Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 953 Smila’s conditions for joining Wuxuan

"The resources in the devil world are really barren." The curator looked up and felt a little emotional.

The barrenness she mentioned refers to the basic resources for survival. Those weird trees and insect beasts are relatively wealthy for alchemy.

"I'm hungry."

Sophie touched her belly and opened her mouth to eat meat.

A big battle means physical exertion. There may be new battles later, so you must replenish your food.

She also knew that her eating habits were different from those of ordinary people, so she set up a pot and cooked the greasy elbows, sprinkling a little coriander to set it off.

Of course she doesn't eat coriander, just to make the color look better.

Yuena subconsciously touched her waist and abdomen, a little envious of Sophie's characteristic of eating meat casually without gaining weight, or that the fat was piled in front of her body.

A layer of blanket was spread on the ground. The curator took out a very tall lunch box and said with a smile: "I made sushi and some snacks~all kinds of flavors."


Mailu's little head clicks very fast. She is not picky about food and eats whatever she is fed.


Opening a can of refreshing and delicious beer, Feng Ying handed it to the rice cake first, then opened another bottle herself, looking leisurely at the deep mountains of the Demon World, and said casually: "It seems that we haven't had any sunshine for a while."


The thing she suddenly mentioned made Siatt and others stunned for a moment, as if this was what happened.

There is basically no sunlight in the Demon Realm, and it has a very special eight-sided structure. It is like a satellite of Arad. Only occasionally, some areas will have a chance to see a little light, but most of them will. It was blocked and dispersed by the thick clouds unique to the demon world, turning into colorful colors.

Whenever that time comes, it is when the locals feel the luckiest, but the times are not many.

Bright and warm sunshine is a commodity that almost everyone can have in Arad, and is almost the same as the soil underfoot.

But even this kind of random acquisition seems extremely precious in the demon world, and can be called a "miracle."

Suddenly being mentioned like this by Feng Ying, she felt a little uncomfortable all over, as if she put on the clothes before they were dried.

"Hmm~ I want to sunbathe, but my skin feels itchy." Mo Mei muttered.

Ye Lin nodded and seemed to be convinced: "I want to see you sunbathing, and I can also provide various bikinis..."

"Shut up, the weather hasn't warmed up yet." Siatt picked up a piece of pastry and threw it into his mouth.


Smila followed the traces of the battle and watched the people who were constantly escaping along the way, as well as the thorn dogs escaping in a hurry in the sky.

"Sniff Kai?"

Smila raised her eyebrows when she saw this. She recognized this guy, a senior cadre of the Kaxiu sect, a very willful and malicious thorn dog.

Sniff Kai is his full name, of course, not many people know it.

If the Demon King gave Kai a task to conquer a restless small force or small city, Kai's first method would definitely not rely on powerful means to attack or kill, or to intimidate.

He is very good at sowing discord, fabricating false information, and disrupting enemies from within.

Watching an originally harmonious organization turn against each other and even fight each other due to misunderstandings, blood is dripping, and then Kai will jump out, wantonly mocking the other party's IQ, and explain the whole story.

At this time, Kai's favorite thing is to see the other person's expression of regret and anger, but with no way to do anything about it.

He is not the strongest among the Kaxiu sect, but he is definitely one of the most malicious.

In the past, the second promise was also provoked by Kai, but the people who used the Ring of Dominance were emotionally cold and cold, so Kai could not succeed.

"He is a representative of the Kaxiu sect, right? However, he seems to have been injured and is on the run?"

Smila became more and more interested in what the restless Trial Blade did inside, and even slapped the Ka Xiu Sect in the face.

She actually had a small idea in her mind. If she could reach a cooperation with Trial Blade, then the second agreement might be able to get rid of the shackles of various vested interests.

Protected by a huge golden thought energy, the people inside were covered with blankets and were chatting while tasting some food that looked very good in color.

Smila's light lavender eyes showed a bit of weirdness. She was having a picnic on the spot, and it seemed that the Trial Blade group was in a good mood.

Alice, the previous leader of Tarakuta, did not come, and the cosmic demon was not here either. It seemed that just by relying on a team of people, they drove out all the forces, large and small.

Mo Mei, who was chewing something in her mouth, noticed the slender beauty standing quietly outside, especially the graceful waist under the tight dress, which was as slender as Feng Ying, and it seemed that a breeze could break it.

"Boss, someone is here~"

During the battle in the heavens that day, she recognized Smilla. She was the second agreed leader with the ability to sacrifice massive elves, and her strength was definitely far superior to Kai's.

