Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other

Chapter 495: Who is taking care of whom?

  Chapter 495 Who is taking care of whom?

  It's good now, she has met all those who slept dishonestly, and I don't know if it's luck or misfortune.

   Being pressed by a heavy object is really uncomfortable, but once you get used to it, you won't feel much.

   Just as Joey was drowsy, he suddenly felt a little hot.

   Subconsciously reached out and touched Mo Ruyu's forehead.


   Actually had a fever.

  Why did you have a fever?

   Could it be that he fell asleep on the ground and fell cold?

   Thinking about the reason in his heart, Joey's movements were not slow at all.

  Maybe it was because of a fever that he was exhausted. Qiao Yi pushed this lightly this time, and Mo Ruyu lay down.

  The best way to treat fever is to take fast fever-reducing medicine.

   But this is ancient times, there is no such thing at all.

   There is no quick fever-reducing medicine, which will not make Joey scramble.

  Mo Ruyu developed a fever because of catching a cold, which belongs to typhoid fever.

   To treat typhoid fever, you only need to let him expel the cold air.

  It's winter now, I don't wear much, and I fell asleep on the ground again. Coupled with the fact that the production was just finished, it would be strange if there was no fever.

   At this time, give Mo Ruyu a big bowl of **** soup, take a hot bath, and then cover yourself with the quilt to sweat.

  Or you can use wine to wipe Mo Ruyu's palms and feet.

   But this wine does not mean that the higher the alcohol content, the better.

  The best one is about 50 degrees, or 60 degrees. Then pour the wine into a bowl and light it with fire.

   At this time, wipe with lit wine, which works best, and at the same time, there is no need to worry about alcohol causing harm to the body or alcohol poisoning.

  The wine of 50 or 60 degrees is available in Qiao Yi's space, so Qiao Yi doesn't need to go outside to get it.

   In fact, even if you want to take it, you don’t have it.

  In this dynasty, Qiao Yi has a certain degree of wine in his hand, and it is estimated that there will be no second family.

  Using wine to wipe Mo Ruyu's palms, feet, forehead, temples, back and other places.

   Seeing that Mo Ruyu wasn't so hot anymore, Qiao Yi went to the kitchen.

  Because it was midnight, Joey didn't call for help.

   It's just cooking **** soup, and it's not like she can't.

   It is best to use old **** to cook this **** soup, so that the **** soup will be strong enough.

  After boiling the **** soup and returning to the house, Qiao Yi carefully helped the dazed Mo Ruyu up, and then poured down a bowl of **** soup.

  Afterwards, put Mo Ruyu on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

  Because of drinking **** soup, Mo Ruyu drank a bowl of **** soup. His forehead was already sweating slightly.

   In fact, it is best to take a hot bath.

   But Qiao Yi felt that it would be a bit abrupt if she did this.

  Although the two had skin-to-skin contact, it was unconscious.

   Now she is conscious, just bathing Mo Ruyu like this, always feels that she is suspected of taking advantage of others.

  Because Mo Ruyu's fever hadn't subsided, Qiao Yi didn't dare to sleep.

   Wipe Mo Ruyu with wine from time to time until the temperature has dropped, and Qiao Yi will not give up.

   When Mo Ruyu started to break out of sweat on his forehead, and his cheeks gradually turned red, Qiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

   After moving her stiff body, Qiao Yi realized that it was dawn.

  Su Ziye and Su Zimo, who had already woken up, were already waiting outside the door.

  Joyne has deep inner strength, and her natural hearing is also good.

  So she could hear the conversation of the two people outside the door clearly.

  Boy, I bet she gets up sooner or later. And you can bet what she did last night.

  It’s really a day without playing, and then you start to go to the house to uncover the tiles.

  Watch how she cleans them up.

   "Cotyledon, go find a doctor, Zimo get a basin of water, and get Ruyu a suit of clothes, both inside and out. Then tell the kitchen to boil some hot water, Ruyu wants to take a bath."

  The two people outside the door heard and looked at each other, making their thoughts more certain.

   After that, I quickly went to work.

  Because the doctor had to go outside to invite him, Su Ziye came back slowly.

  Su Zimo wanted to confirm what he wanted, and also to win his brother.

   So go and go back.

  Hearing a knock on the door, Joey called in.

  As soon as Su Zimo came in, the first thing he did was look inside.

   "Come closer if you want to see it, how can you see it from here?"

  Su Zimo's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he walked forward in a hurry.

   As a result, he stopped after taking two steps, and then looked at Joey with a bitter face.


   "What's the matter? Go and see, otherwise how can I satisfy your curiosity?"

  Su Zimo: "..."

  Ahhhhh, it's over.

  Yesterday it was just punished, how can it be punished today?

  This master is probably going to punish him in different ways.

   Fortunately, this time the eldest brother also participated. Thinking of having someone to accompany him, Su Zimo calmed down a little.

   "Why don't you watch it?"


  Su Zimo wanted to cry at this time but had no tears.

  He can be sure that what he said to his elder brother just now must have been heard by this black-bellied master.

  Otherwise it would be impossible.

   "Don't make a sad face, those who don't know will think what happened to your master."

   Qiao Yi didn't intend to let Su Zimo go.

  Anyway, Mo Ruyu is still sleeping now, so taking a shower later won't affect anything.

  As for the guests in the house, there is no need to worry.

   Waiting for everyone is almost there, and it is not too late for her to go out. During this period, she can also go to the kitchen to cook a few dishes.

   "Master, I was wrong, and I dare not do it again."

  Being frank and lenient and resisting strictness, Su Zimo is very wise and begs for mercy directly.

   "This is a good boy, for the sake of you knowing that you are wrong, I..."

   "Master, the doctor is here."

   At this critical moment, Su Ziye's voice came in.

  Su Zimo: "..."

  For the first time since he grew up, he felt that Su Ziye was not his real brother.

  He called out in his heart, didn't his brother respond at all?

  When can I come? I have to speak at this time.

   "Well, come in."

  After the doctor came in, Qiao Yi and the doctor explained Mo Ruyu's situation.

  After taking the pulse, the doctor said slowly, "You took good care of me, the fever subsided, and the coldness in my body was also dispelled. But you still have to be more careful, after all, the typhoid fever has just gone, and the body is weak."


  Sickness comes like a mountain and goes away like a thread, Qiao Yi understands this.

  Even if it is a minor illness, it does not cause little harm to the body.

  Su Ziye gave the silver reward and took the doctor away.

   Qiao Yi then ordered Su Zimo to prepare bath water.

  When Su Ziye came back, Su Zimo just put away the bath water.

"Give Ruyu a good wash, then change into clean clothes, and cook him a bowl of **** soup. The bedding on the bed is wet, change another set before letting him sleep. Let him stay in the house today, no matter what Don't go."

  Joy rubbed the center of her brows, and said in a hoarse voice.

   I haven't had a good rest, and even my throat has come out to make trouble.

   After taking a sip of water, Joey felt a lot more comfortable in his throat.


  At this time, the Su family brothers still don't understand that Mo Ruyu is sick.

   And it looks like he got sick in the middle of the night.

   Looking at the wrinkled clothes of the master, it is not difficult to guess that it should have been taken care of for a long time.

  Thinking of this, the two brothers were a little annoyed.

   It's just that they all slept so soundly that they didn't know that the master had worked hard all night.

   Taking care of sick people is not an easy job.

   Good night, babies~ I love you~



  (end of this chapter)

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