Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 898 Propose to me and I will marry you

Celia's body was very flexible. She sat in a duck-sitting position on the expensive carpet top, frowning and lost in thought for a while.

She was obsessed with political exchanges and neglected to practice on weekdays, but now Ye Lin asked her to do the opposite and improve her strength, so that at least the awakened ones would have sufficient confidence.

She also understands the truth. Only when she is strong can she suppress everything with absolute strength like him. She can hold her chest and head high in front of the emperor without kneeling proudly.

If she could be as powerful as him, or even take a big step back to the legendary realm, the eldest prince Fan En would have been exiled to an unknown desolate place by her to wait for death.

And the fact is just as he said, Leon is using the fight between his children to "raise Gu"!

The equally outstanding eldest princess and eldest prince, for the sake of the throne, restrained and spurred each other, and no one dared to let go of their tight strings.

What Leon was very sure of was the ambition of his children!

But what if one party suddenly becomes too lazy to compete and is no longer keen on the throne?

Regardless of how the eldest prince reacted, Leon alone would probably be caught off guard.

However, cultivating to awakening is not something that can be achieved by just talking, otherwise she would not have let go just now.

The professionals are still okay, but the awakened ones are not one of the best cultivation geniuses.

Suddenly, Ye Lin appeared in the lounge like a ghost again, startling her deep thoughts.

He held a piece of strange, special apple without a core in his hand and said: "This is a strange fruit. After eating it, it is very good for practice. In addition, Lyon is also a special trial blade. He definitely has some hidden cards. If you are not qualified, everything is just wishful thinking, and professionals can kill you."

After saying that, his figure disappeared again, and the special fruit fell into the nutritious cup, mixed with the sad red wine.


The party finally came to an end. Leon was very satisfied with the result tonight. He used Ye Lin as a role model, which played a very good motivating role.

Ye Lin was also very satisfied. He got 10 billion and was going to use the "Ludmilla" hook to secretly disgust Leon again.

The eldest princess is also satisfied. The apple slice works well.

With a noble and elegant posture and a friendly smile, she sent the guests away from the palace. Her etiquette was so perfect that no one could fault her at all, and she was worthy of being called the "face of the empire."

At the entrance of the luxurious high-tower castle, the eldest princess bid farewell with ladylike etiquette and said with a smile: "Duke Brandt, I wish you a wonderful night."

"Haha, Your Majesty is so kind, tonight will be wonderful."

Duke Brandt said a few polite words, with a smile on his face, but he couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart.

The third princess was publicly engaged, and her family also lost the opportunity to get closer to the royal family.

Generally, the political value of children who are not valued in the royal family cannot be compared with that of the third princess. As for the second princess of the empire... Brandt shook his head silently.

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The second princess is two years older than the eldest prince, but she is a figure who rarely appears in public. It seems that he does not know what special tasks she is doing for Leon.

The status of a Duke was one of the few in the entire empire. Brandt could ride a carriage in the palace, which was a status symbol.

However, just as he was about to board the carriage, the eldest princess suddenly let out a cry of pain from behind.

There were white stone steps at the door, but the eldest princess seemed to have accidentally stepped on them and twisted her ankle.

The maid hurriedly ran over to help and check. The eldest princess's snow-white and delicate ankles were now bruised and swollen, and it was obvious that they were twisted badly.

A thin layer of cold sweat appeared on her forehead, and the eldest princess narrowed her eyes in pain.

Of course, this time she sprained her foot on purpose, but unlike the last time, she really took the risk and suffered from the excruciating pain.

next day

There were reports in the palace that the eldest princess had a swollen ankle and had difficulty moving. It seemed that diplomatic matters that were approaching the end of the year could only be signed in the palace, or simply handed over to the deputy. Going out was no longer possible.


The hustle and bustle, bustling and majestic city like the golden city of Weitalun brought exhaustion to Ye Lin far beyond the excitement when we first saw it.

If it weren't for his extraordinary strength and ability to forcefully break away from this imperial vortex, this trip would probably have taken two to three times longer.

Cyrus waved his whip on the two horses, and the spacious carriage moved slowly towards a small town outside the city.

"Saler Maya", known as the God of Fighting, once lived in the Imperial Capital and taught fighting skills. However, she later became tired of the fast-paced atmosphere of the Imperial Capital and considered it unhelpful for her practice, so she went to a pure place instead. .

Although there was still an endless stream of disciples coming and going, at least the overall atmosphere felt more comfortable.

Siatt did not get on the carriage, but stared at the tall city walls of the imperial capital, holding the shining Leiwodin tightly in her hands, her eyes extremely complex.

This is the city where she has lived since she was a child. She is very familiar with most of the roads in the city, and it is her true "hometown".

She hated that the transfer experiment had changed her destiny. She went from being a young lady with a good life to being imprisoned. The devil's hands made her miserable, and she fought bloody battles with wild beasts.

But she was also a little lucky. If it hadn't been for the transfer experiment, there was a great possibility that her life would have been to continue to be a knight of the empire, working for the empire for the so-called glory and family.

Maybe now, there will be young nobles who have a blind date with each other.

A colorful adventurous life and like-minded teammates. Sure enough, this is the life she wants most by chance.

Her magic hand suddenly tightened on the hilt of Lei Woding's sword, and a majestic aura that was even more powerful than the Sword Emperor suddenly arose like a rainbow.

The situation above the sky changes suddenly, and there seems to be a mysterious force that can peek into the imperial capital. It is the Demonic Sword Legion hidden in another dimension!

"Ye Lin." She suddenly said expressionlessly.

"Here we are, always at your service."

Yelin made a funny gentlemanly gesture. He knew Siatt's feelings, hate and love, hometown and nightmare.

"We will go to the Demon Realm after the year and seize half of the territory. Then, propose to me and I will marry you."


Although Siatt suddenly raised the conditions, from being the ruler of one of the eight major regions to occupying four of the eight major regions.

But with the power of Wuxuan, his heart suddenly surged with enthusiasm. He had conquered half of the demon world, so he might as well give it a try!

Siatt did not try the magic sword army of another dimension with all his strength. Instead, he waved Leiwodin high, with a flash of electric light flashing in his eyes.

Sword of Glory!

Outside the golden capital of Weitalun City, an astonishing crack appeared that spread tens of thousands of meters. The vibration caused by its energy pouring caused a panic earthquake in the huge imperial capital.

Siatt turned around and left after striking the sword, extremely free and easy, without any nostalgia.

Goodbye, the hometown of my childhood, and my home from now on, is Hutton Mar.

Her parents were sent secretly to Kunanchai, a city in the western border of the empire. It is estimated that Leon was worried that Siatt would suddenly destroy the city with a sword, so he held back.

Ye Lin shrugged, turned and left.

The whirlpool of the empire will always explode. "Father is kind and son is filial", "Brother is humble and brother is respectful", the drama has not yet begun.

Leon Heinrich III, formerly known as Heid Baden.

He is an alternative trial blade chosen by Alice, similar to Rantilus, who broke Arad's peaceful life for more than three hundred years, stirred up a pool of water, and honed a stronger trial blade.

Combined with Barn's black ring that could absorb the apostle's power, there is a high probability that Leon has the shadow of Held in him, but he himself doesn't know it.

The self-righteous planners, whether it is Rantilus, the prophet Ethra, the Demon Emperor Charles Foz, or Leon Heinrich, their destiny has already been fixed in the future. role.

Whetstone after whetstone.

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