Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 949: The

Aiming at the target, Gu Yu moved her wrist, her eyes instantly turned scarlet, her figure swayed, and a clone-like shadow emerged from her body and dived into the void.

"I'll be that person!"

Her slender and powerful legs squatted slightly, and her whole body shot like a cannonball, flying through the clouds. The cold breath of the underworld turned into chains of the netherworld, mottled with blood, dancing around her body.

Come here, if you don't move your body, your bones will be boring.

Having been robbed of his opponent, Ye Lin helplessly spread his hands, pointed to the back of a hillside, and said: "That professor from Talakuta is pouring the recovery potion. Who has dealt with him?"

Either don’t do it or never do it!

The provocation was slapped in the face, and Tarakuta had been publicly despised, so it would be better to take him away altogether.

Although the former leader of Tarakuta was Alice, she herself said that except for the former school girl, the elemental holy spirit Rez, who took care of her, it didn't matter to anyone else.

Tarakuta has violated the original intention of creating this organization to resist absolute rule, to resist the tyrannical and orthodox elementalist organization similar to Bakar.

Now Ron has turned it into a "status privilege" and enjoys the arrogance of being the number one organization in the demon world.

"No, I'm too weak and not interested."

Siatt objected and shook her head. If Noles was not injured, she would still be willing to give him a beating. Now that he was severely injured by the Terra Stone explosion, his strength was probably only at the level of an awakener.

"If you don't want to go, let Astra go." Mo Mei suggested.


With a low growl, Astra flapped her wings and shook her head, then nuzzled the rice cake with her nose, indicating that it would be better to let the weakest one go and not waste the fighting power. The sharp corner of the rice cake moved in anger and scratched its cheek. A spark comes out.

"Be careful. With the special nature of this level of mineral veins, it is impossible for big organizations to send just one person. There may be back-ups." Ye Lin grabbed the weapon and disappeared from the mind shield in an instant. He discovered A potentially interesting "opponent".

In addition to Mo Mei's mental energy protection to prevent radiation, they also wear a leaf from the silver holy tree. The holy tree can resist the energy impact of world-destroying explosions and has a good isolation effect on the energy of Terra Stone. .

Except for Bagur, who was stunned by the explosion, the team simply dispersed, randomly looking for opponents that caught their eye, and engaged in the first battle after arriving in the demon world.


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Astra's figure surged to the perfect posture of a giant dragon. Sophie jumped up. The dragon soared and roared under the clouds, and then swooped and slid towards a thousand-meter mountain ridge.

Lightning and flames intertwined from its mouth, causing powerful explosions in the mountains, shocking the eyes of countless people.

How could a giant dragon dare to cross the Mein area?

The black dragon's posture is strong and majestic, and its obsidian-like scales reflect the blazing firelight. Astra stands on a very high mountain peak, with sharp claws stepping on the top, like a king in fire, looking up to the sky and roaring, with a continuous roar.

This is the sound of dragon language, a loud horn announcing the return of the "Explosive Dragon King". With the blessing of dragon magic, its dragon language will not weaken with distance, but will be conveyed to the ears of every surviving dragon.

A new "Explosive Dragon King" is about to be born in the demon world. The dragons who survived in the past must come to surrender immediately, otherwise, they will die!



Outside the mountains, an old man wearing a uniform of a four-element symbol magician, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, with a clean face, an elegant and gentle face, was a little surprised when he looked into the mountains.

Could it be that because of the disappearance of the maker Luke and Silent City, the Mine monsters adjacent to the other end of the center of the orbit also changed?

Due to the unique eight-sided structure of the demon world, each area basically presents an irregular triangle, and then there are three adjacent areas.

The subway centers are Central Park, Brooklyn and Main.

"Strange, the dragon is also interested in Terra Stone?"

After thinking about it, he slowly felt relieved. After all, it was a highly concentrated energy ore. Even a lowly Stone Bone Beast was eager to collect more Terra Stones to evolve himself.

The gentle old man waved his sleeves and appeared a hundred meters away, continuing towards the interior of the mountain range.

If Iqi were here, she might still recognize him as her teacher when she was an elementalist and the principal of Moller Valley School. He was an old mage who truly studied magic academics and upheld Talakuta's will.

In the past, he was considered to be fully qualified to compete with Ron and Schneider for the position of leader of Tarakuta, but he was indifferent to fame and fortune, did not like to fight for anything, and had never cared about that position.

The reason why I came here this time was also because of academic research. Perhaps some special circumstances happened here in the past, which resulted in the formation of such a rich and dense mineral vein.

"Child, do you think I should be happy or sad?"

