Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 935: Xia Lun has always been deceived

"Terra Stone is a fascinating resource. Do you think a high-purity ore can only replace a week's worth of rations?"

Gragur seemed to be showing off his talent, just like how he took care of his oily fur every day, "That's wrong! A piece of high-purity ore can replace a month's worth of rations! Philie, Lalu, you ate a lot back then. The price difference~How many adult aliens have been squeezed out of their blood?"

The awkward situation of the alien tribe in the demon world resulted in even the adult aliens who later made a living by mining, without the resources to practice, and their strength was not very strong.

Marcella longed for luxurious wealth, so she forced the aliens to mine without protection, and the reward they paid was only a quarter.

The orcs named by Gragur, a fox from the Lucca tribe and a cat from the Giza tribe, had followed Marcela to get rich and become domineering with Gragul. Now they panicked and wanted to run away as soon as they took a step forward.

"Leave me alone!"


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When the extremely angry Rousselot element surged, his long hair shone like dancing flames, and two thunderbolts as thick as arms instantly turned it into charcoal, and the smell of paste drifted away.

Closing her eyes in pain, Marcella took the initiative to come out. No matter what, she had an unshirkable responsibility for the death of Xia Lun's parents and the exploitation of part of the Alien Mining.

"Liar..." Xia Lun was stunned, tears flowed from his eyes, and there were some flame cat features and three-petaled cheeks across his face, and he murmured: "Marcella, how can you do this? Look at it quickly The ring tells me it's not true."

The appearance of her parents in her memory was no longer clear. It was Marcella who told her that they unfortunately died in the Terra Stone mine because of the ore, food, and to feed their young children.

Therefore, Xia Lun has always felt resentful about her birth. She does not have special abilities like "Norni" and is ordinary and has always been different. Why was she born?

But now, in front of the Eye of Surato, Gragul actually revealed a cruel fact. Her parents were squeezed by Marcella and died of exhaustion.

A high-concentration Terra Stone can replace a month's worth of rations, not a week.


Marcella opened her mouth, facing the tear-stained cheek, but was stagnant several times and couldn't say anything to defend herself, even though she didn't look at the Eye of Surato.

She once had the honor to see big figures traveling in the demon world. The carriages were exquisite and luxurious, with colorful decorations and servants swarming around them. They looked so eye-catching in the mainly gray demon world.

So she thought about it. She didn't have the courage to accept dangerous methods such as the Eye of Darkness to become stronger, so she simply used wealth to satisfy her vanity.

She forced the aliens with low combat effectiveness to mine and gave them only low rewards.

She accumulated a fortune and began to imitate the people in civilized Central Park and affluent Brooklyn. She was neatly and beautifully dressed, and was teased as "Marcella in Boots."

Marcella is actually no different from ordinary people in the demon world. She desires wealth and hates "variants" like the Alien Tribe.

The Alien Clan is actually a branch of the Orc Clan, just like the Giza Clan and the Lucca Clan, which can be seen from the flame cat Xia Lun.

However, their bodies will change when they become adults, losing their "beast" characteristics and becoming more like "humans". Therefore, in terms of racial concepts, the aliens are in a very embarrassing situation.

The orcs feel that they do not have the characteristics of orcs, and the humans feel that they used to have claws and ears. They all think that the alien tribe belongs to the "opposite".

In addition to being on the wrong side of the alien race during the Dragon War era, physical peculiarities are also an extremely important reason why the alien race is discriminated against.

It was only later that the gold earned by Marcella could not withstand the condemnation of her conscience. Those poor little aliens had no one to help them and had to wait to die, so she asked the orcs to accept the alien children and provide them with shelter. It is also a kind of atonement, which makes one feel better.

And Nourni's potential was extremely terrifying. She was worried that the truth would be exposed one day in the future, which would be extremely detrimental to herself, so she put forward the suggestion of Terra Stone Poison Water.

"Liar! Marcella! You are a liar!"

A ball of orange flames rose from the wailing Xia Lun's flesh claws. He tried to throw it at Marcella who did not resist several times, but struggled and hung down, and finally ran out of the camp in tears.

"Xia Lun!"

Marcella's eyes dimmed and she moved her legs, but she didn't have the courage to chase him out.

"I'll go."

Gu Yu, who had a complicated look on his face, nodded and turned into a gust of wind and disappeared in an instant, causing Gragur's face to twitch again. The speed was terrifying, perhaps even faster than the "thorn dog" in the Kaxiu sect.

