Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 416 It's the Prosen's turn

Filipov was the first to rush into the thick fog.

The remaining four people were also veterans. They had been working with Filipov when they attacked Yeisk last time.

Seeing Filipov take the lead, the four looked at each other and then chose a direction to disperse. Everyone disappeared in the thick fog.

Soon, a scream in the Proson language came from the fog, followed by an explosion.

A Proson man shouted "Aku Pain" and rushed to the direction of the explosion. The next moment, the sound of bullets from the thread cutting machine hitting the ground came, accompanied by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

The Proson man shouted: "Little fog demon!"

"Shut up! This is obviously a sneak attack by the Ants. Find them! Quick!"

Then there was the sound of bullets hitting the ground again.

The second explosion sounded.

A Proson man shouted in a fearful voice: "They are everywhere!"

"Don't panic! Such a silent attack is usually carried out by a few elites..."

The voice of the person who might be an officer suddenly disappeared.

There are a lot of non-combatants in this kind of command center, such as staff officers, clerks, etc. A non-combatant was the first to lose his temper and screamed: "This is magic! Damn it, this is magic! The enemy is a warrior who can use magic. They use evil witchcraft to combine humans and little fog monsters to create a weird thing! We are all going to die!"

The crisp sound of gunfire and the wailing stopped abruptly, followed by the voice of a middle-aged man: "(Plosen) It is forbidden to use such remarks to shake the morale of the army. If the little fog monster really exists, we must shoot it and hand it over to the Imperial Academy of Sciences!"

As soon as the voice fell, the third explosion was heard, followed by the fourth.

After the two explosions, silence fell.

The gunshots and explosions in the distance made the silence even more weird.

Suddenly, Ant's voice came from the fog: "Is anyone still alive? Misha, Grishka?"

"Grishka was shot!"

"Drag him here!"

"He can't be saved, and Pandelevich can't be saved either. There are only three of us left!"

"Come to the bunker! Go to my voice!"

Soon, the remaining three members of the assault team met in the Proson command bunker.

Filipov took the captured map and said as he looked at it: "This is a regiment headquarters, not the division headquarters I thought, no wonder the guard force is so small. We have greatly exceeded the offensive stop line stipulated by General Rokossov, and we have to go back immediately. The last time we attacked in the fog, the fog dissipated thirty or forty minutes in advance.

"So we have to leave immediately! You can take some documents in the room at will. As for whether they are important, leave it to the judges to judge."


Just as everyone was taking the documents, the phone rang suddenly.

Filipov picked up the phone: "Hello?"

The person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment: "Huh? What are you talking about? Why did you choose the Ant people's way of responding to the phone? "

Filipov answered directly in Ant language: "Because we are Ant people, we are the 1st Mechanized Infantry Division of the Guards under Rokosov! We want to warn the bastard Proson that blood debts must be repaid with blood!"

After that, Filipov hung up the phone and waved to his two subordinates: "Let's go!"


Admiral Bock put down the receiver with a solemn expression.

Everyone else in the command center was puzzled.

The chief of staff asked: "What's wrong?"

"The person on the other side spoke to me in Ant language, I didn't understand, but his contempt for me was conveyed through his tone. "Admiral Bock looked solemn, "It is certain that at least two regiments on the front line of the 113th Division have been penetrated."

The adjutant said: "It may also be that the Ant troops who got lost in the fog accidentally killed the regiment headquarters."

Admiral Bock stared at the adjutant: "It's a regiment headquarters after all, and the lost troops can kill it by accident? How is it possible! The regiment headquarters of the infantry division does not have a separate tank platoon, but there are many half-track vehicles! Relying on half-track vehicles to hold on, it is impossible to be taken down by stragglers! "

The adjutant did not give in and said seriously: "It is also possible that the half-track vehicles were destroyed by firepower preparation. General, action must be taken. I suggest that the armored units that have not yet completely replenished their fuel and ammunition launch a counterattack immediately!"

Admiral Pok pursed his lips, stared at the adjutant for a few seconds and said: "You make sense, thank you Fred. Contact the 14th Armored Division and the 16th Armored Grenadier Division, and launch a counterattack with them as the core!"

Chief of Staff: "Depart in the fog? It is easy to have a car accident and other accidents!"

Admiral Pok looked at the time: "It's almost time. Yesterday I read the information about their last assault in the fog. The fog began to dissipate after more than an hour. When the armored units are ready, the weather should clear up. Once it clears up, immediately launch a counterattack!"


Wang Zhong was also looking at the watch.

"According to the last experience, the fog should be over. Let the units that have launched the attack begin to retreat. "Wang Zhong ordered.

