Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 956: Real Man Workman

The real core leaders of the Ka Xiu Sect are definitely not those cadres who seem to have qualified dark eyes, but three loyal servants who are loyal to the Demon Emperor Xia Le and have different personalities but extremely talented people.

The cruel captain of the Guards, Wadsworth, was cruel and cruel in his actions. Even ordinary members would shudder and feel numb when mentioning his name.

And his "cruelty" not only refers to enemies or certain rebels in the organization, but also to himself!

He will find any way to obtain any means that can make him stronger, no matter how painful and torturous the process is, and use it to enhance his strength.

After Moya discovered the power of the Eye of Darkness, he was one of the first people to dare to transplant this extremely risky substance.

Deputy leader Duoheide, a kobold in the orc branch, is also a rare orc strongman in the Kaxiu sect, except Gragul and Jakarina.

In addition, she is also an extremely rare orc among the orcs who can use magic, and she is extremely talented.

One of the reasons why the status of orcs in the demon world has always been low is that in the demon world, where magicians have a very high status, orcs basically cannot use magic and can only rely on their strong physique to pursue close combat.

Once upon a time, Duoheide was also a being who could fight for the orcs, but later she was deeply afraid and surrendered to the powerful power of the Demon Emperor, and began to help others harm others. She never showed mercy when she harmed her own people, and she seemed to regard the Demon Emperor as her only one. god!

There is another person...

Kai, who had always been lawless and dared to tease the Demon Emperor in private, sat on the chair in front of his desk, concentrating and holding his breath without raising his eyes.

"So, the fourth combat group was wiped out, and then you escaped alone?"

With short maroon hair, a nose twice as big as an ordinary person, a calm face and a sinister look in his eyes, Workman tapped his fingertips on the table with a mysterious rhythm.

The organization has high expectations for the Artificial Eye of Darkness, and sent the fourth combat team there with the intention of testing their limits.

But now it has been completely wiped out by the mysterious organization. Not to mention testing the limit, even the mineral veins that the organization values ​​​​will be lost!

"Kai, a large number of slaves in the quarantine area have been assembled and are about to bring new wealth and new development opportunities to the Kaxiu Sect. But now you tell me that there is something wrong with the mine."

Workman's voice was low and cold, and the temperature of the entire office suddenly dropped, as if winter had suddenly arrived and a cold wind was howling everywhere.

The emissary was very angry. Kai's face trembled and he struggled to smile: "Wuxuan, your strength is beyond imagination. Not only did they kill our people, they even didn't spare the cadres of Tarakuta, and Professor Knowles also Sprayed to death by a mysterious dragon.”


Workman gave a faint sneer, but Kai's face instantly turned red, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was under great pressure. He was no match for the Imperial Envoy!

Especially after the envoy's apprentice, Selegel the Silent, died in heaven, Workman, who had always been steady and wise, became a little irritable and cold-hearted.

"Your Majesty, that Wuxuan is not from the Demon Realm." Kai almost knelt down, breathing hard and hoarsely, and said with difficulty: "They may come from the Heaven Realm!"


The pressure suddenly relaxed, and Workman stood up from behind his desk. His burly figure was comparable to that of a tiger orc. Compared with him, Kai, who was a little skinny, was simply a "Luca".

"Gong is merit, fault is fault, you have to find a way to make up for your guilt, otherwise, the law of silence of the Kaxiu Sect will be used on you. You know it better than anyone else."

Emissary Workman is a steward-like being who leads the Kaxiu sect in all matters. He is best known for his extremely tenacious spirit, which made people wonder if Workman had no pain nerves.

When he was transplanting the Eye of Darkness, which was highly dangerous and painful, he allowed the surgeon to cut the skin on the back of his hand while still processing the documents in the tissue. He remained calm throughout the process, and there was no trace of pain on his face.

It seemed that he was sure that his transplant would be successful.

This tenacious determination alone is a legend within the organization, and countless people are moved and admired by it.

When the other cadres underwent transplantation, all of them had the belief that they would die and were in pain, wailing and wailing.

It is said that the Demon King once panicked, but this matter must not be mentioned, even in private.

Workman left the office without taking any cadres or subordinates with him. He himself is the best will and representative of the Kaxiu Sect.

Even the old man Ron might not be very respectful.

The only god he deserves to devote everything to is the Demon Emperor who lives on the Spiral Throne!


"Not long ago, there was a rather strange old man who wandered around outside and left again, but he hasn't left yet."

Ye Lin introduced the opponent's characteristics to Smila. As a foreigner, she was definitely not as clear about the high-level combat power in the demon world as she was.

"Professor Spege of Tarakuta, his love for the study of Warcraft far exceeds Tarakuta itself. He can be regarded as a transcendent figure like a wandering cloud and wild crane." Smila teased a shiny low-level elemental elf ice with her fingers. Ness, although the elf restricted by the ring of dominance was as dumb as a fool and had no reaction.

The professor traveled around the demon world all year round, and especially loved to follow the demonic beast Atropika, which symbolizes time. It is said that his home was filled with all kinds of demon flowers.

From her perspective, Professor Speki came here more because he found it interesting, rather than because of the organization's commission.

If the person coming from Tarakuta is the mild-mannered Speki, it will naturally be more favorable news for Wuxuan and the second agreement who have just formed an alliance.


Intentionally or unintentionally, he murmured, and a flash of self-mockery flashed through Smilla's melancholy eyes. This boring barren mountain was just a place where some ore was buried, and three first-class organizations were involved.

Compared with these things, she suddenly recalled the short fairyland-like journey to heaven, the vast blue sea, the weather was clear and the sky was clear, and the fish were swarming, fat and rich.

"By the way, were there any survivors in that war?" Smilla asked suddenly after sighing with emotion.

The survival she refers to is not about escaping, but about whether anyone can escape the killing and live in that beautiful and happy world from now on.

"There is one, Yinguang Dake'er, who is working hard in Arad and still owes me 100 million gold coins that he has not paid back."

"Her? The one codenamed Skull Bird..."


It was like a huge mirror being crushed violently. The fragments clattered when they fell, crisp and yet a bit noisy.

The space magic he had set was shattered from the outside with absolute violence. It was obvious that the attacker was evil.

Siatt raised his eyes and stared at the direction of the sound, then lowered his head, threw out two cards, and said calmly: "Wang Zha."

The ensuing battle was basically none of their business. As the nominal leader, he should do something to shock them and officially announce Wuxuan's arrival.


The ground exploded, rocks turned into mud, and Workman punched through thousands of meters of hard stone ridge, creating a straight canyon on the ground with edges as smooth as a mirror.

"Boss, you're having a bad temper."

Mo Mei, who had just lost the card, snapped her fingers and continued to shuffle the cards. The residual power of Workman's punch failed to touch the place where the team was playing cards, and was effectively blocked by the thought energy.

"It's so brave that you actually came down!"

Workman's palm burning with demonic flames gently pressed his chest, with a ferocious smile on his lips. The opponent was indeed from Arad, and he was actually the "Trial Blade" who competed with the leader for the title.

Due to the influence of the upside down dimension, from his perspective, Ye Lin had indeed "come down".

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Only Smila, who has been to heaven, would think that Ye Lin has come "up".

But it doesn't matter. Lord Schaller's goal is to become a person who is not afraid of death in the new world. He will be the eternal god of the new world.

Of course, as a loyal follower of God, it is natural for me to clear all obstacles for him. Anyone who disobeys will surely cause his death!

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