Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 976: The possibility of killing Kahn

"Master Mal, are you just leaving like this?"

Principal Shalan was confused. Not only her, but Alice, Agnis and others were also confused.

Leave a hint that you want to unite, and then leave without taking away a single cloud. He is worthy of being a legendary figure!

"No, he has actually made it clear."

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Lin's eyes showed some worry, but more of them pretended to be incomprehensible, and everyone was drunk, but he was the only one who was sober.

It wasn't until Tana pinched the flesh of her waist hard with two fingers that she gasped and begged for mercy without showing off.

"You see, we were brought together because of the Great Magic Array, and the location of the Great Magic Array is right between Arad and Heaven. In fact, Master has already hinted at the truth about our disaster."

Ye Lin clapped his palm in front of him, and the prototype of the planet Arad appeared in front of him. If you include the underground kingdom of Vanes, it was a unique three-layer world structure.

Among them, the great magic circle plays the most important role in maintaining balance. Once the magic circle collapses, the three worlds will suffer the disaster of collapse.

Mailu seemed to understand something. She nodded her chin and said in surprise: "So, someone wants to destroy the magic circle?"

A disaster more terrifying than the Age of Destruction is the complete collapse of the great magic circle.

"I don't think so, because to say something I don't want to say, this beast's current strength can crush the heavens when it tries its best."

Tana shook her head, raised her hand to shape a model of Arad, and then instantly collided with the one in Ye Lin's hand!

The light exploded brightly, and the two model worlds naturally ceased to exist and turned into a burst of dust.

"Well, I think so too." Ye Lin nodded slightly, his eyes flickering, and he said in horror: "There is a mysterious existence that wants to destroy the barrier between dimensions and trigger a collision between the two worlds. The apostles are not immune. "

He made a blooming gesture with his hands, and the meaning was self-evident, a dimensional explosion!

But the question is whether the driving force behind this disaster is the mysterious Transcendent or the lost Held.

Ye Lin's personal preference is for the latter.


No one knows what that layer of golden ripples means, and the truth cannot be explored. In the end, it can only become an anecdote that is talked about before tea and after dinner.

Mal's space quickly dissipated, and everyone who was informed of the danger felt as if their hearts were as heavy as stones, and smiled helplessly.

There are two things to do now. One is to gather enough strong people, including a key figure, Mather Monaghan. The second is to explore where the intersection of dimensions will be.

The worlds overlap, annihilate each other, and finally turn into nothingness.

All the apostles, including the Invincible Karn, are most likely to die from the mutual annihilation of dimensions, but if the original intersection is found, it is possible to prevent the disaster.

After leaving the space, Ye Lin's position was still in the Delos Empire. He sighed with a complicated expression, a bit of amazement and aftertaste.

Master is still Master after all, and a few words touched him greatly.

At the end of time, many people will subconsciously think that it may be tens of thousands, and millions of years later, he himself will be the same.

But to take a cold example, the moment a person dies suddenly is the end of his or her personal time.

So, be alert to every moment and every possibility.

"Master, I have finally learned something from you."

With his mind calm again, Ye Lin's figure flashed in the air and disappeared. The next place he appeared was at a luxurious residence in Weitalun.

It is also the place where the eldest princess of the empire lives.

The empire has been in constant turmoil recently. The emperor has suffered from headaches. The eldest prince has established the Imperial Knights, and he almost has the word "rebellion" written on his face.

There are frequent sightings of pretenders, and the whole country looks quite chaotic.

As the first princess of the empire serves as a national diplomat, she should visit various cities in the country after the New Year to show the royal dignity and majesty.

However, the eldest princess suffered an inexplicable sprained foot a month ago. After more than half a month of training and using top-quality medicinal materials, she could barely walk.

But a week ago, when Celia visited the ancient capital of Cantwin, she unfortunately encountered the "resistance" again. Although the guards tried their best to protect her, the princess was still pale and frightened.

How long does it take to recover from psychological problems? It may be just covering your head and sleeping, or it may be being bitten by a snake and then being afraid of well ropes for ten years.

In addition, the eldest princess loyally followed his advice, which was to keep a low profile in the struggle for power in the empire, get rid of the "checks and balances" that Lyon wanted to play, and let the eldest prince stand out and perform all kinds of tricks.

Leon's vigilant and suspicious character was vaguely aware of something, but the eldest princess also dealt with it extremely smartly. She still helped deal with important affairs of the empire every day, and even occasionally spoke ill of the eldest prince unintentionally.

After all, Leon is a human being, not a god!

Important matters in the empire, active resistance forces, competition for the imperial power of his children, invasion plans, beauties in the harem... He was secretly exhausted for a long time, and the wolfberry was incurable.

"I will immediately send someone to report the flood to Your Majesty. We will receive a reply and reinforcements by noon tomorrow at the earliest. You can go and rest first."

"Then thank you, Your Majesty, Your Majesty. I wish your Majesty a speedy health."

The eldest princess received a polite gentleman. As the temperature warmed and the ice and snow melted, a city downstream of Vetalun suffered serious congestion and flooding.

The other party didn't sleep a wink all day and night, and came to Weitalun in person to ask for help.

"Your Highness, your injury is not healed, so please don't get up."

After the official saluted, he left quickly with a few subordinates. When he passed the gate of the mansion, he turned back and sighed softly.

