Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 968 Too bad

Alijie was wearing a black and gold imperial dress, but her small body held up a majesty that made people dare not look directly at her. However, her delicate and charming little face now looked a little cold and a little helpless.

In her hand was a detailed report submitted by the minister. The content was the number of weapons inventory in the military department since Kallet was defeated and the apostles were expelled.

The result was of course no surprise. Due to the collection of trophies and previous large-scale production to fight Kallet, the weapons of the Seventh Empire were now in a state of surplus or even waste.

In short, many ministers have repeatedly proposed to sell weapons to the Delos Empire in exchange for wealth to supplement the development of the heaven.

The function of weapons does not require any false pretense. It is for bloodshed and taking human lives, not to mention that the buyer is still the ambitious tyrant.

All the ministers, including Alijie, knew this.

However, Tianjie has an incomparable geographical advantage. No matter how hot the war is, it has nothing to do with the Seventh Empire. The consequences of selling a large number of weapons do not need to be considered at all.

If this is not our country, why should we care about their life and death?

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Ordinary ministers, including ordinary civilians, think exactly like this, so they don't quite understand Alijie's order to firmly ban the sale of weapons.

Only those who are smart, thoughtful, and have conducted detailed research on the two worlds know that this is not just the sale of weapons, but also a subtle destruction of civilization.

From the perspective of the Seventh Reich, this move seems to have no harm at all.

So Alijie has a headache now. The nobles who secretly sold arms to the empire in Nospis have been charged with various crimes by her a few days ago. They should be imprisoned and killed.

She took heavy measures to rectify the intricately organized aristocratic council.

Her special ability told her that many of these seemingly upright ministers seeking wealth for the empire had hidden agendas.

There is always money to be made in large-scale transactions.

But their starting point is for the empire. At least on the surface, they are disguised very well. Elizee can't say, "I sense that you have weird thoughts, so I want to punish you."

She breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered in her heart: "Grandpa Beilean, I still don't like him. Archduke Jurgen taught me to hide, be hypocritical, and be arrogant."

She straightened her expression, her little face became cold and solemn again, she opened her mouth to break the rather strange atmosphere in the court, and said calmly: "The Seventh Empire has peacefully established diplomatic relations with Belmare for a long time, and they have trade exchanges with each other, and the results are obvious to all."

Many ministers were startled when they heard this. They bent down and frowned respectfully. This is indeed true. The relationship between the principality and the Seventh Empire is still quite good.

Everything was naturally due to the great general's connection, and both countries benefited a lot.

"So, as far as I know, Belmare has been harassed and invaded by the Delos Empire for a long time, and the Restoration War was successfully held last year. If we sell weapons to Delos now, does it mean..."

She paused here deliberately so that they could understand the rest of the words without saying them directly.

The chief maid Ma Lin, who was serving respectfully at the side, had strong admiration in her eyes and raised the corners of her mouth. Unexpectedly, under the pressure of the ministers, she still found a way to break the situation for His Majesty the Emperor.

Selling weapons of aggression to the empire means funding the enemies of Belmare. Queen Skadi of the Principality will definitely protest strongly. This is also contrary to the original policy of peaceful diplomacy.

What follows is that there is a high probability that the way of trade will break if something goes wrong, which is a major blow to serious businessmen.

Business trade naturally involves the interests of many families. Now that Alijie has deliberately pointed it out, those who are opposed to the sale of weapons have also taken advantage of the situation to speak loudly and accuse others of only looking at small profits in front of them, regardless of the long-term future.

Selling weapons can make you a short-term fortune, but in the long run, the gains outweigh the losses.

The parliament of a country can never be harmonious and united. This is not surprising to Elize, and she expects it to be like this.

The two factions insisted on their own opinions and refused to give in to the other. The court meeting eventually broke up unhappy.


Ghent City, an elegant leisure building.

The people who gathered here after leaving the court were all ministers who supported the sale of weapons. And if you investigate the relationship behind them, you will be shocked to find that they are basically related to the military department and weapons manufacturing factories.

