Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other

Chapter 420: What's wrong with me?

  Chapter 420 What happened to me?

  There are only so many hawthorns, and it is not yet the season for hawthorns to mature, so she can't take them out for others to eat.

  Her Jiu'er probably has to rely on this to eat.

  If the hawthorn is gone, there is nowhere to cry.

   "What I want to ask you is, what did you do?"

  It smelled sweet and sweet, and it was the first time she smelled it.

   If she can't eat that thing today, she will pester Joey for one night, two nights!

   "Sweets that men eat are not suitable for you. It's getting late, go to bed quickly."

   Qiao Yi pushed Nan Liyue out.

   "I don't, I don't, I want to eat, a little bit, can you just give me a little bit?"

  Nan Liyue sat directly on the ground, and then hugged Qiao Yi's thigh with both hands.

  The whole person is like a koala.

  I can't even shake it off.

  The sticky one is called tight.

   "Nan Liyue, how old are you, are you ashamed?"

   Qiao Yi felt so helpless.

   Now she is not sure whether this Nan Liyue is pretending or it is really like this.

  For a little food, as for what?

   "Don't be ashamed, I want to eat. Will you give it? If you don't give it to me, I will hold you until you give it to me. Hmph!!"

  Joy: "..."

   It's just that little thing, how much more can you give Nan Liyue?

   You must know that this is reserved for Jiu'er's appetizer.


   "If you don't give it to me, I will always hold you."

   "You guys are here, what are you looking at dryly? Hurry up and take your young lady away."

   Qiaoyi shouted at Nan Liyue's attendants,

   "That Miss Qiao, this little one is really powerless."

  The attendant wiped the sweat from his forehead.

   If she dares to go there at this time, her future life will be in **** mode.

  As for the other five people, one remained within five meters of Nanliyue with a cold expression.

  As for the other four, no matter how you look at it, they seem to be watching the excitement.

   Qiao Yi raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

  Nan Liyue wants to get rid of them?

   Suffering from no excuses?

  Does she want to help with this?

   Just as Qiao Yi was thinking about whether to help Nan Liyue for Jiu'er's sake, Nan Liyue spoke again when he was the bad guy.

   "Give it to me, give it to me, just one bite at a time, okay, okay?"

   I don't know if Qiao Yi's eyes were dazzled, but he even saw the saliva.

  Then...then it even rubbed on her pant leg.

   Now Joey really wants to ask, for a bite to eat, what about it? As for what?

   "Okay, okay, I'll give it to you, okay? But we agreed, just a little, if you hear me, just a little."

   "Yeah, just a little bit."

  Nan Liyue nodded, something is better than nothing.

   "You let me go, how can I get it if you don't let go?"

  Joy feels powerless.

  Why did she meet all kinds of people?

   "It's not loose, what should you do if you run away?"

  Joy: "..."

   This is probably a fool, he should be pretending to be a real fool.

   "How can I get it for you if you don't let go? Come on, let go."


  Nan Liyue reluctantly let go of Qiao Yi.

  Joy was free, turned around and boarded the carriage.

   Then he took out a small bowl.

   "Here, there are not many things, I can only give you this."

  The bowl is not big, and it contains hawthorn juice.

  As for the hawthorn, she dare not take it out now.

   After all, it is too bizarre.


  Nan Liyue took the bowl carefully.

  When he saw that there was only a bowl of red water in the bowl, his face turned dark.

  Feelings She begged her grandpa to sue her grandma, and she got such a bowl of things in exchange?

  The most hateful thing is that he is still unwilling to give it to her.

  Nan Liyue glared at Qiao Yi, then took a sip.

   Hey, sweet and sour is really delicious.

   Soon, Nan Liyue drank up a small bowl of hawthorn juice.

  The hawthorn juice in the bowl was gone, and Nan Liyue looked at Qiao Yi eagerly.

