weeds and shrubs were bent or uprooted, and a layer of the ground was peeled off.

The strength of a beast!

Ye Lin unnaturally took a step back. The mouth of the sword holding the sword was numb and painful. He was truly a user of heavy weapons. The scarlet halberd seemed to be made of pure metal and was estimated to weigh nearly a hundred kilograms.

He had no time to say hello to the shocked Natalia and the others. The devil, blinded by the desire to fight, attacked like a torrential downpour, with endless ferocity!

Anyone facing this guy who seems to know no pain and is a demon will be crushed to dust immediately if his realm is lower, and he will find it extremely difficult if he is in the same realm.

However, his strength surpasses the legend, and he can deal with it quite calmly. Regardless of the opponent's attack, his long sword can always block the weapon just right, as if he is galloping in a heavy rain, but not a drop of water is touched.

He had no intention of killing the opponent directly. For those who were overwhelmed by the desire to fight, there might still be a chance of saving him.

The battle between two powerful men in the legendary realm turned the entire area of ​​nearly a hundred miles upside down. The ravines turned into flat ground, and large craters appeared in the flat ground. Every inch of the land seemed to have been deeply plowed.

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As time went by, his watertight defense finally caused the opponent to show signs of weakness and fatigue. It was not that his fiery fighting spirit had cooled down, but that this human body had been used to the limit it could bear.

Metal will also break due to fatigue, and every cell in the flesh and blood body will be drained of strength.

Ye Lin seized the opportunity, and two green leaves sprouted from his fingertips, flying like a hidden weapon, and cut the opponent's wrist open.

The body was already exhausted, and his wrist instantly hurt, and his strength was reduced by three points. The heavy halberd fell out of his hand and flew straight into Ye Lin's hand.

The demon-like figure roared unwillingly, carrying billowing madness, and raised its fist to kill.

"You have been crazy for so long, are you tired?"

Ye Lin took a step faster and punched the opponent's jaw in the middle. His teeth almost fell out. At the same time, a faint green energy entered the opponent's mind.


The tall and burly body fell directly, the flying long hair also became quiet, and he lay on the ground and fell into a coma after losing his strength.

"Hey, you pervert. I haven't seen you for a while. You seem to be stronger again."

Natalia stretched out her little hand. She had just survived the disaster and wanted to eat some cake to comfort her, the chocolate kind.

"Well, Yiduidi~ Captain, Rebecca, one hundred...cough, Sister Ludmila."

Inadvertently almost spilling the beans, Ye Lin greeted everyone one by one, his eyes lingering on Rebecca, the beautiful celestial girl.

Jacket went crazy looking for his daughter in Mospis, but she was leisurely and running around with the rebels.

He knew about Rebecca's amnesia, and even she knew it, but Rebecca hated recalling the past. Her own wish was to refuse treatment, and Ye Lin couldn't force it.

"It's over, the ship is destroyed, and there won't even be a place to live in the future." Root took off the wine bag from his waist, raised his head and took a sip, hinting to him with his half-drunk eyes whether he could support him with some money.

Part of the funds for the resistance's activities came from certain nobles and officials with the same stance in the empire, and part of it came from the support of Queen Skadi and Celia.

Life has been very tight for everyone.

"The core of the ship is fine." Ludmila said coldly and with an unkind look in her eyes, "But repairing the outer layer will also cost a lot of money."

The Sage's Call was originally her ship, but the shameless Root always claimed to be the captain, and now he has damaged the ship.

"Can you blame me? It's really this guy..." Root gestured to the Conqueror lying in the dirt and kept complaining: "I've heard of people who drained their magic power. He actually drained all his energy."

Natalia used a small spoon to dig into the cake given by Ye Lin, with a little bit on her lips, and muttered: "We have no money, what should we do?"

For her, whether the Holy Sage's Call could fly or not was secondary, but her food level and accommodation were in ruins.

"Otherwise, should we sell the captain or the knight leader? The empire is offering a bounty of tens of millions." Natalia thought of another idea on her own, feeling very smart.

But she was just joking. Captain Root had saved her life and was one of her few friends.

The captain over there was trying to clean up the debris. Ye Lin scratched his head in embarrassment, leaned next to Ludmila, and whispered: "Well, sister, do you want to be a rich woman?"

Saying she wants 10 billion is too greedy and selfish. Be more emotionally intelligent and ask her if she wants to be a billionaire.


Ludmila's eyes were suspicious. The concept of a rich woman was still relatively unfamiliar to her.

Most people in the God Realm are pure-hearted. After coming to Arad, she joined the resistance because she couldn't stand the behavior of the empire. As for private material interests, she didn't value them very much.

"I want to be a rich woman!" Natalia suddenly jumped out from the side and raised her hand high.

Her prize money for fourth place in the Xuzu Martial Arts Tournament had been spent on clothes and delicious food, and now her pockets were empty.

Because it was a matter of reputation, Ye Lin didn't show off too much and told everything about his plan to offer a reward of 10 billion.

"You want to use materialization magic to create a me, and then go and receive the reward from the empire?"

Ludmila shook her head slightly. It was not that she doubted Ye Lin's ability. The person who could be chosen by Lord Marr must have something extraordinary about him.

But, will Leon really keep his word and give him 10 billion?

That's a huge figure with a clear price tag of 10 billion, not 100 yuan.

The annual tax revenue of a small town in the empire is only one million levels. This is at least the tax revenue of several cities, including affiliated towns.

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