Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 896: Isn’t it an act of free prostitution?

Facing the eldest princess's blazing gaze, which was as blazing as the sun and could almost make people melt, Ye Lin's expression still did not show the slightest change.

Because he was hesitating and hesitant, he could not make a definite promise casually.

Although, Celia's imagination did make him a little moved.

The overall situation of the Delos Empire is a little weird. As the largest national territory in Arad, it is internally divided into the first and second territories.

The first territory is the south, including Vetalon, Dia Cape, and the former capital Cantwin. It has a prosperous economy, and its management is relatively strict and militarized, with strict laws.

The second territory is the north, including the Ashland Desert, a part of the Stru Mountains, as well as the imperial prison and cities of Shatri, Aswan, Qunantai, etc.

Because the resources in the north are relatively poor, the area is vast and sparsely populated, it is difficult to conduct centralized management, and the location is close to the Snowy Land of Ston. Therefore, its folk customs are lively and militant, similar to the "youth version" (low configuration) of the Bantu people.

Although the cultural differences between the two territories are relatively obvious, one thing is absolutely recognized, that is, they have a strong sense of pride and unity towards the Delos Empire.

He had discussed it carefully with Siatt, Captain Root and others a few days ago, when he went to get Ludmila's blood and body details.

Will the "recover the glory of Peruvian" mentality, stirred up and widely spread by Lyon with his excellent political ability, really die out with the death of Lyon?

The answer is most likely no.

After the fall of an ambitious tyrant, there will be a second "emperor" who obeys the current trend of the empire and continues to promote the glory of Perouse.

Since Leon ascended the throne, he has used various means to launch the passionate and glorious concept of "fighting the whole country" and "restoring the glory of the empire". Now more than 20 years have passed.

A generation of young people have heard and heard it since they were young, and middle-aged people are passionate about picking up swords. Even the older generation who can't stand the torment have already had subtle changes in their thinking.

Moreover, the whole nation is a soldier and the whole nation is armed. Over the past twenty years, it has affected many aspects and entangled countless interests. It seems to be an unstoppable trend.

If the king of a country is wise, the whole country will be safe and peaceful, and everyone will treat each other politely. If the king of a country is tyrannical, then he will be effective and have difficulty in self-discipline, and he will be eager to conquer.

But the opposite is also true.

It seems that Leon provoked the invasion of the empire, but it could not be that various factors of the empire itself chose him.

For example, the leader of the warlike and barbaric Bantu tribe will never be an elegant person who writes poetry.

Therefore, Ye Lin felt that the eldest princess was a little naive.

Even if Lyon abdicates, and the eldest prince is "unfortunate", and she ascends the throne as queen and wants to change, she will face the dilemma of an empire with a solidified ethos, and a noble family that fully resists "reform".

Her strength is mediocre, how can she protect the throne?

But he must also admit in his heart that if the empire changes its emperor, whether it is Belmare, Vanes, or even the distant virtual motherland, the eldest princess Celia is indeed the best candidate for the future, and there may not be one.

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First of all, as Celia said, although the eldest prince Fann inherited his mother's blond blood, his character and temper are very similar to Lyon, they are carved from the same mold.

Why did the eldest prince never hide his strong desire for the throne, but also openly gathered his power and made friends with powerful people? Why did Lyon still not depose him even when he was about to point a knife at the emperor's nose and tell him to roll off the throne?

It is estimated that a very important reason is that for the Delos Empire, Vann Franz's character is the next emperor that is most suitable for the development of the empire!

Of course, for countries such as Bellemare, they are not so happy and like it.

Isabella, the third princess, actually has a good reputation among the people. She loves adventure and is willing to make friends. She never bullies others and does not have too many condescending royal airs.

However, to put it bluntly, her political talent is the same as human magical talent, basically close to "scum"!

A princess who is still happy and only uses money to solve problems when she encounters problems is asked to manage the huge Delos Empire. Thinking about it, there is actually a chilling feeling.

Especially when it comes to Biskadi, Meia, a queen and third princess who is widely praised and respected by her own people, is really a bit embarrassing and silly.

Her political ability is neither more subtle than that of Alijie, who has the gift of mind reading, nor that of Aska, who is blessed with various auspicious signs.

On the contrary, it was the eldest princess Celia, who had elegant taste and outstanding talent. Before she became an imperial diplomat, she traveled to most cities in the country and formed deep friendships with well-known local figures.

After serving as an imperial diplomat, she became even more at home. Even the more difficult matters of the second territory were handled with ease, and she was once praised as the "face of the empire."

If Celia can inherit the throne, with her intelligence and wisdom, it seems to be the best choice for the future peace of the Arad continent.

Celia felt as nervous as a deer being chased by a cheetah. She jumped so fast that she almost broke her chest. Her white palms were placed on her legs, and her fingers were entangled and clenched unconsciously.

Her biggest bargaining chip, or rather, wasn't a bargaining chip at all, was that she saw through Ye Lin's personality that he preferred peace and stability.

As well as her detailed understanding of herself, she may not be the kind of queen that Delos needs, but she will be the queen that other countries need.

Maybe this throne would not allow one to sit freely enough, and it would be a kind of puppet emperor who only sat on it "when others need it", but she felt it was enough!

As long as I can sit on the throne of the Yi Zheng Hall and lose something, what does it matter?

The eldest princess, who seems to be uneasy on the surface, has already revealed her extremely unwilling and crazy ambition!

The atmosphere seemed to be frozen. When there was silence, time would not stop moving. Ye Lin suddenly shook his head and smiled: "I am just an adventurer. My home is still in Hutton Mar. I still want to take Katrin home for the New Year."

Planning to overthrow the royal power of Lyon, and then use absolute strength to support a new queen, the process will inevitably be full of twists and turns and consume a lot of energy.

The most important thing is that Celia herself is indeed good enough, but her behavior has a bit of a "free prostitution" flavor.

I have to help you depose Lyon first, then make the eldest prince lose his inheritance rights, and uproot the entrenched nobles... After a series of operations, you will enjoy the success and become the queen after you become famous, and then you will introduce measures for peace and diplomacy.

If the logic is simplified, it seems a bit nonsense.

Strictly speaking, the eldest princess made her own small calculations. She ascended to the coveted throne with almost no effort in the early stage.

As for your own excellence, if you want to become an emperor, isn't that what you should do?

And although Delos valued "orthodoxy", Yelin really didn't believe that except for Celia, there would be no other suitable candidate among the other royal children.

No matter what happens, just train Isabella.

Although the Third Princess has a playful and restless temper, she is very smart. As long as she is willing to work hard, there is nothing she cannot accomplish.

It is easy to understand the words spoken by smart people. The eldest princess’s pretty face was slightly embarrassed and flushed. Even though she was an imperial diplomat and was not surprised by everything, she could be said to be thick-skinned.

But this is the entire Delos Empire. With just a few words, he promised a future and wanted to ascend to the throne. He didn't pay anything in the early stage. How could there be such a wonderful thing in the world?

But the arrow had to be fired. Rather than betting that Leon and the eldest prince would suffer from incurable diseases at the same time, she still felt that it was better to seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of her.

Moreover, Ye Lin did not directly shake his head and refuse, saying that you were wishful thinking or that it was none of my business. Instead, he left a little leeway.

The eldest princess stood up gracefully, wearing a long black gauze dress that was slim and slim. Her body was light and soft, like a beautiful black-feathered swan.

The floor of the lounge was also covered with expensive carpets. She took off the high heels on her other foot and sat naturally next to Ye Lin. There was a faint fragrance that had always been there, which became slightly stronger.

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