Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 996: Return to Yuan·Mo Mei

The color of the thought energy is mostly white with the attribute of light. A proficient person will gradually turn the thought energy into a sacred golden color, like the rays of the sun.

Some unique mutant attributes are like Nina. Her mental energy attribute is like burning flames. When attacking, it is easy to cause large area burns and the heat is unbearable.

Uzo is just the opposite. When her ice-type telekinesis attacks, ice fragments fly, making her attack power more powerful. The only drawback is that the combat environment requirements are relatively high.

If it is in the snowy area of ​​​​Ston, it can increase its strength by three points out of thin air, but if it is in the lava zone, it will be very embarrassing and will be weakened.

Mandarin is called the "Snow Flower" because her thoughts are always as pure as snow, not stained by any other colors, clean and flawless, and show the beauty of snow.

But now, Mo Mei, who is more proficient in the energy of mind energy, feels an evil nature and anger that is inconsistent with her from Mandarin's pure mind energy!

That is definitely the will of the apostle Shilok, which forcibly controls this famous person in the Nian Qi lineage.

Mo Mei had mixed emotions and was a little depressed, but she soon regained her composure and strengthened her will. If Senior Mandarin was still sober, he would not want to see himself like this.

She held her palms flat, and her thoughts gathered crazily, like a tornado whirlpool, and the trees and new buds and leaves of the red jungle bent down one after another as if they were worshiping.

All things have animism and thoughts. She does not need magic power, her thought energy is endless.

Mandarin, who is in a controlled state, is also trying her best to seize the power of thought between heaven and earth. A huge pure white lotus blooms under her feet, but compared with Mo Mei's control, she can only compete for 30% of it. about.

"What a beautiful thought~"

Mo Mei nodded lightly and expressed her heartfelt praise for the pure lotus. It was indeed the flower of snow. Seeing the opponent's action with her own eyes satisfied some of her wishes.

"Lord Mandarin, I'm offended!"

No matter whether the opponent could hear it consciously or not, Mo Mei performed martial arts etiquette with her fists, her face was solemn, and her twin ponytails followed suit.

She stepped on her foot, and her body was like an afterimage, accompanied by lightning and wind and thunder. At the same time, multiple afterimages of mind energy were formed, besieging Mandarin from different directions.

The Qi returns to its origin·The Heavenly Thunder Clone Step!

A pure white mental energy shield rose into the sky, like snow, trying to defend itself, but was shattered by Mo Mei's punch the next moment. Compared with her expertise, the ordinary mental energy shield was really not good enough.

Mo Mei is not a person who doesn't know the importance of things. She cares more about Xu Ancestor's life, death and safety than respecting the seniors of Nian Qi lineage, so she didn't deliberately hold back.

Just how terrifying Shilok's true form is can be seen from the Wuxuan expression on the boss's body.

Wuxuan has the effect of stimulating the growth of all things. A breath of breath can make plants bloom in winter, regardless of the cold.

Shilok's attributes are exactly the opposite. She plunders cruelly, squeezes ruthlessly, absorbs the power of all life, and makes the planet wither and become silent.

In the vast universe, there are strange and extraordinary plants such as Wuxuan, which gives birth to all things, the silver holy tree that can resist the power of destruction, the tree of peace Yudia, and the holy tree Zemakure of Tabors.

In addition to these, there should also be added a queen seed "Shirok" who can devour the power of all things!


A huge giant tiger with mental energy suddenly appeared, squeezing through several of Mo Mei's mental energy clones. The giant tiger looked like the "Nian Qi Golden Thunder Tiger", but the difference was that it was also all white.

The giant tiger is as tall as the tall trees in the red jungle. It is obviously just an illusion of mind energy, but the fierce power of the king of beasts and the shocking roar are even better than the previous two-winged tiger.

The golden thunder tiger has thick limbs and is filled with white thunder. When it leaps into the attack, it is like a thundercloud covering it, with hundreds of thunders shining brightly.

But in the next moment, a thicker and shining energy-charged energy cannon completely enveloped the thunder beast, annihilating it in mid-air as it pounced, leaving no trace behind.

