Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 41 The flames soar into the sky

At the same time that Wang Zhong directed Tank No. 422 to the village, the combat engineer team used flamethrowers to clear out another house.

When Wang Zhong played Company of Heroes 2, he liked to use a flamethrower. However, although the flamethrower in the game is powerful, it is not invincible.

The Company of Heroes series of games has a retreat mechanism. If you press the T key, the troops will run away (the latest third generation seems to have changed the key). When encountering a flamethrower, as long as you press T fast enough, the burned troops may retreat to the base with flames.

But this is not the case at all in reality. In reality, if you are burned by a flamethrower, you will instantly lose your combat effectiveness, and you can do nothing but roll on the ground.

Only those with extremely strong willpower can continue to fight even when their bodies are covered with fire.

Although the current Third Post-Amur Regiment has high morale, it has not yet become an iron army with such willpower.

Wang Zhong must eliminate these combat engineers as soon as possible, otherwise they may be able to capture the entire village.


The first battalion commander Sertsev shouted loudly: "They are combat engineers. The bullets of the submachine guns are too weak to penetrate their combat armor. Use a rifle!"

"But battalion commander, in order to fight close combat, most of us have submachine guns!"

"Then you can't use a fucking machine gun?"

As Sertsev snatched the machine gun from the machine gunner, an explosion came from the backyard of the house where he was. It must have been that the combat engineers used explosives to blow down the yard wall.

Sertsev rushed to the window with a machine gun and fired at the hole.

The first combat engineer who entered the door was hit by a bullet before he even pulled the trigger. He was hit even with his armor and was knocked back several steps. Blood flowed directly from the gap under the armor. Apparently, the full-power bullets used by the machine gun penetrated the armor.

The enemy still pulled the trigger, but the flamethrower in his hand was raised high because he fell backwards, and the flames shot into the air like a fountain, crossing the other side of the wall and falling into the next yard.

Sertsev shouted while shooting: "See! Their armor only weighs about ten kilograms at most, and it cannot stop full-power rifle bullets!"

The submachine gun uses pistol ammunition, and its penetration ability is worrying.

As soon as Sertsev finished speaking, a grenade was thrown into the yard.

This is not an ordinary long-handled grenade, but a combat engineer's obstacle-breaking grenade. It is slightly larger than an ordinary grenade in appearance.

Even elite combat engineers couldn't throw this kind of grenade to the second floor from such a distance, so Sertsev laughed: "No matter how big a grenade is, it's useless -"

The grenade that fell downstairs exploded.

The wooden floor beneath Sertsev's feet collapsed together with the brick wall on the first floor.

The submachine gunner next to him shouted: "Battal Commander!"

Soon enough, the combat engineers took advantage of the lull in machine gun fire to rush through the gap in the wall.

The submachine gunner opened fire immediately, and the bullets hit the armor with a clanging sound.

The Prossen laughed and aimed his flamethrower at the second floor——

Suddenly, a bullet hit the fuel pipe of the flamethrower, and the high-pressure fuel immediately sprayed out and atomized in the air.

The atomized fuel hit the flame on the head of the flamethrower, and the explosion suddenly engulfed the combat engineer.

Screams echoed throughout the yard.

At this moment, Sertsev struggled to his feet and opened fire with his machine gun.

The real strong men of Ant are all shooting machine guns in a standing position. It doesn’t matter whether the shot is accurate or not, the key is the word fierce.

The combat engineer, who was still breathing after being burned by the fire, burped after being shot by several machine guns.

However, another grenade was thrown over the wall, the same barrier-breaking grenade just now.

Sertsev threw away the machine gun, picked up the grenade and tried to throw it back, but the grenade exploded as soon as he regained his stance.

Sertsev was blown to pieces, and his blood was all stained on the wall.

A third combat engineer stepped over the wall and sprayed flames toward the second floor.


Wang Zhong watched the fighting of the first battalion commander Sertsev throughout the whole process. Although he did not know the battalion commander, he was still infected by his bravery.

Sertsev confirmed Wang Zhong's guess: a machine gun or rifle can penetrate this kind of armor head-on.

After all, the technological level of this world is that of World War II. During World War II, Soviet combat engineers could not charge machine guns. Their armor was mainly used to withstand submachine gun bullets and grenade fragments.

Because of this, the enemy's combat engineers did not go to the road at all, but chose to fight at close range where machine guns and rifles were not effective.

But they can't stay off the road forever.

It is true that there are only three main roads in the Y-shape of Upper Penier Village, but there are also intricate small roads in the village. As long as the tanks are stuck at the intersections and wait for work, they may be able to take over the combat engineers.

