Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 912 Ideal Metal

The day before the new year, heaven, sea of ​​twilight

Antuen, which is as huge as a mountain, stands quietly in the ocean. The waves are constantly rising when the seawater rushes and hits its legs. It is like a towering mountain lifted up by the Optimus Pillar. If it falls unfortunately, it will inevitably cause a tsunami and landslide. .

Since Antuen once helped Heaven resist the invasion of demons, the Seventh Empire's senses were a little more pleasing to this big guy.

Some of the brave ones even followed the cruise ship and wanted to take photos together, which are the most eye-catching photos to show off.

"Agnes, be careful."

Dr. Gina reminded her, and then hid behind her, her eyes full of anticipation, her heart almost raised to her throat, and her palms clenched into fists.

They have made very good progress in their research on the "energy revolution" in the heavenly realm.

She used the photophagic property of "Black Nightmare" to successfully develop a special battery panel that can quickly convert the devoured light energy into electrical energy.

It is inspired by the "light energy response module", which can convert light energy into something more efficient than traditional solar panels and is also more durable.

Moreover, the additional battery is a transistor. If it does not have sufficient output efficiency, once it is activated, the powerful devouring power of the black nightmare will easily explode ordinary batteries. Only high-end crystals can be used.

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Agnes nodded, holding a basketball-sized, very regular polyhedron device in her hand, and slowly placed it inside an experimental machine. After fixing it, she pressed the start button.

Like cardboard rubbing against the ground, with a slight noise, the humanoid experimental machine slowly stood up and was running well.

"Is it...successful?"

Dr. Nairn adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and began to stutter again due to emotion. If the new energy project can really succeed, it will undoubtedly be the best and exciting news for the Seventh Empire, which has suffered successive hardships.

And the most important thing is that it does not have explosive and dangerous characteristics like "source energy", and its safety has been significantly improved. It may also be used for commercial civilian use.

Agnes took a step back and was also very surprised. For the Tartan tribe, the most obvious thing to eat light to generate energy is to supply fraternal eggs and Antuen's back.

If a certain number of "Black Nightmares" can be fixed in the black volcano, the continuous energy will be enough to feed this big guy, and there will be no need to devour the origin of the planet.

As for the large-scale nuclear power plants that are being planned, they are just a dispensable thing. It doesn’t matter whether they are built or not.

However, before they could be happy for long, the huge humanoid experimental machine, the "TN-80 Terminator", suddenly emitted white smoke from the joint gaps after taking two steps, as if there was an internal short circuit.


Mediel, who had been watching carefully from the side, clapped his hands and quickly generated a wave of energy protection, covering the shocked them.


The humanoid machine exploded violently from the inside, the fireworks expanded and spread, the flying metal was like a cannonball, and the energy protective shell of the impact rippled.

Fortunately, there is no additional information in this laboratory, and the damage caused by an explosion is not significant.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, although they had already had a hunch that the first practical experiment would not be successful so easily, they could not hide their disappointment when they saw the tattered machine in front of them, with only one of its legs left after being blown up. .

"what happened?"

Lindsay, who has always been interested in new energy sources, even ignored the possibility of an explosion in the field and hurriedly dug up the mechanical debris.

The three Elytra of the Seven Gods worked together and finally slumped down in their chairs and came to the helpless conclusion that the parts were burned!

Due to the different electrical energy output of mechanical components, especially when the power is high, it is normal to short-circuit and burn wires. Generally, it is enough to replace them with new ones.

But the problem lies on the black nightmare side. There is no problem in using the new light energy reaction module developed by Dr. Gina. However, once it is necessary to complete a series of steps from light-eating-energy conversion-power adjustment-transmission, etc., the reaction module must be loaded. The circuit boards began to lose their endurance, and the energy boxes of large machines would still burn out and become unusable.

After staring at the computer screen and looking at the data for a while, she couldn't calculate the results for the time being. Gina held her cheeks and sighed: "No, in fact, we have succeeded in theory, but it cannot provide continuous energy for large machinery, unlike ordinary batteries. What’s the difference?”

