Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other

Chapter 564: If you like it, I will send it to you

  Chapter 564 If you like it, I will give it to you

   In fact, it is impossible for them to marry.

  As personal servants, they are bed warmers, even if the master doesn't touch them, they are still the master's people in the eyes of others.

   Then no one will marry them.

  In this era when there are many girls and boys, there is no such thing as a woman who cannot marry a man.

   She would rather marry an ugly person than no one would marry an innocent one.

  Of course, as playthings, many people will want them, but this is not what they want.

  Hearing what Su Zimo said, Qiao Yi was very annoyed.

   She was thinking too naively.

  How can this place be compared with her time?

   This is a conservative and stubborn world.

   Femininity and inferiority are deeply rooted in their hearts. In their hearts, they should have only one wife in their life.

   "Master, the meal is ready, hurry up, come on, eat it while it's hot."

  The ghost doctor and Su Ziye walked in with a food box each.

   "Yeah. You Zizimo eat together too. Ghost doctor, do you want to eat some?"

   "I won't eat. I'm old, and I eat too much food at night. It's getting late, so I'm going to rest."

   "Well, let's go out to play tomorrow, remember to bring two thick clothes."


  The ghost doctor nodded, and then walked out of the study.

  Because of what Mo Ruyu said, although Qiao Yi was very hungry, she lost her appetite.

  After taking two bites, I couldn't eat any more.

  Knowing that this would be the result, she shouldn't have been lazy and didn't go to the Queen to break the engagement.

  Alas, forget it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge.

  Let's put the matter of Baili Mingxi aside for now.

  Thinking of this, Joey felt a little better.

   "I'm going back to sleep. You guys go to bed early too."

   After finishing speaking, Joey turned and walked out of the study.

   She has nowhere to go today, so she'd better go back to her room and sleep.

   "Mingxi, are you asleep?"

  At this time, Mo Ruyu came to the door of Baili Mingxi's room.

   Thinking of the "difficult task" Jiu'er entrusted to her, Mo Ruyu couldn't help but smile wryly.

   Those who are in such a hurry to get the wife to accept the husband, probably can't find anyone else except them.

   "I haven't slept yet, come in."

  Mo Ruyu entered Bailimingxi's room, said a few words to Bailimingxi, then turned and left.

  He still has a lot of work to do.

   Can't delay any longer, otherwise he won't have to sleep today.

  Baili Mingxi looked at Mo Ruyu's leaving figure in a daze.

  Afterwards, Baili Mingxi wandered around the house for a long time, then gritted his teeth, put on a coat and went out.

  Joy returned to her room, took off her clothes and got into bed.

  The cold blanket made Joey shiver.

   When the quilt gradually warmed up, Joey also fell asleep in a daze.

  Bai Limingxi came to the door of Qiao Yi's room, Mo Ruyu's words kept echoing in his mind.

"Mingxi, the wife-master prefers to take the initiative. If you want the wife-master to care more about you, you should try to be more proactive. The wife-master will rest in her own room today. Whether you can seize the opportunity is up to you .”

  Yes, if you don’t work hard, how can you see yourself in the eyes of the wife-lord?

  He does need to be more proactive.

  But when they reached Qiaoyi's door, Baili Mingxi hesitated.

  Will the wife-owner be angry?

   After all, what was agreed before getting married is in name only.

  If he sneaked in today to confirm the name of husband and wife, would the wife-lord hate him? Dislike him even more?

  After hesitating for a long time, Baili Mingxi did not enter Qiaoyi's room, but turned and left.

  Let everything take its course.

  Anyway, there are still three years left, and even if you stay for these three years, you will still feel emotional.

  He didn't believe it anymore, the wife-lord's heart would be made of iron.

  Because Qiao Yi said that everyone in the mansion would have a holiday, Zhuangyuan Mansion became lively early in the morning before dawn.

   Those who cook cook, those who clean up clean up.

  Before the hour, everyone prepared the hot water breakfast, and then went out to leave.

   In this way, the masters will not be afraid of having nothing to eat and no hot water when they get up.

  It was not yet Chen Shi when Qiao Yi got up.

  Joy originally wanted to get up early to make breakfast, but as soon as he came to the kitchen, he saw the hot food in the pot, and several pots of hot water.

   "These guys are really cute."

   Qiaoyi shook her head and laughed, secretly thinking that the ten taels of silver were really not in vain.

  Because we have something to do today, everyone got up very early.

  After breakfast, Qiao Yi brought Baili Mingxi and Mo Ruyu to visit the officials.

  The others went directly to Lingxiang Pavilion.

   Waiting for Joey to come back, we will go out to play together in the city.

  Actually, in this winter, there is really no place to play, but Qiao Yi is going, and King Wen and Ye Lingxuan also know that Qiao Yi is hiding, so they agreed very dotingly.

  After all, they also want to stay with Joey for two more days.

   In the future, we may not know when we will meet again.

  Joe went out early, and when he arrived at the house he was visiting, he went in and drank a sip of tea, expressed his respect, bid farewell to the host, and left in a hurry.

  So when Qiao Yi and the others had left all the houses they needed to go to, only two hours had passed.

  By the time Qiao Yi returned to Lingxiang Pavilion and left the city with everyone, it was already noon.

   After eating some dry food, everyone continued on their way.

  The long convoy was driving on the road, protected by a squad of 100 soldiers, which made passers-by curious. Which nobleman is this?

  It’s winter, it’s only the second day of the new year, where are you going?

   But the passers-by were wondering, and no one answered them.

  Actually, Qiao Yi didn't know where to go to play, so he directly handed over the decision to King Wen, and went wherever you said.

  As long as you don't stay in the capital, you can go back after the fifteenth day.

   I don't know where King Wen is going, anyway, I just rushed for two days.

   Finally arrived at the destination.

   A Zhuangzi who is located in the deep mountains.

   There is also a huge lake around.

   There is also a huge waterfall in the distance. Because of the waterfall, the lake is not completely frozen.

   Around the waterfall, there are countless ice crystals hanging. Because of the sunlight, they emit colorful light, which is very beautiful.

  Looking at the huge waterfall, Qiao Yi actually thought of "Wang Lushan Waterfall" that he learned when he was a child.

  Sunshine censer produces purple smoke, looking at the waterfall hanging from the front of the river.

  Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days.

  In this situation, this poem is really a perfect match.

  In the past, she had no feeling for this poem, the only feeling was that it was really difficult to memorize.

   Now, she can finally understand the mood of the author of this poem when he saw this scene.

   "What a flying stream going down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days. Qiao Qiao, your literary talent has never disappointed me."

   At some point, King Wen actually stood beside Qiao Yi.

   "The reason why the king built Zhuangzi here is because of the waterfall. Its scenery is different in four seasons throughout the year, and each of them can bring people a shocking feeling."

   "Mother, this place is really beautiful. Your vision is very good."

   "If you like it, I will give it to you here."

"I do not want."

  As soon as Qiao Yi heard this, he immediately shook his head.

  Although it is beautiful here, she prefers Mujia Village.

   She has a special attachment to Mujiacun.

   "Why? Do you know that the queen here has been with the king several times."

   King Wen looked at Qiao Yi with some doubts.

   Thank you, Baby Liuli, for the two monthly tickets. I love you. Comparing heart to heart ~ there is another chapter ~



  (end of this chapter)

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