   "I told you it's really gone, you're a woman, you can't compete with men for food, right?"

  Seeing this, Qiao Yi hurriedly spoke.


  Nan Liyue nodded aggrievedly, then left with her head down.

   Qiao Yi saw that Nan Liyue had left, so she went to call Jiu'er.

   At the same time, he did not forget to take away the porridge and two big steamed buns.

  As soon as he entered the carriage, Joey brought out the canned hawthorn.

   "Jiu'er, try this."

   "Canned hawthorn?"

   Joey has made it before, and it's sour and sweet. It's delicious.

   "Well, try it, and then try to drink porridge."

"it is good."

  Jiu'er nodded, took a sip, and seeing that she had no signs of wanting to vomit, her eyes lit up immediately, and she continued to drink.

   At this time, I took a mouthful of porridge, and it directly entered the stomach safely.

  The feeling of nausea and vomiting is gone.

  Eating is no longer disgusting, which makes Jiu'er very happy. She drank two bowls of porridge and ate a big steamed bun in one go, so she stopped eating.

"I am full?"

   "Well, my wife, I'm so sleepy, I'm going to bed first. I don't know what's going on, I've always been sleepy recently, and the more I sleep, the sleepier I get."

  Jiu'er muttered a few words, but when Qiao Yi wanted to answer the conversation, he found that Jiu'er had fallen asleep.

   Seeing this, Qiao Yi was even more sure that Jiu'er was pregnant.

   You can't eat fishy food, but you will have an appetite if you eat sweet and sour food, and you will be lethargic.

  When she thought that Jiu'er was pregnant, Qiao Yi was very relieved.

  She wanted to see how she would do the shopping in the future.

  She didn't take much care of Yue Xi and Mu Xuan's pregnancy this year, but now that Jiu'er is pregnant, she must take good care of her.

  She will treat every husband fairly.

  So for the sake of fairness, after going back, let Yue Xi and Mu Xuanhuai be alone, and then she will take good care of everything.

   This is fair.

  Ever since Joey thought Jiu'er was pregnant.

  Jiu'er is taking care of this one, which is called meticulous.

  Cook whatever you want to eat, and make it in different ways if you don’t have it.

  At first, Jiu'er thought she was motion sick.

   Nausea, discomfort, lethargy. That's why Qiao Yi took special care of herself.

   But seeing Qiao Yi's diligence, he suddenly felt that things were not that simple.

  A few days later, Jiu'er couldn't bear it anymore.

   "My wife, what's wrong with me?"

"It's nothing, aren't you fine? Eat and sleep when you're full, and eat when you're full. Look at you, you've gained weight these past few days. This little face is getting more and more sensational to the touch gone."

   While talking, Qiao Yi pinched Jiu'er's face.

  Of course, it’s the kind that doesn’t use much force.

   "My wife, what's wrong with me? I feel like I've been in a daze for a while, and what I think about is eating or sleeping, and..."

   Speaking of this, Jiu'er couldn't continue.

  He actually wanted to make out with his wife, especially.

"what else?"

  Qiao Yi raised her eyebrows, looked at Jiu'er's slightly flushed face, and asked with a smirk.

  Although she has never given birth to a child in modern times, she has heard a few pregnant women chatting.

   It is said that once a woman is pregnant, it is not just lethargy and gluttony.

  After pregnancy, due to the increase of hormone levels in the body, some people's depression will be particularly strong.

  Although it is said that men are pregnant and have children in this era, the symptoms should be almost the same.

  So, Jiu'er wanted to make out with her, and was embarrassed to say so?

   "No, it's nothing. My wife, did I not get rid of the poison last time? Otherwise, why can't I control myself?"

   Thank you Fat Snow Handmade Lipstick? ? ? Baby's monthly ticket, thank you Nanyu Qingbai baby for your tip, thank you? ? ? ? ? Baby's monthly ticket, I love you~



  (end of this chapter)

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