Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 397: The 21st Army Regained a City

At nine o'clock in the evening of July 17, the headquarters of the First Mobile Army.

Pavlov came to Wang Zhong with a thick stack of documents.

Wang Zhong: "Oh my God, you actually asked me to sign the document at this time?"

"No, this is a summary of the situation. I think you should know the situation on the battlefield in detail-or trust me and the staff's ability and just listen to my outline."

Wang Zhong looked at Pavlov and said seriously: "I trust you and the staff's ability."

Pavlov glanced at the young staff officer who was moved next to him: "He is just too lazy to read it himself. You should get used to the commander's inaction as soon as possible and do every detail as well as possible, because the commander will not take these into account."

The young staff officer nodded repeatedly, and Wang Zhong protested: "I will still go to scout the front line in person!"

Pavlov: "Yes, he often scouts the front line in person, and then throws the entire headquarters dozens of kilometers away, as if he is still the division commander who does it himself, and he just needs to close his eyes and drive his small tank on the ground."

Wang Zhong corrected seriously: "You can't command a tank with your eyes closed."

Pavlov: "Occasionally the commander will behave in a childish way that matches his age. Don't worry about it. In most cases, he is an excellent commander who can lead everyone to victory. But the basis for him to make judgments and win is our hard, efficient and accurate work."

Vasily listened seriously beside him, counting his fingers while listening, and finally he vowed: "The chief of staff is praising you."

Wang Zhong: "Are you sure?"

"Sure, although he has many dissatisfactions with you, he recognizes your military talent."

Pavlov: "Ante, no one now recognizes Rokossov's military talent, but they are just watching from a distance and don't know the specific situation.

"The fact is that only if we all perform our duties conscientiously can Rokossov display his military talent.

"In order for Rokossov to display his military talent, we sometimes have to make independent military decisions."

Damn, what Pavlov said is like a strange talk about rules.

The words "Rules and Stories" suddenly made Wang Zhong feel a little nostalgic. Before he traveled through time, Rules and Stories were very popular. Wang Zhong also wrote a few to join in the fun, but they all fell into oblivion. Did they stir up any waves?

I don't know how the time flow rate in the original world is compared to this world after he traveled through time. After more than a year of refinement, are Rules and Stories still popular?

Wang Zhong quickly suppressed his nostalgia and said to Pavlov: "Okay, tell me what happened."

Pavlov immediately reported: "Although there were some minor accidents in today's combat operations, it was generally smooth.

"The minor accidents mainly occurred in the cavalry units responsible for breaking the battle. The enemy drew out the 14th Armored Division from the units preparing to launch a pincer attack on us.

"Our cavalry units carried out heroic delaying operations and successfully stopped the enemy after paying a heavy price.

"Now there are still more than 3,000 people in the 21st Cavalry Army who can fight. "

Wang Zhong was shocked: "Although they only have one division, they have 10,000 cavalry including the reinforced 20th Army! There are only 3,000 people left? "

Pavlov said with a serious expression: "This is mainly because we were fighting deep behind enemy lines and the grassland environment was too harsh. The wounded soldiers could only be carried out by their horses. Many of them had died when they arrived at the field hospital.

"In addition, there are cases where war horses are injured or sacrificed. In this case, half of the knights who fell off their horses are also seriously injured, and often sacrificed." Wang Zhong pursed his lips and sighed after a long time: "Collect information and posthumously award more Gold Star Medals. Send someone to ensure that their families can receive preferential treatment." Pavlov: "Of course, you don't have to worry about this. We never make mistakes in this regard." Wang Zhong nodded and changed the subject: "With such heavy casualties, how is the enemy's delaying effect?" "Reconnaissance shows that the enemy's 14th Armored Division has stopped in place, and it may be that the ammunition is running out." Wang Zhong raised his eyebrows: "Really? Then we can try a night attack?" Pavlov reminded: "What troops should we use? The 1st Guards Mechanized Infantry and the 225th Division are our fists. They have already opened their bows with both hands. The Melania First Division, which is stationed in the center, will be deployed in tomorrow's attack. They have already surveyed the terrain and have prepared for the attack. "It's not appropriate to ask them to change their targets at this time. As the chief of staff, I must dissuade you. "

Wang Zhong was silent for a few seconds, and then he tried to say, "You can let the division on guard in the rear move forward..."

"Such a shelf division will have no effect except to bring down morale." Pavlov reminded.

Wang Zhong scratched his head and looked at Pavlov: "Could it be... that we can only let the cavalry attack at night?"

Pavlov: "Does it have to be a night attack?"

Wang Zhong: "During the day, they lost 6,000 people in the armored forces. Why not let them try at night? The armored forces are definitely not as strong as during the day, and people - we don't have many night blindness here, right?"

"Indeed." Vasily was the first to agree with Wang Zhong. He came to the calendar, looked at it, and said, "The moonlight tonight is not bad, suitable for a sneak attack."

Popov: "Instead of dying in vain tomorrow daytime, it's better to try at night."

Pavlov nodded: "Okay, as long as we contact the 21st Cavalry Army, let them try."


In fact, at this time, the 21st Cavalry Army was trying to attack at night.

In the daytime battle, those who survived had friends who died under the enemy's iron hoofs. The proud cavalrymen had long been eager to give the enemy's armored division a "big blow".

Before nightfall, they dismounted, led their horses and hid in the grass, carefully moving towards the enemy's position.

The enemy probably didn't expect to be attacked in the middle of the night, so they just set up sentries and began to rest as usual.

No, it's not a complete rest. The division maintenance team is still working hard to repair the tanks that broke down in the daytime battle today, so a slight flash can be seen in the distance.

This flash became the "lighthouse" of the cavalry in the grass.

After the 21st Army's troops approached to a few hundred meters, they turned on their horses and gradually accelerated in the night.

The sentry heard the sound of horse hooves, picked up the submachine gun and shouted: "Stop!"

With a whoosh, the sentry was caught by the rope and was pulled away. There was no shadow, and there was no time to fire a warning shot.

The cavalry brigade poured into the Prosen's camp in the night.

As the first Molotov cocktail burst into flames, the night sky was suddenly illuminated by blood red.

The Plossons tried their best to organize defense, and tracer bullets of various colors tore through the sky, but they still couldn't stop the burning tanks from increasing!

The soldiers of the 21st Cavalry Army galloped on horseback, throwing incendiary bombs wantonly, spreading destruction.

They seemed to want to fight for their comrades who died during the day.

They really did it!

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