Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 946: Two more levels of perversion

The mountains are full of fog and the environment is dangerous. Those who covet the Terra Stone veins will not only fall into the hands of their competitors, but also face threats from the naturally harsh areas of the demon world.

A seemingly plain gray weeping willow tree on the side of the road, but when people pass by it accidentally, the willow branches burst into the sky with high-pitched chirps, stretching for hundreds of meters like a group of demons dancing wildly.

Not long after, only some undecomposed clothes, fabrics and weapons were left on the spot, as well as traces of stained blood, not even any bone remains.

There are also wastelands that appear to be large areas of withered weeds, but poisonous bugs may be hiding underneath. The bites will cause unbearable pain, and the skin will not heal, leaving ugly scars.

At a time when major organizations and small forces were suffering in the mountains and dire straits, the team followed Marcella's map and moved forward leisurely and smoothly.

The repentant fox really said everything, including safe routes and resource distribution that were extremely precious and could be sold to other organizations for millions of gold.

The method used by the maker Luke to hide the mineral veins is also very simple. The illusory light refraction creates certain "swamps" that are not mineral vein areas at first glance, making people subconsciously ignore them visually.

Bagur, who was a means of transportation, was also confused by the illusion. In front of him was a swamp with shallow water, and reeds and weeds growing in the mud. When it flew over, it directly hit the invisible wall, making it dizzy and dizzy. As soon as I lay down, I almost twisted my neck.

This is not a swamp at all, but the entrance to a huge basin.

The surrounding peaks are towering, as high as the clouds, and the surrounding walls are thousands of steep and steep. It is a huge mountain basin, and there is a lake about a hundred meters in diameter inside.

Large pieces of waste rock were chipped out of the cliff, and were piled up haphazardly. There was no light in the dark mine pit, and it felt dull and suffocating to look at it.

Mo Mei rubbed her cheeks that suddenly felt a little itchy, her eyes turned red, and then she quickly covered every member of the team with mind energy to block the strong radiation brought by the Terra Stone.

According to the survey data, this mineral vein is like a horned dragon entrenched, hidden at the bottom of the mountains, and this natural basin pit is exactly at the location of an important protruding spine of the mineral vein.

Bagul was so stimulated by the Terra Stone that he felt uncomfortable and irritable. He kept twisting his body and sweeping the pieces of gravel with his tail. It was not until Mo Mei put a layer on it that he felt more comfortable.

Ye Lin grabbed it casually in surprise. A gray-brown stone about the size of a head shattered in the air, revealing a stone with a dull blue light. It was the size of an adult's fist and was of low quality. It seemed to have been ignored as a stone.

But just this piece of dim Terra Stone can be exchanged for a full day's rations.

"I have some bad memories." Siatt held Rewardin and looked at Terra Stone with eyes full of disgust.

The top-secret area and the Billmark Proving Ground are powered by Terra Stone and used as the energy source for the super-giant mechanical bull.

Although the memories were all in the past, when she recalled them unintentionally, she still felt uncomfortable and wanted to vent her anger by swinging a sword at the empire again.

The Karina Rosselló was talking about was once one of Luke's followers, a victim of the Terra Stone explosion, and the only mutant survivor. However, she doesn't seem to be here at the moment, and she doesn't know where she is.

Ye Lin shook the muscles on his shoulders, and took advantage of the situation to pat Siatt's crispy flesh, which was in a state of memory. Today's tight black leather pants highlighted the roundness and plumpness of the flesh.

"Ahem, I estimate that the forces coming here must include the Kaxiu sect who acts without scruples, the second agreement who wants to move to the orbital center, and the hypocritical Tarakuta. Other organizations may or may not come. Come because..."

Before he could finish his words, a violent explosion suddenly sounded outside the illusion, and rolling rocks fell from the top of a mountain peak, hitting the large lake just in time, causing water splashes of tens of meters.

The disguised machinery also lost its effect in the sudden turmoil, and the venue was wide open!

A second group of people found this place.

"Hey, there are also hidden methods. No wonder we couldn't find it after walking around for a long time."