"Although His Majesty is talented and intelligent, he is not far-sighted enough after all. It is just a trade with a principality. If you endure the temporary pain, you can create eternal glory in the heaven!"

The wine glass hit the wooden table hard, and the leading noble snorted, his expression obviously displeased and sarcastic.

He is from the Fitzraley family, and his son is Hugh, one of the Seven Gods' Elytra.

However, because women are respected in the heavenly realm, the power of the family is basically in the hands of his wife, and he is considered his deputy.

What the Fitzraley family is proud of is that they are good at doing business. They are also the richest family in Nospes, a city full of nobles.

Once Alijie can let go of trading, the ones who will make the biggest profit will naturally be those who have become famous through business. Arms trading can make profits much faster than retail gadgets.

"That is, magical civilization is certainly powerful, but correspondingly, it has also spawned a group of people who want to gain power quickly."

There were many people who agreed, and they all looked weird and suppressed laughter.

They have found an area where they can roughly put the weapons into the Delos Empire. Although the location will be slightly shifted due to the influence of the deep undercurrents of the ocean, it is basically no big deal.

The rewards given by the empire are really generous, and the payment is quick and easy, so even though Alijie has not yet allowed it to be sold, there are already many desperate people.


After the court meeting dispersed, Alizee put away the documents and remained silent. She could still suppress the voices above the court, but her behavior in private was not so easy to monitor.

The nobles can secretly send weapons down in the name of fishing. The special nature of the Sky Sea gives them an opportunity to take advantage of it.

After the court, Alijie dragged her tired body to the palace and complained: "Ma Lin, I didn't expect that even the energy revolution could not block their thoughts."

"Your Majesty, this is normal. Even though the order is iron-clad, the benefits of smuggling and selling are very exciting."

Ma Lin pursed her lips with a smile. The possibility of official sales was solved by the wise Majesty. What was left was how to deal with private behavior.

The bug of inserting one or two humans into the weapon so that the weapon can penetrate powerful magic currently seems to need to be solved by the general.

And if we can take this opportunity to catch a few sneaky smugglers, it will definitely be effective in rectifying the court.

"Don't worry, leave the rest to me."

Seeing Ye Lin suddenly appearing at the corner of the palace road, Ma Lin was not too surprised. She had just seen Siatt an hour ago and knew that the general was back.

But Alijie, who didn't know the situation, had a face full of surprise. She looked around and saw that there was no one else. She took a small step, like a baby swallow returning to its nest, and threw herself into his arms and hugged him hard.

"Brother, are you back from the devil world? When did you come back?"

"Just now, as soon as I came back, I couldn't wait to be the first one to come see you."

He said nice and flattering words, which made the little girl's cheeks turn red and she stamped her little feet shyly. There was no sign of the Dragon Emperor's majesty at all.

The two of them held hands and felt at ease with each other. Ye Lin comforted him and said, "Girl, don't worry about those things. Instead of that, let me tell you the story of the devil world."

"Hmm! When brother you finish building the city, you must take me to see it. Oh, right, and I heard from Feiyan that Dr. Nairn is in trouble. Do you need me to issue a transfer order? Will the Sigg family send people back?”

The Sigg family is a very typical family that is not satisfied with its status, crazily wants to climb up, and labels everything with "interests", including its biological daughter.

This kind of behavior is morally shameful and disgusting, but according to the laws of the Seventh Empire, it is not a serious crime that can be severely punished.

That's why Alijie thought that it would be reasonable and reasonable to give them an order to send Dr. Nairn.

"No, no, girl, this is too easy for them. They don't seem to have committed a crime, but in fact they have committed a crime."

"Hey, what do you say?" Alijie suddenly flashed her big eyes, a little suspicious.

"You forgot, according to the laws of the empire, the Elytra of the Seven Gods need to protect the royal family and are not allowed to leave Ghent. Although it is a seemingly ineffective rule, as long as we make it bigger and make a fuss~ hum."

"Ah,, you are so bad...ah, smart, um, smart."

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