Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 951 Lunar Eclipse Survivors

The cadres of the Kaxiu sect were beaten into thin air as soon as they met, and everyone they met felt cold both physically and mentally.

How could this "Wuxuan" who appeared out of nowhere have such strong high-end combat power? They are fully capable of becoming a second-rate organization.

The funny thing is that currently, all of the beautiful women who are admired as works of art are powerful violent maniacs. It seems that the only one who can be bullied is the stunned Baguer~

As for how to determine whether it has first-class qualifications, it depends on the limit of the organization's strength, whether it can reach the level of Smila, the Demon Emperor, and others.

Also, do they have a complete organizational structure, exactly how many people there are, and which areas their power can radiate to, etc.

The former is the basis for the demon world to gain a foothold and be recognized by the public, while the latter can be called an "organization" only if its various projects are complete.

Otherwise, the composition of a dozen or so people should be called a small group or team, and it is far from being considered a big force.

When all conditions are met, Tarakuta will evaluate its qualifications to determine whether it has the ability to become a first-class force.

If necessary, a Demon Realm Alliance meeting will also need to be held to divide a series of resources, including land.

Since Tarakuta is a vested interest, the process of becoming a "first-class force" is bound to be full of hardships and obstacles.

For any emerging organization, it is okay for a small-scale and small-scale force. If it attempts to become big, it will inevitably be suppressed by major forces overtly or covertly.

Since the first Demon World Alliance, the first-class forces in the Demon World have only had one more "second promise" over the years. You can imagine how difficult it is.


Some people silently looked in the direction of Noles, or in other words, the place where Noles used to be.

Astra raised her head and roared to vent her anger. With one shot of the "Star Destroyer Cannon", all the nearby mountains were flattened and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

People, of course, are gone.

I beat the cadres of the Kaxiu sect to death, sprayed the professor of Tarakuta to death, and offended two of the strongest organizations in the demon world at the same time in half a day. It really... made my gums and heels hurt when I mentioned it.

Where did these arrogant and powerful men come from?

Suddenly, an incredible idea came to everyone's mind at the same time. The demon world, which had been stable for some time, might be about to change.

Ye Lin doesn't care what these people think. Siatt and the others have already started to drive them away. No matter how these veins are divided in the future, at least for now, get out of here.

Farming requires one step at a time, but for Wuxuan's name to spread throughout the demon world, it is not necessary at all.

Just as the fighting in the mountains was raging, there were strange friction sounds coming from a corner on the edge of the mountains. They were dense but very slight, as if there were countless ants marching through the fallen leaves.

Ye Lin approached this place quietly and cautiously with great energy and caution. He was not arrogant enough to dare to ignore all abnormalities in the demon world.

It is said that there are some dangerous places that even the apostles are unwilling to enter.

He was keenly aware of it when he was near the basin's mineral veins. There was a dark and unique aura in this corner, which was no less than that of Frost Saya who was cultivating in hell.

Could it be some strong man, or a magical beast, or even a special environment.

He waved his palms in front of him, and with his increasingly sophisticated spatial abilities, he quietly folded and reflected, revealing the scene of the mountain col.

Then, Ye Lin was startled.

In the picture, a little girl who looks about the same age as Alicia is digging the Terra Stone underground.

The girl is about as tall as her chin, with short red shoulder-length hair, a little baby fat on her face, and pretty features. She wears a black hair tie on her forehead. Her slanted, semi-erect hair is about the same length as Mailu's. She is black and sleeveless. The shirt and hot pants are one piece, and a loose purple-blue long-sleeved jacket is worn over it.

This location should be similar to Time Square. It is a sporadic corner of the overall resources. Although it is far less rich and high-quality than the internal resources, if it can be fully explored, it will also be a huge fortune.

There was a blue magic book floating in front of the little girl, but it didn't seem to be a book. A sticky substance like asphalt flowed out of the book, and it fell to the ground and emitted wisps of light smoke.