Smila's expression was uncertain, sometimes gloomy and sometimes joyful. There was a whip of thorns and a ring of control wrapped around her arm, but her long and clean fingers had a strange cold feeling.

Her eyes suddenly became cold, and she lifted the chin of a pale-skinned little girl with her fingers and wiped her lips. The skin tore a little and blood slowly seeped out.

The child's body was trembling slightly, but his eyes showed no trace of fear or pain, revealing an indescribable firmness comparable to that of iron and stone.

"Very good. Only by being indifferent enough can you master the Ring of Dominance without being counterattacked. Gaining power always comes at a price."

Smilla was very satisfied with the child's performance and indicated that she could leave first. You don't need to intervene on the battlefield for the time being.

Just when the little girl left, Smila looked at the other person's back with rare and unexpected tenderness.

Smilla's child!

Of course, these are not her biological children, but an "extreme group" formed by a group of children with outstanding abilities in summoning talents that she personally selected and received special training.

Can summon a large number of summons and perform ruthless sacrifices to obtain stronger explosive energy.

Although the ultimate goal of his special training is not dangerous to the human body, it is a huge mental test that can be described as extremely abnormal.

You must have a gentle heart to communicate with the summoned object, because this can make the summoned object trust you and make the summoning ceremony easier.

Then, when the summoning is successful, you have to ruthlessly lower the ring of dominance to gain absolute control over the summoned object, and even sacrifice it and explode it when necessary, in exchange for more powerful attack power.

Except for some people with special experiences such as Smilla himself, it is estimated that only schizophrenia can perfectly match the requirements of dual extreme personalities.

The remaining children who don't fit in can only be forced to undergo cruel training, so that they can be indifferent and ignore pain, and can put on a smile at any time.

The inspiration for building a special small group within the second promised organization came from the "lunar eclipse event" many years ago.

"Oh, if only you hadn't left, the second agreement wouldn't have ended up with the leader personally grabbing resources, or... negotiating, asking for some."

This "you" refers to the "lunar eclipse" who left the core members of the second agreement and no trace of them is known. They are a special organization with a very small number of people, but they cannot be ignored.

Smila already knew who the troublemaker was in the mountains. Although she seemed to Kai to be late and wanted to sit back and enjoy the benefits, in fact, she had already seen all the changes through the eyes of the summoned object.

There were several Ice Ness hidden in the lake that was later blown up.

Sniping at the demonic army in the heaven, the sea area they fought in the end was dyed red. When did the guy who was known as the strongest trial blade of Arad sneak up?

Moreover, he made such a big noise as soon as he arrived. He really has a restless temper and is not afraid of death.

Smila was not worried that she would not be able to defeat Ye Lin or grab the mineral veins.

After all, she is also the leader of a large organization and has strong cards. She deliberately did not reveal them all during the battle in Heaven.

Ron, that old man, she had to be wary of.

But the key point is that she knows some inside information that others don't know. Now that Ron has not come and Richard has not come, it seems that she is the only survivor of the war who has no choice but to come.

Ye Lin, there is a cosmic demonic force behind him!

Not to mention snatching food from the mouths of many ferocious tigers. If he hadn't been afraid of the invincible one, he might have led the space invasion forces to kill the tigers and conquered everywhere in an attempt to unify.

There was a disaster in the demon world when it was invaded by cosmic demons. The sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the space was shattered and it was difficult to recover.

Beings that use the core of the planet as weapons bombard the demon world in the starry sky. If the invincible one hadn't taken action to force them back, several of the eight sides of the demon world might have been shattered.

"Intelligence prophet, is it good or bad?" Smila shook her head and complained, not in a good mood.

The second agreement made the organization's strength increase sharply because of the disclosure of the "Ring of Dominance" production method, but it also offended the interests of other organizations. Ron once blocked the second agreement using a very ridiculous moral excuse. sources of information.

No intelligence agent or organization is allowed to provide intelligence on resources and other aspects to Quest’s second agreement!

The rise of the Kaxiu Sect is due to the Eye of Darkness, the second promise is due to the "Ring of Dominance", and the Oathkeeper is Niwu's battle emblem...

One resource and one method can create an organization's grand glory!

Therefore, the vested interests headed by Tarakuta want to firmly grasp everything related. Naturally, the fewer "accidents" like the second agreement, the better.

However, Smila inadvertently learned a new piece of information and opportunity first, that is, who is the person causing trouble in the mountains and the special resources he possesses.

She didn't believe that Ye Lin would come over just to have a good fight.

At worst, the Terra Stone resource that was originally agreed upon in the second agreement may fly away, at least the two duck legs will escape first.

But the upside is that for them, who have been suppressed and restricted, with the help of this prophetic information, perhaps it is an opportunity to rise again!

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