At this time, Wang Zhong discovered that the half-track vehicle driven by the combat engineers drove along the southwest edge of the village to an alley leading out of the village, and stopped next to a large pile of compost.

There was a door in the yard next to the car that opened to the outside of the village. It was obvious that the car was waiting for the combat engineers to arrive in the yard and provide them with supplies.

Wang Zhong decided to take action on the car.

At this time, the tank had arrived in front of the mechanical mill, and the two roads leading to the west extended in front of the tank to both sides.

In the morning battle, Wang Zhong discovered that the enemy's tanks could block the entire street as long as they stood two blocks to the west. Because of this, Lyudmila's Divine Arrow team was stuck and unable to retreat, and was almost touched by the enemy's infantry.

It was Wang Zhong himself who commanded the tanks to clear the siege.

Therefore, Wang Zhong specifically ordered Yegorov to drive the captured Prosen trucks onto the street and form a blockade together with the wreckage of the tanks. In this way, even if the enemy tanks drove to the entrance of the village, they could only block the entrance to the village to block this section of the road. .

The infantrymen hunkered down and could still move unimpeded on the left and right sides of the street despite being blocked.

The machine gun firepower on our side is all on the second floor, and can clear the enemies on the road beyond the obstacles.

Now Wang Zhong discovered that this obstruction also blocked the performance of his tank gun. In the past, once you stopped in front of the mechanical mill, you could control the entire road, but now you can only control half of it.

But that's okay. Before I drive into the alley, the car's body is blocked, and only half of the turret is exposed, so I don't have to worry about being plotted by enemy tanks.

Wang Zhong: "Take the left road, drive about fifty meters, and stop at the alley entrance! Do you see the alley entrance fifty meters away?"

The driver responded to Wang Zhong with action. The tank drove directly onto the road on the left and headed straight for the alley fifty meters away.

Wang Zhong: "Turn the turret left!"

The turret immediately began to turn left.

Su Fang originally saw an enemy on the street and was about to shoot with a machine gun, but the turret turned like this and the machine gun ran away from her.

Wang Zhong and the tank hatch stood between Su Fang and the machine gun.

Su Fang: "My machine gun!"

Wang Zhong ignored her. At this time, the tank had already arrived at the entrance of the alley, and it made an emergency stop and rocked back and forth.

The half-track parked on the other side of the alley also saw the tank. The Prossen man on it shouted "A pain" and turned the on-board machine gun towards the tank. Then he found that the on-board machine gun did not have enough shooting range - the machine gun could only hit the front sector. , but the car was parked sideways at the entrance of the alley.

Before Wang Zhong shouted, the cannon opened fire.

The half-track was probably packed with a lot of explosives and flamethrower fuel, but it exploded into an orange-red fireball that rose slowly, looking like a nuclear bomb exploding.

Wang Zhong just watched as a piece of debris with Proson's cross mark flew past in front of him and was inserted into the brick cracks of the house on the other side of the street.

Su Fang was blown out of the car by the shock wave, sat down on the ground, and immediately started howling: "Ahhhh, my butt!"

Wang Zhonggang wanted to say something, but the enemy's combat engineers stepped over the courtyard wall that was destroyed by the explosion.

The enemy was obviously stunned by the bombing, and was stunned when they saw the tank.

Wang Zhong immediately picked up the anti-aircraft machine gun on the top of the tank turret—the same one Su Fang had been using—and opened fire on the enemy.

The scale was set at 300, but Wang Zhong didn't aim at all and relied on the instructions of the tracer bullets.

The combat engineer company fell to the ground after being shot several times.

Wang Zhong took a look at the bird's-eye view and immediately ordered: "High-explosive bombs, hit the yard next to you!"

"No shot!"

"You hit the floor!"

A high-explosive bomb hit the floor, and Wang Zhong could see the combat engineers in the yard being knocked to the ground from a bird's eye view.

But their armor worked. After all, the main gun of the No. 422 tank was only 45 mm. The shrapnel might not be able to penetrate the steel plate, but could only damage the enemy's limbs.

At this time, Sertsev's men appeared.

Shouting "Ula", they rushed through the alleys, over the flames left by the recent explosion, and finished with their bayonets the combat engineers who still lay on the ground.

The enemy's neck is unprotected!

Wang Zhong shouted: "Pay attention to the seizure of flamethrowers! Pay attention to the seizure of flamethrowers!"

At this time, he heard the sound of an engine and hurried to find the source of the sound. As a result, he saw the enemy tanks that were still two hundred meters away began to advance.

It seemed that the fireworks that Wang Zhong had set out just now made them unable to sit still.

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