And the mental energy cannon hasn't stopped yet, until it breaks through the clouds and opens a big hole in the clouds.

The weather in Xuzu is gloomy and it looks like it’s going to rain.

On the other side, Xiaoyu, Fengying, and Uzuo, who was suppressed and had no strength to fight anymore, all looked up in shock. Sure enough, with such terrifying power of attack, they still took action.


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Mo Mei placed her hands on her waist in the shape of Turtle Style Qigong, breathing out slowly to calm down, but she did not take it lightly and remained very vigilant.

She just tried to control the mental energy around Mandarin, hoping to turn the mental energy into chains to restrain the old man and try not to harm his life.

But after the other party was amplified by the apostle's power, the surrounding area became as hard and locked as steel, unable to move at all.

Moreover, Mandarin's current state is extremely strange.

She sits cross-legged on the lotus platform, but is suspended one meter above the ground. She puts her hands on her knees, holds Zen seals with her fingers, and closes her eyes. There is a white treasure wheel behind her head that emits holy light, and her whole body looks solemn.

Something even more shocking happened to Mo Mei. Behind Mandarin, a pair of arms with mind energy suddenly appeared in his ribs, holding the seals of different gestures.

Before she could rub her eyes, the second pair of arms gathered again, and this situation did not stop at all.

Sitting on the lotus platform with his eyes closed, the majestic Mandarin has divided into four pairs of arms of mind energy. Counting his own hands, the ten arms are spread out, each with different seals, and his mind energy also rises in an instant. It is comparable to or even comparable to Mo Mei in her current perfect state.

The power of Bai Hua is broken!

Ten arms waved, thoughts flowed suddenly, and large areas of forest and rocks were mercilessly annihilated in a matter of seconds. The entire red jungle was shaken. The animals that revived with the coming of spring fled in panic and fled away.

The holy white thought energy, which was originally as beautiful as snow, now has the destructive power to destroy the world with the blessing of the apostle. It wants to destroy everything visible to the naked eye in the extremely bright and dazzling light.

With Mandarin as the center, the crisis in the red jungle is spreading rapidly. One of the wonders of the Arad continent, the dividing line between Xuzu and Belmare, is suffering a devastating blow.

Mo Mei's little face faced the "scorching sun", her teeth almost bit her lip, and her anger was gradually growing. The reason for thinking about Qi should be to protect her!

Whether it is Nian Di or Nian Huang, the meaning is to return to nature, borrow all things, and protect all things.

Emotions of anger and murderous intent filled her mind. Just when Mo Mei was about to completely annihilate one-seventh of the power of Mandarin and Shilok without any mercy, her beautiful eyes suddenly froze, something unexpected was happening.

The "thoughts" she spread out, she heard the low cry of the red jungle under her feet, and the omnipresent thoughts fed back to her the panic and fear of everything at the moment.

All things are animistic, and they sense the malice of "Mandarin", or rather, Shilok.

In this land and sky filled with spiritual energy, they instinctively disliked Shilok's devouring energy and both belonged to the mind energy, so they chose the gentler Mo Mei.

They refuse to provide power to malicious people.

In a daze, Mo Mei felt that her spirit seemed to be separated from her body. Her eyes were high up, looking down at the brilliance of the Mandarin below. Her legs contained tremendous power, and when she walked, she could shake the earth.

The color of the thought energy is mostly white or gold, but at this moment, the endless thought energy flowing around Mo Mei suddenly changed into two different colors.

One color is blue, as vast as the sky, and one color is yellow, as thick as the earth!

Originally, she borrowed the thoughts of all things, but now, her will seems to be all things.

Mo Mei's chestnut eyes were one green and one yellow at the moment, and her eyes were of different colors. She simply shook her hands, and everything was still, without any ripples.

The panicked red jungle calmed down in a matter of seconds, while Mandarin's white sky was so powerful that its energy was suppressed within a very small area.

No matter how she waved her ten arms and danced like flowers, it was still difficult to destroy her at all. Her entire body was imprisoned in mid-air.

"it's over."

Mo Mei sighed softly, and then, as if naturally, she pronounced a name that she had never heard or known before.

The illusion of reading seal is broken!

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