"Oh, guest."

Ye Lin stood up and walked out of the mind mask first. He also had a small plate in his hand, which contained a fried chicken leg that Sophie had "given" to him. He raised it and asked, "Have you eaten? Together?"

Smilla's naturally charming eyes showed a few speechless black lines, and she shook her head slightly to indicate that you should continue.

Mo Mei was still a little wary and didn't let go of the mask, but when she finished eating and wiped her mouth, she saw that Smila still had the slightly melancholy and compassionate temperament of a classical beauty, and she slowly guessed that she There may be some special purpose.

"You are driving away other forces because you want this mine with astonishing reserves?" Smilla kept a seemingly safe distance from the team.

"Generally speaking, asking for mineral veins is fake, but looking for trouble is real."

After spreading his hands, Ye Lin was unambiguous. The mineral veins were really not that important. He was just taking this opportunity to announce the arrival of the organization.

Smila, who was a little speechless after hearing this, could not understand more and more what the trial blade was planning.

She possesses an intelligence prophet, but she only knows the identity of Ye Lin and others, as well as their hidden power.

As for its goals and ideas, basically nothing is known.

After pondering for a while, Smilla also felt the amazing energy below, and said: "The second agreement is to move from Quest to the orbital center. We will get 20% of this vein resource."

Two percent of the mineral vein was her psychological bottom line. The second promise she made when she first came to the new land was to have enough hard currency resources to maintain the organization's daily expenses.

"But at the subway center, we Wuxuan have decided to use it as our base and base camp in the future."

Ye Lin didn't intend to say that monopolizing this resource that affected the major forces and making money from the ore was not his ultimate goal.

But if Smilla wants to move the second agreement to the center of the orbit, two organizations cannot coexist in one area.

The two basic buildings of the ancient library, located in Central Park and Harlem, are safe and sound. This is because most of them are "nerds" in magic, and they have always been obsessed with research and maintain neutral characteristics.

In fact, among the major forces in the demon world, the one who can achieve a better cooperation with Wuxuan is not the Xuan Demon Society and the Oath Keepers, but it is precisely the second agreement.

The first reason is that Katie and Niwu, the leaders of the two major organizations, are already good friends, have close communication, and have the same philosophy and style to maintain peace and justice in the demon world.

The two joined forces to be able to fight against the Kaxiu Sect and Tarakuta, which was similar to a situation where the three parties checked and balanced each other.

If Wuxuan makes a strong alliance with the Spin Demon Society and the Oath Keepers, the balance will be broken immediately, which may cause the two top organizations in the demon world to secretly join forces to create a stumbling block, which may not necessarily be a good thing for the Spin Demon Society and the Oath Keepers.

The biggest difference between an organization and a team is that it must consider those members with low combat effectiveness, such as those little aliens who have just been rescued and have enough to eat.

Despite the fact that Tarakuta and the Kaxiu sect don't seem to be dealing with each other, one is civilized and the other is barbaric. When interests are at stake, nothing matters.

As for the second agreement, it is more pitiful. They are an emerging first-class force, not as good as Tarakuta, and have no allies or partners.

Smila's expression didn't change at all, but her heart sank a little. If it wasn't necessary, she wouldn't want to get into a fight with Ye Lin, the cosmic macho man standing behind her.

But she was really fed up with Quest's cold and barren area, where birds didn't lay eggs and there weren't many bugs!

"Perhaps, we can discuss terms that are beneficial to both of us. For example, how about giving the Quest area to you, and the second agreement is as long as half of the center of the earth's orbit?"

When Smilla smiles, the mole under her right eye looks extremely charming.

Doris is a charming girl with a fiery figure, while Smila is a "demon" who looks cold but is provocative.

"Then you are surrounded by Wuxuan and Tarakuta? Otherwise, you could have agreed to join us for the second time."

Ye Lin was only half-joking. He knew that Smila absolutely didn't care about Quest. The only place in that area that still had resources and could live a normal life was Ridgewood in the southeast corner.

Even if he handed it over to others and gave it to Wuxuan, he would not be able to send enough manpower to manage it, which would be a burden on himself.


Smilla nodded lightly. The unexpected agreement didn't look like a joke, but instead caught Ye Lin off guard.

"If you meet the two conditions, how about I add the second agreement to Wuxuan?"

Knowing that there must be something strange inside, Ye Lin still asked subconsciously: "Tell me about it."

"First, kill Ron, the leader of Tarakuta, who had secretly acted against the second agreement. Second, change Katie's extremely distorted thoughts about summoned beasts, or kill her. "

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