Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 888: Become human again

Hearing her taking advantage of the situation to ask for a price, Ye Lin not only was not threatened, but shook his head with regret, with an expression like "Why are you so good at this?" He sighed and suggested:

"Don't talk about a mere 200 million. Come here tonight alone. I'll leave the door open for you. The code is to knock three times, two long and one short. If you want a few hundred million, I'll give you a few hundred million."

Natalia frowned with slender eyebrows. She was not from the Celestial Realm, so she didn't quite understand the concept of "several hundred million". She was also a little confused as to why this beast was suddenly so generous.

But when she thought about it carefully, "at night, alone, secret code", such a highly suggestive keyword, no matter how stupid she was, she knew that this beast had evil intentions and wanted to use her as a pillow.

So his red eyes flashed with anger, and he wanted to use his venomous mouth to scold him, but then his mind changed and he thought that only this guy could make a replica to defraud the empire of 10 billion.

Natalia took a deep breath, suppressed her anger, and forced out a stiff smile:

"You are still a few hundred million points away from what this girl considers to be a boyfriend, just a few hundred million points."

It’s all about money, it’s all about money, it’s all about money…

Even Ludmila was surprised that the tomboy who had always been a straightforward person actually learned to be patient.

As if he was directly dealt a good guy card by the tomboy, Ye Lin first released the pretty and slightly blushing Ten Billion from his arms, and then vigorously poked Natalia's forehead with his index finger.

"You said the magic gunner is awake? Come on, let's go take a look."

Just as Ye Lin was about to leave the dormitory, he suddenly remembered something crucial. He turned to remind Ludmila: "That, the materialization magic, requires a drop of your blood."


The "devil" who had regained consciousness was sitting on a wooden board created when the Saint's Call was shattered, leaning on a rock with his back, looking into the distance with a confused and vicissitudes of eyes.

Most of the muscles in his limbs were bruised, and he should have been in unbearable pain after losing strength, but from his determined face, there was no sign of pain at all.

Rebecca had a revolver on her waist and stood five meters away with her arms folded, her eyes a little fearful.

"woke up?"

Ye Lin said hello and threw a bottle of water.


The throat was hoarse and dry, not like a human voice, more like a broken bellows whirring, and a word happened to be played.

He raised his head and drank some water, his expression slightly relieved. He held the remaining half bottle above his head and poured it on his hair. The cold water temperature made his back tense and his mind became clearer.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I could still be awake. My name is Gerald. I was originally supposed to be... a soldier of the Empire's First Legion."

He must have been in a crazy state for too long. It took him an explosive minute to recall a name and identity.

"Hello, I'm Ye Lin."

After briefly introducing her name, Natalia, who followed, was sharpening her knife with extremely evil eyes.

The members of the Imperial Army are pretty good, so why not wipe their necks and kill them as soon as possible to save them from causing any trouble to the rebels in the future.

"You have a clear killing intent in your eyes, but whatever, can you give me a cigarette? I don't even remember the last time I smoked."

Gerald shook his head indifferently at the tomboy's murderous intent. As for the demonic halberd captured by Ye Lin, it was placed not far from him, and he was not even interested in taking a look at it.

The gap in strength is like a chasm!

In his crazy state, filled with fighting spirit, he was easily defeated by the man in front of him every time. He couldn't even tell how strong his strength was. Now, he probably didn't even have a 1% chance of winning.

Gerald's current state is a bit like a machine running to the extreme, then overheating and sluggish, in sage mode.

Captain Root was a drinker but not a smoker, and Ludmila didn't have the same hobby either. Ye Lin moved her fingertips and materialized two cigarettes.

Anyway, it is just a taste, and since it is a magical creation, it does not hurt the lungs. If there is a chance, I can make a fortune from this.

"Thank you. When I finish smoking, I can do whatever you want with me."

