Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 941: Difficult to choose a name

The earth is shattered, with thousands of ravines, and the unknown mountains of corpses and seas of blood that were once piled up are now without a trace, not even a hair left.

Countless people who coveted the wealth of the corpse looked at each other in confusion. What kind of battle between strong men was this? The entire area of ​​a hundred miles was completely wiped out.

what to do?

The Silent City has long since disappeared, and the corpse battlefield is also inexplicably empty. So why are you here at the orbital center?

Take a trip to Attropika and explore the mysteries of its stone monuments?

The idea is certainly good, but the giant beast travels around the demon world, and the sea route is inevitable along the way. It has sunk into the sea not long ago. Although the next stop should be Central Park, the specific location is completely unknown.

The resources in the orbital center are pretty good, not as cold as Quest, and not as weird as Boronx, especially the hidden Terra Stone veins, which even the Kaxiu sect covets.

The Terra Stone resources in the Harlem Zone Quarantine are only about one-fifth of the amount in the Metro Center.

There are some people with keen minds who want to take advantage of the chaos to gather a force and stand on their own.

However, stronger forces in the demon world have gradually moved in. One is the Ka Xiu sect, who is afraid of the chaos in the demon world. They are not afraid of causing trouble everywhere, and there is... the second agreement!

When attacking the Silent City in the past, Smilla sacrificed ocean-like elemental elves to annihilate the manufacturer's mechanical torrent. The reward given by Ron, the leader of Tarakuta, was to allow the second promise to move to A new land of survival, far away from the icy Quest.

Smilla was disdainful. The old man always wanted to maintain the balance of the demon world. He seemed to be a pacifist, but in fact he was just a person with vested interests and did not want to give up the cake in his hand at will.

But despite being despised, the second promise still provided an opportunity to move, and in the understanding of most people in the demon world, the future owner of the Earth Orbital Center should also be the second promise.

The Kaxiu sect was too far away, separated by the obstructive Central Park, beyond reach. The best they could do was tear off a piece of meat to fill their stomachs.

Of course, Ron would not let go of this extremely tempting piece of meat at will. He would definitely try his best to extract some price from the second promise.

In short, the powerful figures in the demon world have begun to reach towards the center of the orbit with their greedy palms, hoping to get a piece of meat and a share of the pie.

Just when most of the forces were exploring the source of the sword energy, a shocking news suddenly broke out. The Terra Stone vein in the center of the orbit has the largest reserve in the demon world, and its location has been discovered!

While it was bustling and noisy, and many forces in the demon world were excited, running around, fighting and bleeding, Ye Lin was still busy building houses, opening up wasteland, and digging ponds~


"Boss, I'm so tired of naming. I'm losing my hair."

Today, Mo Mei wore a single ponytail that symbolized youth, and her clothes were changed into neat tights. She was holding a thick dictionary, her delicate and pretty little face, but now she looked pitiful.

Nearly half of the little aliens don't have a formal name. Maybe they originally had one, but because their parents passed away and they were too young to remember it, they have long been forgotten.

So the first and most difficult problem in settling these little guys is naming them!

Not only her, but Mavis and the others were also holding dictionaries, rolling their eyes helplessly, racking their brains to think of names.

The only one who is leisurely is Feng Ying. As a well-known bad namer, the names she gives are no longer down-to-earth and tacky, but directly lead to the underworld.

Name is a very important thing in life and cannot be taken lightly.

A little girl with a small plastic flower tied in her short hair, her ears twitching, kissed Siatt gently on the cheek. She had just received a nice name, and she had already recited it countless times with joy.

In order to prevent her from forgetting, Siatt also wrote a note for her to hide.

Ye Lin also wanted to go over and kiss her, but she stepped on the sole of his foot and gasped in pain.

"When it comes to naming, you can just open the dictionary and point to a word, and then open it again and point to another word to form a shortened name~"

Before he finished speaking, Mo Mei gave him a look. She also knew that this guy was probably about the same level as Feng Ying, so she said helplessly: "Boss, if you have nothing to do, the director is building a new dormitory over there, it seems. Lack of materials.”

