Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 932: Organization Name: Wuxuan

Yuena's face was quiet and elegant, with a touch of attractive red clouds hanging on it. Her shoulders were covered with silk, and her eyelashes were still trembling slightly when she closed her eyes. She was obviously not asleep yet, but just resting and recovering her strength.

The restless Ye Lin buried his head and kissed her collarbone gently, then bit the green hair beside her ear as if obsessed, and whispered in her ear: "Lord Angel, you have been defeated, can I take care of you?" Xiaoyu is coming?"

Yuena, who was closing her eyes to recuperate, feeling shy about her previous bold behavior, opened her eyes instantly after hearing this and stared at him with a slightly narrowed and dangerous look, which made Ye Lin extremely flustered and screamed.


next day

In the quiet alien camp, fierce quarrels broke out as usual, and the source was Rosselló and Scurti.

Judging from the fact that there were no anxious expressions on the faces of the little strangers around, it seemed that this kind of thing was no longer unusual.

"Skuerti, today I have to see what the water of life you are drinking is!"

She tossed and turned all night last night, barely closing her eyes. The water of life was a divine thing that even Lord Luke could not get. How could he take pity on the little Alien clan?

She really didn't believe that a race that was so weak that it was protected by the orcs would have such great luck.

"No! The Water of Life is in the Holy Land of our Alien Tribe. It was given by Master Luke. Rossello, you don't even know where the Holy Land is. You've been away from home for too long."

Although she is the youngest among the three sisters, Skurti is not weak at all, with big pink eyes and a stubborn little face.

The gentle Belladir on the side wanted to break up the fight, but the two were fierce and tit-for-tat, and she didn't know which side was best to pull first.

Although the eldest sister Elta frowned, she seemed to be absent-minded. Her eyes were not on the person confronting her. She was distracted.

"You have been deceived. There is no water of life at all!"

Rousselot finally broke out, spreading out with a majestic momentum that far surpassed Scurdi's. A pair of clean eyes were now filled with astonishing evil aura.

After all, she was older and more powerful. The weak Skulti was immediately suppressed and speechless, her little face was pale and bloodless, and the anxious second sister was sweating on her forehead.

"Skurti, tell me, who gave you the water of life?"

After drinking it, the body will become hot, the body surface will turn red, the temperature will increase, and the thirst will be unbearable. Why is this special state after drinking very similar to what the contaminated Karina said, that is... Terra Stone poisoning!

"I gave it to you, what happened?"

The sudden appearance of a powerful male voice made Rousselot raise his eyes.

The vocational teacher strode up from a path outside the residential camp, a burly male orc with a strong physique and three scars on his chest. His silver-gray hair was meticulously groomed, and he was wearing a dark green coat. He had a very good figure. pressure.

"Lord Gragur." Beladir, with his good character, hurriedly greeted him politely.

When all the adult aliens died of Terra Stone poisoning, it was the black tiger Gragul who took in the young alien children and was a kind person.

"Bella Dil, my future bride does not need to be so polite."

Gragur grinned. He was very interested in this petite alien race.


Something that didn't exist, but did appear again!

"Sir, please don't say that." Belladir had a headache and was helpless. She wanted to reject the other party outright, but she was worried that it would make the other party unhappy and make the alien tribe lose their protection.

"Astrologer Rousselot, just in time, can you predict how long it will take for me to become the king of the center of the earth's orbit?"

Gragur scratched the hair on his cheek with his sharp nails, speaking in an understatement, as if it was a trivial matter, but hiding a trace of impatience.

"King of the Demon Realm? Ha~"

When Rousselot learned about the water of life, she was already in a state of complete anger. She was surrounded by rich four-color elements and asked coldly: "Gragul, what on earth is your water of life? "

"It's the magical water given by Lord Luke that can give the alien side the power of super evolution. Rosselló, are you questioning me?"

Picking his teeth with his sharp nails, Gragur didn't care at all. Could the elemental magic be done faster with his own sharp claws?

"That's nonsense! I have followed Lord Luke in the Silent City for more than ten years, and I have never heard of any water of life!"

Her voice was solemn and straightforward, but what she said made the surrounding aliens and orcs freeze on the spot.