Lindsay opened a bottle of iced Coke for herself, agreed and said helplessly: "Well, the energy revolution symbolizes the weapons revolution, the battery life of the War Lord, the new project Waldstein of the Sman Industrial Base, and your core war equipment. Our new project G-X Star has extremely high requirements on energy."

Nairn, who was extremely afraid of strangers and stuttered a bit, did not speak. Instead, she quickly typed on the keyboard with her brows furrowed as she analyzed whether there was a better solution.

"I think the material is better! It's more suitable for the metal of the black nightmare!"

After saying this with a firm voice expressing her dissatisfaction, Gina smiled bitterly at herself, and the research project fell into a shackles problem again.

After the energy is converted, the temporary electrical energy is stored with Grainy's transistor, and the effect of the reaction module can also be achieved. Now it is not a software problem, but a hardware limitation.

Traditional copper wires, various semiconductors, and even Terralite alloys have all been tried and can be used on a small scale, but they do not meet the conditions for perfect fit.

Tenacity and unyielding will are the outstanding virtues of the Rosen family. Lindsay obviously did not give up, but gradually calculated an ideal metal:

"Is there a material that is more suitable for the black nightmare? For example, the special substance of the black nightmare comes from the maker Luke. Can we find some breakthrough from him?"

Mechanical monarch?

Nairn blinked and didn't hold out much hope for this. The mechanical monarch had already returned to his original planet, so how could he ask?

Dr. Gina was surprised when she heard this. Lindsay actually thought of this.

She had a storage disk given to her by Ye Lin, the source of which was the Mechanical Monarch. It did contain a lot of perverted technological information, but it was difficult for her to resist the idea of ​​studying it in depth.

A technological civilization that far surpasses the Heaven Realm will trigger an even more explosive scientific and technological revolution, which will lead to a substantial development of weapons. The manufacturing of weapons beyond limits and taboos is not necessarily a good thing for the Heaven Realm.

And once the news leaks out, her situation will become extremely dangerous.

Therefore, she only read a few information about energy, and she benefited a lot from it, which greatly accelerated the research process of new energy.

Among them, there is indeed a record of a very special type of metal, which not only has perfect hardness and toughness, but also theoretically fits the properties of the black nightmare.

The source of darkness!

But the problem is that this special metal seems to be hammered only by the hammer of the king of the maker Luke, let alone fine processing. It is almost impossible to complete such an operation in the current heaven.

Gina didn't want to dampen Lindsay and Nairn's enthusiasm for the time being, so she kept silent, and what if there were other alternative materials.


Nairn opened a canned fruit and tasted a piece of peach. During the time she was doing research on Antuen's back, the supply of supplies was okay, and the food was served by a chef aunt hired at a high price, but she needed to be restricted to a certain degree of freedom.

"Hey, let's take a rest. It's the Chinese New Year, won't you go home, Lindsay?" Gina asked Lindsay, who was as pure as a little white flower.

It didn't matter to her that she was alone for a long time. As for the Sigg family where Nairn belongs, a family with irresponsible parents who only raise daughters for marriage, profit first, and no family ties at all. Nairn has not been back for at least fifteen years. .

Especially after Nairn became the glorious "Elytra of the Seven Gods", her parents played the bitterness card with hypocrisy and tears, trying to gain the reputation of the Seven Gods family. As a result, Nairn shivered in fear when she recalled the shadow of her childhood, and Mei When Mrs. Li saw this, she straightened her face and used an air combat machine to blast the parents out.

There are only two people in the entire heaven that Mrs. Meili can respect and give face to. One is the deceased supreme priest Beilean, and the other is the missing mechanical head of state, Mercer Curio.

But now there are barely two more, ending the centuries-old rule of the aristocratic council in heaven, the highly respected Dragon Emperor Alijie, and the general Ye Lin.


Lindsay didn't take her eyes off the computer and said calmly: "It's only been one year. Compared to the research on new energy, it's not worth mentioning. My parents will forgive me, and when I go back...well, I will be urged to get married again." , very annoying.”

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