The place for little Yimianmen to live will no longer be a shabby tent, but a large wooden house that can keep warm and provide shelter from the rain.

There are three rows of houses with separate double-decker wooden beds inside. They are a bit like Principal Shalan’s school, but there are fifty people living in each house. There is no way, they are all little ones and there are many people, so we have to make do with it first.

Moreover, one of the special things about the alien tribe is that although they are young, they are very energetic. The curator originally did not want to use "child labor", but when these children heard that the houses were built for themselves, they all became uneasy.

Everyone is trying their best to help, even if it is to move a brick. Except for those who are sick, almost no one has time.

The problem for the craftsmen is to invite some orcs to pay and provide food.

The curator took the drawing and looked around, showing that the place where the aliens lived and the school were relatively far away from the current location of Silent City, where the new manor was built.

If you don't stay farther away, you may have problems in your own life.

After seeing him come back leisurely, the curator looked up and down and found that he was not injured, then waved and said with a smile: "We don't have enough wood, please help make some."

"Ah? I am the Wuxuan of Taichu! I am the ancestor of plants, I am..."

"Don't be poor, I know you are sharp-tongued." The curator rolled her eyes at him charmingly. The mature and plump beautiful young woman immediately made him have the urge to make money.

With a heavy nod, several plant seedlings suddenly appeared on the ground, and then grew taller and thicker at an incredible speed, erecting their tough trunks.

Ye Lin casually waved his palm, and the trees were cut into neat pieces of wood by the sword energy. After several repetitions, suitable wood was piled up into a hill.

Nodding with satisfaction, the curator put away the construction drawings and smiled slightly: "By the way, let me tell you something, I want to..."

"Go back and talk slowly."

He did not touch the curator's body, but the entire space had moved, and the two of them had appeared inside EX Dornier, in the library at the end of the corridor.

"I think that when we go back to heaven, the supplies we have prepared are still not complete. We need to ask your Excellency, Malin, to help prepare some."

The curator leaned his back against the wooden door, tilted his head, his face was as red as clouds, and his voice was as hoarse. She pushed his head with her palms, trying to push him away to devour the food, but this person was secretly playing tricks. Once she tried to push away, her teeth would It will immediately bite the fruit and pull it out, causing a little pain and numbness.

A long time ago, when Ma Lin went to Arad to ask for help, one of the rewards she gave was to develop an exclusive and convenient trade route.

Later, the Celia Chamber of Commerce relied on the Iron Scale Salvage Team to cooperate with the royal family, making a win-win situation and making a lot of money. The chief maid, Ma Lin, has always been responsible for matters in the heavenly realm.

Ma Lin also accidentally complained to the curator that she could hardly tell whether her boss was Alijie or Celia.

Therefore, when it comes to raising basic supplies, since the amount required is large, we have to ask Lady Marin to help.

Finally willing to let go, Ye Lin smacked his lips and seemed to have endless aftertaste. He grasped justice in the curator's angry eyes and whispered in his ear: "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No need! Rousselot has already spread the news about the Terra Stone veins. You are busy."

The close-fitting GBL teaching uniform has a slit on the right thigh. Due to the careful design, the smooth and beautiful calf is not exposed when walking.

Ye Lin hurriedly lowered his hand, and then patted the fat meat lightly. He had already understood and acted in a tacit understanding. With a mature and elegant manner, the curator slowly raised his plump and beautiful legs, like snow and fat, like a ballet song.

The small semi-hollow style headband no longer covers the payment channel for tuition fees. It is moisturized and shiny, making the journey smooth.

The curator raised his head slightly and closed his eyes, biting his lower lip with his teeth. After a while, he opened his mouth and breathed out, his eyes blurred.

Perhaps because she is a secretary, she collects too much money more frequently than Kelly, and the narrow payment channels have become exclusive to him.

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