In the hearts of the Alien Race, the current status of Apostle Luke is no less than that of the Exploding Dragon King more than a thousand years ago, and he is almost regarded as a god!

However, the maker never came to see them in person. Only occasionally, some of Luke's follower mages would pass by Time Square and give them some sporadic favors.

Rossello, the astrologer in the clan, has been to the Silent City and followed Lord Luke?

"Quack, I don't believe it~"

"I don't believe it either."

"She's stupid."

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The voices mocking Rousselot were not from the aliens and orcs, but from some dirtier stone-bone beasts. They existed in various areas of the demon world and had strong adaptability to the environment.

There are quite a few stone bone beasts who are also following the maker Luke, but unfortunately, only the Sighing Lampard was selected by Luke and taken to the Silent City.

Gragur's heart was slightly shaken, his eyes were strange, and he pondered for a moment before saying: "You are from Silent City, which means you know the location of Silent City?"


Rousselot, who was already furious, had his beautiful face slightly distorted. How could she not know that the demon race was almost going crazy looking for the missing Silent City.

Gragul probably believed that she came from the Silent City, because the astrologer came back so suddenly, right during the time when the Demon Realm was besieging the Silent City.

But with a quick turn of his clever mind, he quickly changed his mind. Whoever knows the news about the Silent City is the "culprit"!

If you say you don't know, then you are a liar and you are not from Silent City.


"Wow, what a big cat, and it even wears clothes."

"Well, it's so burly, a big cat like a giant bull-headed beast."

Suddenly, someone broke the cold atmosphere at an inappropriate time. This time, Gragur's expression was distorted. Someone actually dared to call himself a cat. Are you impatient?

A girl holding a snow-white pony and a girl with a "grey lizard" standing on her shoulders were pointing at Gragur, extremely curious.

The cat Alicia bought from Grandma Olan was very small, but the cat in front of her was so big.

"I'm not a cat, shut up! You idiot!"

Just when Gragur showed his fangs and wanted to teach them a lesson, a shadow suddenly appeared in the sky.

A huge white stone platform suddenly fell from the sky, with a roar that made the ground tremble, scaring away the little strangers around it.

Skulti's face was startled, then he looked at the person standing on the stone platform and said hurriedly: "Our Holy Platform! You are indeed a bad person!"

The stone platform that was sent over was the place where the alien tribe obtained the water of life. It was a huge cylindrical stone platform with a height of five meters. There was a small depression in the middle, and there was a little clear water in it.

The demons I met yesterday were indeed not good people. They dared to break into the Holy Land of the Alien Clan and seize the holy platform.

"This... Mr. Adventurer..." Belladir was at a loss. She heard Rosselló say last night that the person who came was actually a good man named the Adventurer. He came from another world and was here to help the Aliens. .

But why was the holy platform taken away in the blink of an eye this morning?

Ye Lin stepped on the stone platform with his feet, and there was a suppressed anger in his calm expression. He stared at Gragur and asked: "The third combat group belonging to the Kaxiu sect, codenamed Fangs, this person, Gragur, you Do you know him?"

Gragur's whole body was on guard. He felt a great pressure from this inexplicable person, a danger and terror that was more terrifying than Richard the Heartbreaker.

"Who are you?"

"I am the leader of the Wuxuan organization. As for the name, I will see if you are qualified to know it later."

Wuxuan was the name of the organization he took in a compromise. The original plan was to call it "Justice League", but his arm was bruised and bruised after being pinched by Siatt, and he had no choice but to give up.

"Gragul, let me ask you, do you dare to drink this water of life?"

The water of life is of course fake, it is water containing the toxicity of Terra Stone.

The reason why Skuerti and the others would get hot after drinking it was purely due to the toxicity. However, due to the relatively high resistance of "Norni", some of the toxins did not break out for the time being.

Once the toxicity reaches a certain critical point, the three Norni sisters will become delirious and in pain, and attack randomly like crazy.

By then, the small strangeness of the Orc Canyon residents will be affected.

"You are not a demon."

Gragur finally discovered something special, that is, Ye Lin's ears were no longer disguised and were not pointed in shape.

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