What is the origin of this organization that the man just called "Wuxuan"?

The cruelty of the truth is also a blow comparable to a thunderbolt for Alta, who has always pretended to be mature but still young.

I thought that Gragul's status as a Kaxiu sect was scary enough, but I didn't expect that the kind Marcela, who was regarded as a sister by the little alien, actually killed many adult aliens.


Rossello said coldly, and several pieces of ice fell from the sky, blocking the direction in which Marcella might escape, although she seemed to have no intention of escaping.

She could hardly imagine what terrible fate the aliens would have suffered if it hadn't been for the strong argument with Skulti this morning and the Eye of Surato brought by Ye Lin.

Noelni will be poisoned and go crazy, and the little aliens will continue to be deceived by Marcella. If she had gone a little further and had not bravely "betrayed" Lord Luke, then the aliens...

The temperature in the Demon Realm was slightly cool but not too cold. Rossello was still trembling, and his scalp was numb.

"Gragul, let me ask you, what happened to the adult Aliens?" Alta was still holding the ring, but her shoulders were trembling, her face was pale, and her big eyes were holding back the tears that were about to come to her eyes.

As the eldest sister, she would naturally have more to consider. She has always suspected that although the lifespan of the alien tribe is not as good as that of the demon tribe, it is not an extreme situation where an entire generation will be cut off.

Especially the appearance of the adult Rosselló deepened her suspicion.

"Part of it died from mining, and part of it died from my power experiment. Maybe there were still fish that slipped through the net. After all, in Time Square, Lord Luke's followers occasionally passed by."

Gragur couldn't tell lies. The races gathered near the Time Square longed for Luke's blessing. However, the Silent City had light refraction technology that made it impossible to detect it. Also, Luke was picky and ordinary people could not enter his Eye.

Gragur still remembered that he had participated in a selection meeting for Luke, and the result was that he was eliminated and was not qualified to be transformed by the maker.

So the races in Time Square were very mixed at first, including demons, orcs, aliens, stone beasts, etc. Later, Ron, the leader of Tarakuta, found the Silent City by spreading light elements, attracting an army to settle in, and many followers The person fled in panic.

Maybe, there will be adult aliens who are lucky enough to escape with their lives.

Then Elta asked all the questions she wanted to ask, and even some orcs took the opportunity to talk to each other, adding fuel to the fire, and told all of Gragul's sins.

Why did Gragul use cruel methods to intimidate other orcs when he challenged the previous leader, Gray Fox Benjamin.

After he became the leader of the clan, all the orc villages or cronies of the old clan leader who did not obey him were ruthlessly suppressed by him.

Others say that he is selling fox tails from the Lucca tribe~

Of course, Rousselot felt that this kind of thing was nonsense and just adding to the confusion.

Skurti, who had been silent all this time, finally asked bitterly in a sad mood:

"Why did you do this? You have great power, and you are fully capable of being a patriarch that everyone loves!"

"Heh...everyone loves him, spat!"

Gragur spat, with sarcastic eyes, and said: "I, Gragur the black tiger, was born in a poor village. When I was a child, like you, I did not have enough food and clothing, but I was different. I was born with an abnormality. With such strength, when you grow up, you can easily crush rocks!"

Slowly shaking his head, he suddenly felt that what he said seemed to be nonsense, so he said in a longing and obsessed tone: "Scurti, have you been to a big city? One of the most prosperous areas in the Demon World, Harlem The Total Eclipse Market and the Royal Entertainment, where there is luxury and power that you can’t imagine.”

Of course, Skulti has never been to Harlem. She has never even been out of the Underground Center. No, no, she has only wandered around Time Square and Orc Canyon.

"You think I'm strong? But I'm just an ordinary cadre in the Kaxiu Sect! There are dozens of cadres like me in the Kaxiu Sect alone."

After a pause, Gragur felt a bit of arrogance from nowhere: "I have observed the big figures in the Demon World at close range, but I found that there is no difference between them. Strength is the most important. They are all just a piece of garbage in the garbage basket of the Demon World. I Smelly, you are dirty too, so why should I continue to be a small cadre?"

"So, I returned to the Orc Canyon. I wanted to build my own kingdom. If they can do it, so can I!"

Siatt and others, who had been watching silently, were a little surprised. This big cat was actually quite smart, or in other words, very cognitive.

Big figures in the demon world are also full of "evil", and their behavior is no different from mine. The only difference is their strength.

So Gragul wanted to live the life of a big shot, so of course he returned to the Orc Canyon.

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