The mysterious substance seemed to be alive, spreading rapidly around, swallowing up soil and rocks, and then bringing up Terra stones of varying brightness in the veins deep underground.

The rapid mining efficiency, one person can rival a hundred people, Ye Lin was also slightly amazed, this kid is really a good talent in mining.

But at the same time, he did not notice that there were many mysterious substances the size of soybean grains hidden in the soil three inches under his feet. He used refraction to peek and was soon discovered by the little girl.


As soon as the magic book was illuminated, all the mysterious substances gathered together quickly and quickly condensed into a special human shape with horns around him, exuding a rather terrifying aura.

Ye Lin, who knew he had been discovered, touched his nose and didn't know how to speak to the little girl. He touched his nose and coughed dryly: "I am the Wuxuan Organization... Forget it, why are you mining in my territory? "

The girl, who seemed to be about the same age as his younger sister Alijie, might have been forced by life, so he really couldn't bear to get angry or kill her directly.

"Your territory?"

The little girl held the magic book in her arms, her red eyes, which were more moving than the blood drops, slightly narrowed, showing an expression of extreme suspicion.

Why doesn't she remember that there is an owner here?

The news of this rich mineral vein came so suddenly and explosively. Apart from that cold-hearted and cold-blooded woman Smila, only Tarakuta and the Kaxiu sect dared to say that it was their territory.

As a result, those red gem-like eyes suddenly had a hint of disgust and disgust, a feeling of looking at a strange weirdo and unrecyclable wet garbage.

She doesn't like those two organizations, or in other words, she doesn't like all the big organizations, she hates them!

Seeing this, Ye Lin's mouth twitched sharply. He obviously just asked a question, but for some reason, he felt a little ashamed and wanted to lower his head and admit his mistake.

This girl's look of disgust in the movie is so terrifying. Even a person with a pure heart has to wonder whether he glanced at an underage girl too much while walking on the street on a certain day of a certain year, so it is extremely sinful to have a heart that is not clean. , you should immediately die to apologize.

"A natural mineral vein, why should I say it is yours?"

The little girl smiled coldly, her eyes full of disgust, as if if you dare to take a step closer, I will blow the whistle and call people loudly.

But she didn't seem to want to take action. She turned around to leave with the magic book in her arms. She sold the Terra Stone harvested today, which was enough to cover the expenses for a period of time.

Moreover, maybe this strange man in front of him is waiting for reinforcements or waiting for an opportunity.

The extremely painful experiences in the past taught her never to trust anyone who seemed beautiful or friendly, even if they were weak.

Ye Lin held his forehead helplessly. Not only was this loli a bit powerful, but she was also full of vigilance and her eyes were astonishingly lethal. Compared to Bibi's cheerful and sweet temperament, she was like two extremes.


He suddenly remembered what that mysterious asphalt-like substance was. He had had a similar impression. It was dark and deep, but also had a terrifying devouring power. It seemed like...

"You are the one who abandoned the moon, a survivor of the lunar eclipse!"

That mysterious monster is clearly the devouring insect on Dralion, Eclipse!

The members who can control Eclipse, apart from the second promised leader Smilla, should be the only survivors who abandoned the "Moon Queen", that is, the third summoner force, "Moon Eclipse".

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"Tch, annoying."

The little girl whose identity was discovered snorted. As soon as the book was opened, countless eclipses rushed out, enveloped her body, and then disappeared from the place.

Mastering the "eclipse" and the lunar eclipse survivors of the ancient dark warrior Ramos has always been a topic that major organizations talk about. They really want to capture some survivors to study the moon of the demon world, hoping to get some benefits.

At the worst, they can also ask how the magic circle that summoned the moon was formed.


She scratched her head and felt helpless. Was this girl too vigilant, or did she not look like a good person, or was there some misunderstanding?

The survivors of the lunar eclipse have experienced double "betrayals" by Katie and Smilla, so it is understandable that they are extremely wary.

It was her eyes full of disgust that once made Ye Lin fall into self-doubt. He felt that he had committed a serious crime and wanted to confess to Yuena.

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