The faint smell of tobacco filled his mouth and nose, and the white mist covered half of his face. Gerald was enjoying his current state. Fighting was his desire with the magic gun, but as a human being, he must have some unique preferences of his own.

"I want to know if there is anything unusual about the Imperial Army?" Ye Lin asked his purpose. The reason why he tried to save this guy's life was also for this reason.

"Abnormal? I am the biggest abnormality, haha." Gerald smiled happily.

Although it sounds a bit conceited, the fact is almost the same. An immortal war god who is possessed by battle and can only be sealed is extremely rare in the entire empire.

"Are you a rebel?"

He guessed the identity of the group of people in front of him, and for the sake of these two cigarettes, he had nothing to hide.

"The Imperial Army will drag some disabled soldiers to unknown places in the name of treatment, and then never come back."

It took about half an hour to remember all the potentially useful information about the Imperial Army. Gerald revealed all of it.

Among all the chaos, one of the most critical places is the Imperial Research Institute, the most secretive institutional facility in the empire, the source of too many experiments, and the birthplace of all kinds of weird things.

If it can be destroyed, it will undoubtedly be a severe pain for the empire.

But Gerald doesn't know its specific location.

"I'm done eating, let's do it."

He inhaled the last bit of tobacco flavor into his lungs, feeling a little greedy and obsessed, but mostly a kind of comfortable satisfaction.

There is nothing happier than having a good time before death.

Ye Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, then shook his head and smiled: "No, you can go."

"Oh? Aren't you worried that I will rejoin the empire?"

"Don't worry, because you are not a threat to me yet."

Gerald was suddenly stunned. His fighting spirit was soaring into the sky and he was extremely arrogant, but now there was someone stronger and more confident who was "contempting" him.

The other party may have some other purpose, but it doesn't matter. If they can survive, no one wants to die.

"But before you leave, I can tell you a story~"

He recounted the deeds of hunter Max in an admiring tone.

"So it's him, the champion of the first Red Moon Festival. I recognize him. I once wanted to kill the power of his magic spear, but I didn't realize I could win 100%."

He closed his eyes and nodded. After a moment, Gerald picked up the halberd, which weighed nearly a hundred kilograms, easily carried it on his shoulders, and left like a farmer carrying firewood.

I was lucky enough to meet a noble person and survive, and retreated from the madness. Perhaps I could do something for the conquerors who were on the verge of life and death.

The warrior's instinct is to love fighting, but that comes from the desire of the magic gun, not human thinking.

He likes the smell of tobacco. Those of the same kind who are still running on the front lines of the war should also have something they like, maybe a sweet apple, or a piece of barbecue sprinkled with cumin.

"Have you always been so dangerous..."

Gerald stared at the halberd in his palm. A large part of the reason for his crazy warlike attitude was the power of the magic spear.

He did not want to return to the First Legion of the Empire and continue the meaningless killings of the past, which would numb his spirit.

Truly be a human being with feelings, not a boring and cold "halberd".

Challenging stronger elites is his goal in the future.

"I seem to have heard that there was a group of guys on the border of the empire who were devoured by magic spears but luckily survived." Gerald tapped his head with calloused fingers, frowning and recalling carefully.

He was once considered a high-ranking military official and had access to many confidential information.

The empire once expelled a group of "inferior magic guns". The inferior items refer to the fact that some magic gunners seem to suffer from visual and auditory hallucinations, collectively referred to as "hallucinations". Some of them are so severe that they will attack without distinguishing between friend and foe. Everything, and then died after being backfired by the magic gun.

The top military officials decided to expel these potential threats, so they were exiled to the deserted lands on the border.

But what I didn't expect was that some of those guys actually survived and used a terrifying dark magic gun to take revenge on the empire.

Their characteristic is that they look like evil ghosts and can spread terrifying darkness. Moreover, every time they kill the Imperial Army, they will deliberately leave one alive, as if they are deliberately mocking them.

"It's very interesting. Let's go look for these hidden gun holders who were swallowed by the magic gun and survived."

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