Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 960: New Secretary Rousselot

"Intelligence resources and so on, let the slave leader find them quickly, I can't wait!"

Sophie didn't recognize Smilla and didn't pay much attention to her information. She just remembered that she had a thin waist and long gray hair, and that she would force summoned beasts to do some "illegal" things.

So casually calling Smilla the slave leader, in a sense, it doesn't seem to be a big problem.

After packing up the pastry lunch boxes and playing cards for entertainment, the team prepared to return to the new camp to discuss what to do next, whether to recruit talents or reclaim wasteland.

The regional wars that Smilla reminded us also require more attention and caution.

We can't think of how noble and great the big forces in the demon world are. It can be said that it is not uncommon to secretly make trouble, even for an organization like Tarakuta, which seems to be the maintainer of order in the demon world.

A large lump slowly bulged out from the gray-brown ground, breaking up some rocks and thick soil. An earthy-yellow bagur emerged from it, shaking his head and looking left and right.

"This guy~"

There was a bit of surprise in Mo Mei's eyes, and she said in amazement: "I forgot about it just now. I thought I died from the punch of you and Workman, the boss."

Bagur, who was hiding deep underground and was lucky enough to escape with his life, twisted his body and fled quickly. His biological intuition made him run towards the windy zone, where there was a smell of freedom.


Ye Lin casually grabbed the space and flipped it around, making the guy feel dizzy again, and sneered: "We can't let you go now. We will let you go back to the desert when we go to the wind zone."

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Bagur, who was put on the reins again, lowered his head, moved slowly and unwillingly, and drove the team towards the new camp, at a speed that was half slower than before.

Siatt turned around and looked at the Terra Mine that was getting farther and farther behind her. She sighed softly, but her meaning was unclear.

Even though they know that the ore is poisonous and harmful to the body, the people in the demon world still regard it as delicious food and frantically compete for it, even the seemingly top powers are no exception.

So when the Silent City of the Eternal Passage appeared, all the eight areas of the Demon Realm were moved by the wind and rushed towards the only entrance like crazy, almost building a Tower of Babel out of corpses!

She suddenly understood Held a little bit. As a resident of ancient Terra, Held once owned the beautiful planet Terra, with green mountains and green waters, and the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

But now... Bagur, who had been punched by Ye Lin, ran very fast, and the scenery on both sides quickly retreated. Most of them were deserted lands with rugged mountains and rocks, revealing a sense of depleted doom.

If there is even a straw of hope, who doesn’t want to make their hometown beautiful and rich in products again?

"I'm beginning to understand your position, but this is definitely not a reason to use Arad's withering in exchange for Terra's rebirth!"

Siatt clenched her hands into fists and then slowly loosened them. Only by experiencing it personally can one understand the madness of the Silent City war and the desolation of the helplessness.

The subway center is connected to Brooklyn. Is that scheming apostle planning any secrets?


The weeds on the ground were cleared away, gravel and other irritating things were piled together, and a group of little strangers stood in the brand-new camp, eagerly looking at it.

They had also heard the previous big explosion, which came from near the mine, so many little ones were worried about whether something unexpected would happen to the team.

After seeing Bagur's figure from a distance, the little guys who had been worried and nervous shouted loudly and clapped to each other excitedly. It seemed that everyone was safe.

The orcs have no magical talent. Orcs like Duohead are purely mutated, but the aliens are natural fire mages, and the entire race is "mutated".

A fence was built around the camp with some wood. In addition to the dormitories for the little aliens, some of the ground was carefully cultivated with hoes and divided into neat square blocks, full of green seedlings and sprouts.

Planting is all done with the help of little aliens. They are sensible early and are naturally restless and lively. They just find something to vent their energy.

Rousselot breathed a heavy sigh of relief, smiled, and then directed a few little strangers to take care of Bagur.

Although she knew that the team was strong, this was the demon world after all, and the opponent was a top-notch traditional demon player, so she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

When Lord Luke was still in the Silent City, he was also very afraid of many places in the Demon World. He once sighed unintentionally that this fragment of the planet must have been as glorious as Hyperion!

"By the way, City Lord, I think I need to tell you two pieces of news." Rousselot took out a palm-sized notebook from his pocket, which contained many items.

"What's up?"

Ye Lin stopped planning to go to EX Dornier for a drink and was quite curious. Rousselot would not bother him with ordinary trivial matters.

"My friend Karina brought back several adult aliens. They were all poisoned by Marcella when she was forced to mine the Terra Stone. They escaped with the chaos of the Silent City war."

Rosselló's eyebrows were filled with joy. She didn't expect that the Alien Tribe had adult bodies other than hers. This was definitely a good thing for this group of children.

However, those aliens still have toxins in their bodies, their skin is red, and they are still in a very dangerous situation when they are awake for at most three or four hours a day.

So she wanted to ask Ye Lin if she could think of a way to save the adult alien side and the hidden danger, the poison in Nourni's body.

Also, if Karina can be kept, it will be very beneficial to Wuxuan's future development.

Although she was unfortunately infected with the Terra Stone poison, Karina was a very gentle and attentive aunt, and even Becky liked to play with her.

In the past, she and Karina guarded the Sanctuary of Birth together, and they had a relatively good relationship. The only problem was that Karina had always had a slight inferiority complex because of the toxins she carried.

"The second thing is that about a few hours ago, there was a person who wanted to join Wuxuan. She also said that she wanted to meet you, the leader. Her name was Beifa. She is a pretty woman, but she always feels a little weird."

Wuxuan must expand its scale and recruit talents, so regarding how to recruit people, the team and Rousselot have not yet come up with a better solution.

Everyone is a layman and is in the dark, so this matter is just shelved for now, including the orc craftsmen who wanted to join not long ago, so we can only tell them to slow down.

But he didn't expect that not long ago, a woman actually came to the door, looking like she wouldn't leave until she took her in, which really gave Rousselot a headache.

"You said weird? Which aspect do you mean?" Ye Lin smiled and asked casually without thinking too much. People in the demon world are a bit weird. Isn't that normal?

"Well, how should I put it? She obviously came to join Wuxuan, and she took the initiative to join, which is equivalent to defecting to us, but her unworldly temperament unconsciously always reveals a sense of arrogance."

Rousselot doesn't quite understand this. If Wuxuan is begging you to join and our organization has to be you, then such a gesture is understandable.

But now it's the other way around. You want to join Wuxuan, but why are you still looking vaguely disdainful and condescending?

Ye Lin was slightly startled when he heard this, and suddenly became a little interested. He didn't know many women in the demon world. At most, he had a casual relationship with Katie and the bikini apostle Held.

"Where is she? Let's go take a look."

"Over there on the plantation."


The curator silently watched Ye Lin and Rousselot leave together, and then touched the head and ears of a little alien, and handed over a candy, his eyes full of maternal brilliance.

You can consider handing over the duties of the devil's secretary to the diligent and capable bunny girl Rossello.

As the team traveled on adventures for a long time and even arrived at the legendary demon world, there were many things in her mind that she wanted to write down as a great wealth of the GBL religion.

"I want to raise a little daughter with him, but I also want to see the Dragon Planet and Tana's world. I really hate that I don't have the ability to be a clone. It would be nice if there were two of me, one working and one Raising children."

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