Although the eldest princess is a weak woman with a slender body, she is strong-willed, graceful, elegant and beautiful. Every word and deed reveals the dignity of the royal family, and she is worthy of being the face of the empire.

After dealing with the floods in the territory, Celia picked up a cup of fragrant coffee and waved away the maids on both sides.

She was wearing a black dress with gold embroidery on the edges. The skirt fell to her calves. On her white and delicate feet were a pair of crystal sandals.

There was a folded newspaper pressed by the tea tray on the table. Celia unfolded it with bare hands, and what came into view was a line of eye-catching black characters.

"Queen Skadi came to Nosmar in person and was cordial..."


The newspaper was photographed on the marble-carved balcony. Celia closed her eyes and began to feel irritated. When the cup was placed on the table, she knocked out some coffee.

"Skadiskadiskady...! Phew..."

After reciting it silently for several times, Celia slowly exhaled and calmed down her mood. Whether it was envy or jealousy, she didn't deny it.

She has traveled around various cities before. Everywhere she went, she was surrounded by flowers and the people responded enthusiastically.

However, what she wants is not the title of Imperial Princess, but Queen Celia, the Queen!

"Celia, help me check something." Ye Lin suddenly appeared opposite her, poured himself a cup of coffee, took a slow sip, and continued:

"There should be a lot of celestial weapons flowing into the empire. Find ways to check and destroy them as much as possible."

The eldest princess recovered from the shock, smiled, and crossed her fingers on her knees: "I heard about this incident by chance. It is something that my father is very concerned about, and it is kept confidential."

"You try your best. If the heavenly weapon explodes and causes disaster, it will be a credibility blow to Lyon."

Celia lowered her head and fell silent upon hearing this, her eyes flickering, and she nodded slightly after a long while.

"Then, when will I be as brilliant as her, respected by thousands of people?" Celia handed him the newspaper, and at the same time, she knelt tightly together obediently, took off the cotton pad on the stone bench, and put it under her knees. .

In a meek and obedient manner, he stretched out his clean and tender hands and slowly lowered his head, savoring the elegance.

The news about Skadi in the newspaper is very eye-catching, and the blurry photos can also show that Skadi is in high spirits. Skadi is the only emperor in Arad who has an unorthodox origin.

Her head was covered with newspaper, and Ye Lin couldn't see her red lips and radula. He could only feel the warmth from the top, as if she were applying lipstick across it.

"Like her? You are not powerful among the nobles. If you touch the interest groups, aren't you afraid of the short-lived emperor?"

"I know, so I'm working hard to practice. And don't worry, there are no servants in the garden, so anything is fine."

Ye Lin frowned and took a breath between his teeth. He thought that the eldest princess would taste it gracefully and slowly, but he never thought that the tonsils would be squeezed out by the sudden swallowing.

The eldest princess is very serious about her work. If the other party needs help, she will come to her for help. This is a good start.

Occasionally there is wind blowing through the garden, the branches are swaying, and the spring breeze is also somewhat chilly.


She had worked very hard to replenish the nutrition in her stomach, but due to the limited caliber, some nutrition accidentally slipped and fell to the small-scale justice in front of her, wearing a long black dress with a little white.

Slowly stood up and performed a ladylike manner, took the newspaper in his hand, and wiped off some marks on her long skirt.

Ye Lin raised his chin, gestured to the table, and said, "Do you want to be the queen?"

The cotton pads were placed on the balcony from the ground, Celia lifted her long skirt lightly, her beautiful legs in black suspender stockings were straight and straight, and the lace headband fell to her knees.

"Yes, I want to be the Queen of Delos!"

Celia's eyes were wildly expectant, but the next moment she groaned and frowned, her delicate body tense like a mechanical puppet.

She gave up all her chips!

"I'm short of manpower in the Demon World. Do you want to be the queen there?"

Pa-ta-pa... It seems like a palm is slapping the water, causing waves to splash continuously.

Celia, who suffered silently, was startled. Her eyes widened and she turned around with difficulty. She saw that the other party was working hard seriously, and her eyes were pure and unadulterated.

He is actually willing to let himself become the king of another world?

"As you said, my strength is low, Delos is not yet stable, and it is not my idea to be a short-lived emperor."


In the spring of March, when the flowers were falling and the water was falling, Celia suppressed her dizziness and smiled: "If you wish, the heir of Delos can be named Ye from now on."

Ye Lin smiled, like a ruthless scumbag, casting down a purifying light and asked:

"With your personality, you are not someone who will be distracted by children."

"Yeah, you're right."

The eldest princess slowly buttoned up her dress with a complicated look on her face. All her injuries and mental problems had been cured to a complete state.

Radiant and energetic, it seemed that all the burdens had been swept away, and even his strength had improved a bit.

A healthy body cannot be measured in value.

If someone can cure the emperor's headache now, tens of millions of gold can be given to him.

At the same time, Celia stared at the clouds rolling in the sky, and an inexplicable feeling slowly grew in her heart. The transaction of interests and body now gave rise to a different kind of emotion.

If she wasn't a respected princess, and the other party wasn't a famous adventurer in the Arad continent, maybe Ye Lin would still be the kind of person she could like at a glance.

After all, who hasn’t had a dreamy love fantasy as a girl?

It's just that the royal family is ruthless and can't help itself, and the reality is often cruel.

His sister Isabella caught what she wanted, but what about herself?

"Is he the compensation the world gives me..."

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