Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other

Chapter 556: Does it matter if it's a dream or real?

  Chapter 556 Is it important whether it is a dream or reality?

  Joy said very seriously, she really thought so.

  Joy found that she seemed to be gradually inseparable from her lovely husbands.

  She will also start to think wildly because of one of their expressions and actions.

  She didn't know what it was like. On the one hand, she hated this feeling, but on the other hand, she actually had a feeling of joy in it.

  This is too contradictory.

   "Then is this a dream or real?"

  Mu Yun said a little confused.

   I didn't expect the wife-lord to have this feeling of being in a dream.

  Since the day when the wife changed her ways and changed drastically, he felt that this was like a dream, a dream that was easy to wake up from.

  As time goes by, as the wife-lord walks farther and farther away, I feel more deeply in my heart.

  Especially when I saw the Twelfth Prince again, the uneasiness in my heart burst out.

  Sometimes he is very skeptical, are he and the wife-lord husband and wife?

  Nothing, did you marry them or buy them for the hundred wen? The twelve princes of the family are the ones that the wife-lord, Ming Media, is marrying.

  The more I think about Mu Yun, the more confused I become. Sometimes Mu Yun doubts whether he is real or never existed.

   "Is it important whether it's a dream or a reality? The most important thing is to live in the present moment. No matter what it is, it doesn't matter if it's a dream or something, as long as you live a worthwhile trip, isn't it?"

   Speaking of this, Joey sat up abruptly.

  Joy felt that this guy was just too idle.

  Think about what is there all day long.

   "That's right, whether it's a dream or real, it doesn't matter. What matters is that I have a family."

   Gradually, Mu Yun's eyes were no longer confused.

  The wife-lord is right, one must live in the present moment, and the trip is worthwhile.

   So, shouldn't he be doing something he wants to do?

   "Right, look how good it is. Don't think about those useless things all day long."

  Qiao Yi nodded, seeing that Mu Yun was no longer confused, and his eyes were shining brightly, so he let go of his heart.

   It looked a little lifeless at first, but now it is finally alive.


  Mu Yun nodded, and then moved closer to Qiao Yi.

  Joy: "..."

  Why does she have an ominous premonition.

   "That little Yunyun, you...uh..."

  Damn it, happiness came too suddenly, right?

   This time it was Xiao Yunyun who took the initiative.

  Although she is very tired, this kind of welfare should not be for nothing.

  The result of indulgence was that Joey was unwilling to get up the next day.

  No matter how much Mu Yun shouted, no matter how much he pushed, he couldn't get up.

   "Don't make trouble, let me sleep again."

   "Wife master, the queen and mother are all here, you have to get up quickly."

   "I'm sorry, I will sleep even if the sky falls today."

  Joy turned over and covered his head with the quilt.

   "My wife, get up quickly."

   "I can't afford it, I can't afford it, come and sleep together."

  Qiao Yi stretched out her arms, and pulled Mu Yun into her arms.

  Mu Yun: "..."

This is how to do?

  Both parents are here, the main reason for the wife not getting up, is this too embarrassing?

  Actually, Mu Yun was also sleepy, but because he had something on his mind, it can be said that he didn't sleep at all.

  The vigil was over, he talked to Joey for a long time, and then... Anyway, it was almost dawn after the night was over.

  So Mu Yun didn't sleep right away, and when it was dawn, he pushed Qiao Yi to get her up quickly.

   It’s not too late to go back to sleep after sending the person away.

   Sending off the queen and parents, this kind of thing is not something he can do as a husband and wife.

   "Hey, don't make trouble, sleep, sleep."

  Qiao Yi patted Mu Yun, and after a while, Mu Yun also fell asleep.

  Early in the morning, Mo Ruyu and Mu Qing sent off the Queen and Shujun.

   also sent away Wen Wang and his wife.

  Because they knew why Qiao Yi went there, and they also knew that Qiao Yi was exhausted yesterday, so no one said anything when Qiao Yi didn't come.

  As for Mo Yan who wanted to leave, he was stopped by Mo Ruyu.

  The Mo family must not let mother go back, otherwise it will not be so easy to rescue mother.

  That group of people can do anything, so beware of house thieves is hard to guard against. No matter how powerful your mother is, she can't beat the white-eyed wolves huddled together.

  The reason why it went so well last time was because the wife master caught them off guard.

   You must know that good luck does not always exist.

  As for the property of the Mo family, don't rush it for a while, it belongs to them and no one can take it away.

   Seeing Mo Ruyu's resolute face, Mo Yan refused to let go, so he sighed and went back to his room.

  Since they are not allowed to leave, they will stay for two days.

  The matter of the elders has been dealt with, Mu Qing originally wanted to go back to sleep, after all, he was also sleepy.

  While thinking about it, Mo Ruyu stopped her.

"Brother, you can't leave. Today you have to give red envelopes to the servants, and you have to start visiting tomorrow. What gifts should you bring and who will go? You also need to prepare gifts for others to come to visit, etc., so many You have to help me."

  Mo Ruyu looked at Mu Qing pitifully.

  Mu Qing: "..."

   This is really a lot.

   This matter really needs help, and Ruyu can't be tired alone.

  So he decided to share the difficulties.

   As a result, Mu Chen helped prepare things with a resentful and sleepy face.

   "Brother, I'm sleepy."

  Mu Chen felt like crying now. He ate too much yesterday, so he went to bed very late.

   Just fell asleep here, but was dragged here by the elder brother.

  He wondered, is there anything he can't do in the afternoon? Or it will be later, why not let him sleep for a while?

   I'm really sleepy, and why don't you go to the other brothers?

  Just calling him alone, won't my conscience hurt?

   "Mu Xuanyue said that they are going to take care of their children, Jiu'er is pregnant, Mingxi's wind and cold have not recovered, and the second brother and his wife have not woken up yet. So I can only work hard for you and the eldest brother."

   Mo Ruyu said with a smile.

  Actually, he can do this by himself, but he thinks this is a good opportunity for communication, and it can also promote the relationship between their brothers.

   And sometimes you have to show weakness, so that brothers will have you in their hearts.

  It is not difficult for him to integrate into them.

   "It's not hard, I should do it."

  Mu Chen said bitterly, and then busy with resignation.

   Qiao Yi was warm and fragrant, and he fell asleep until the sun was three.

   Falling asleep and falling asleep, suddenly Joey woke up suddenly and sat up straight.

   "My wife, what's wrong with you?"

   Mu Yun was awakened by Qiao Yi, covered his mouth and slapped him.

   As a result, Hache froze in the middle of the fight.

  Because he saw that it was already bright outside, and the sun was shining into the house.

   It can be seen that it is getting late now.

   "What happened, what happened, I forgot the business."

  Joy patted his forehead, then looked down for clothes.

   When the clothes were found, I realized that the clothes were already dirty.

   "Wife master, don't worry, I'll find you clothes."

   Saying that, Mu Yun was about to get up.

   "Master, we have prepared the clothes, shall we bring them in now?"

   At this moment, Su Ziye, who had been guarding the door, spoke.

   "Bring it in."

  Took the clothes, rejected the wishes of the Su brothers and Mu Yun to wear them, and Qiao Yi put them on by herself.

  She has hands and feet, and she is not used to being helped to dress at all.

  It makes her feel like a crippled, giant baby.

  (end of this chapter)

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