A man with shaved hair and a disk-like magic tool in his hand laughed proudly. He had a black tattoo of a snake head and fangs on one side of his cheek. There was also a similar badge on the collar of his suit. This was the logo of the Kaxiu Sect!

"Those nerds in the ancient library designed things that are easy to use, but are also too expensive. No wonder they have money to do experiments, and they are all extremely rich." His companion cursed a few times, and then jumped directly Descend the mountain peak and rush down quickly.

Although they also understand that because the mineral vein is in the center of the Borderland orbit, the Kaxiu sect cannot monopolize it, but it does not mean that they will not make some lies just because they are the first batch to come. For example, whoever discovers it first is the one who owns it. .

"What a pity. If we were in Harlem, not a single stone would be allowed to escape!"

This team is a hunter team from the Kaxiu sect. A senior combatant is the captain. Their status is considered to be at the bottom of the entire organization, but this does not prevent them from being arrogant and domineering.

The five hunters walked steadily and quickly descended from the mountain peak nearly a thousand meters high. Only then did they realize that someone had climbed to the bottom earlier. They were not the first group.

Although the Kaxiu sect acted in a public manner, the members were not pure fools. They did not immediately show any malicious intent, but carefully observed the characteristics of Ye Lin and others.

The second promise will be a ring of domination, Talakuta will always hold a staff and gorgeous robes, and the annoying guys of the Oathkeepers will be surrounded by dazzling patterns.

But what is the emblem of a tree?

I have never seen or heard of them, but on the contrary, these women are all fat and thin, with various shapes, and are extremely eye-catching and pleasing to the eye.

If it weren't for the extremely important relationship between the Terra Stone veins and the cadres stressing many times that they should not cause trouble until then, they would have drawn out their swords to plunder. Such a superb appearance can no longer be measured by gold coins.

Feng Ying crossed her arms and trembled a few times, her mouth twitched slightly and she said with disgust: "Trouble~ Their eyes are so disgusting, greedy and dirty."

"If the boss was more perverted, wouldn't this be the case?" Mo Mei complained, letting Ye Lin take the blame.

"Two levels of pervert. He has a mean hand and a mean mouth, but his eyes are often as clear as spring water. Yes, he also has a moral bottom line."

Feng Ying wanted to directly draw her sword and hit Sakura Calamity to eliminate these disasters, but with the sound of collapse on the top of the mountain just now, more and more people heard the signal and came quickly.

Wait a little longer, wait for all the forces to arrive, and then catch them all in one fell swoop!

The first group of strong men from the big forces arrived, not the Ka Xiu sect figures with tools, but a group of Talakuta wearing mage robes with patterns of the four elements embroidered on their robes.

The leader was neither Ron nor Reitz, but a rather sturdy middle-aged man with a short beard and an arrogant expression. He looked at everyone with a sense of disdain, including several hunters from the Kaxiu sect. .

His eyes paused for a moment as he glanced at Ye Lin and the others, especially the elegant and virtuous curator who had a strong sense of books, and he fell in love at first sight.

He thought he was putting on a gentleman's smile, and with a gentle smile on his face, he asked politely: "Where are you from? It will be very dangerous to wait here. There is no place for small forces. I am a high-ranking official in Talakuta... "

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"Ugh, Knollus, you're funnier than the maggots in the sewage treatment plant. You can't stand the smell."

Suddenly, a voice of disdain came from nowhere, instantly making the originally arrogant man's face turn down, gloomy and gloomy.

"Who? The rat is hiding."

Although he is not the real talker in Tarakuta, he is still considered a famous elemental professor in the magic school in Molu Valley. Who dares not to give him face?

"I won't hide anymore, what will you do to me?"

In front of several Kaxiu sect hunters, a man with messy hair, wearing gray clothes and a tired look suddenly appeared, also holding a staff in his hand.

But it was this man who made Norless hold back his anger and his face turned livid. The person sent by Ka Xiu turned out to be this insidious and cruel guy.

Kai, known as the "Sniffer", is the captain of the Kaxiu sect's assassination team, codenamed "Spur Dog". He looks like a strong assassin with a staff, but he can suddenly pull out a dagger during a battle. , cutting the enemy's throat at close range.

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