Pavlov: "What if the enemy doesn't fall for it?"

Wang Zhong: "It doesn't matter. Our strategy has changed. In the past, we used to use the attack to force the enemy to turn their attention to this side. Now the attack is just an auxiliary means. The real killer is those fake tanks. Whether it is attacking or gathering troops and supplies here, it is all to make the fake tanks look real.

"Of course, if the enemy encounters our ambush after counterattacking and suffers a large number of casualties, then the whole deception plan will look more real."

Pavlov nodded: "Just do what you want, communications staff, call the attack troops and ask them to withdraw to the starting line as soon as possible!"


Immediately afterwards, the communications staff shouted from the radio: "Attila Attila! Please answer if you hear it!"

Attila was the radio call sign of the offensive battle group.

"Attila Attila, please answer if you hear me!"

Continue to pace back and forth in the warehouse, take a few steps and look up at the warehouse window to make sure the fog outside has cleared.


At this time, Vasily was smearing mud on the tank and sighed: "Hey! How can I do such a thing?"

"What don't you like?" A childish voice suddenly sounded.

Vasily turned around and saw that he was the eldest of the group of war orphans taken in by the general.

"How is that possible!" Vasily said quickly, "The tasks assigned by the general are all very important. This is related to... even if you tell me, you don't understand!"

Kid King: "Why don't I understand? You made a mistake after I told you, and you will be punished to pick excrement! People from the group army guard camp talked to us about you, and they all said that you are an expert in picking excrement, but you are punished to practice it all day long. from!"

Vasily's eyes widened: "How could you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air?"

"We also saw you carrying a bucket of dung, and you were humming a song as you walked. It was said to be some kind of aria!"

Vasily opened his mouth, but no words came out. He could only continue to put mud on the tank.

The tank he was dealing with was a Panzer III tank. To be honest, it was a bit difficult to turn a Panzer III tank with vertical armor everywhere into something like a T34.

First of all, the turret of the T34 is at the front of the car body, while the turret of the Panzer III is not that far forward. Secondly, the turret of the Panzer III is larger than that of the T34, and this model also has a commander's tower - the T34 regular version. But there is no such thing.

The production of T34W is small and it is unlikely to appear on a large scale.

Vasily turned to look at the people who were unfolding the huge cloth.

They would make a camouflage net out of cloth and put it over the "new" tank.

But this camouflage net has completely opposite effects than previous camouflage nets.

This camouflage net hopes that the Prossen Air Force can accurately find these tanks and at the same time cover up various flaws that cannot be concealed on the tanks.

Vasily looked at the crude camouflage net and could only hope that Prosen would use his usual rigid style and be deceived again.

Just like when they faced fake landmines in Loktov.


At 7:40 a.m. on the 23rd, the 14th Armored Division of the Prosen Army.

After so many days of rest and recuperation, the number of tanks in the 14-pack has recovered somewhat. Although Ant's cavalry has been trying to hinder the recovery of broken down tanks by the armor recovery troops, the Prossens still relied on a good battlefield maintenance system to allow the 14-pack to recover. The number of tanks has returned to 70% of the level of a few days ago.

There are still some tanks undergoing overhaul. When these overhauled tanks are put into operation again, the combat readiness number of 14-pack tanks can be restored to 80%.

Of course, this 80% refers to the 80% before shrinking from the pincer offensive position a few days ago. If compared with before the start of the blue plan attack, the number of 14-pack tanks has been reduced by half.

Even so, the 14-pack is still very powerful. The most important thing is that its tankers are all experienced veterans and there are not many new recruits.

Now, the 14th outfit, who had been frustrated for many days, was preparing to launch a hearty assault.

However, at this time, Schultz, commander of the 16th Panzergrenadier Division, came to the 14th armored command vehicle in a barrel truck.

Commander Schultz jumped out of the car and looked at the sky that was gradually clearing.

At this time, the division commander of the 14th armored unit also opened the door of the armored command vehicle. The two met each other and immediately began to exchange standardized greetings.

After the walkthrough, Schultz said to the division commander in the 14th outfit: "I personally feel that the situation is a bit strange. Rokossov's offense has a strange smell."

Major General Karl, commander of the 14th Armored Division, asked: "What's the basis?"

"Intuition. Rokosov's previous offensive actions were all done in one go, and he looked heroic. To use a human analogy, Rokosov used to gobble up the wind and the remaining clouds alone, but now he starts to chew slowly. "

Major General Karl frowned: "Gutter soldiers should not make judgments based on 'intuition'."

"I know! I know! But I have a very bad feeling. This time we counterattack, we may achieve our goal soon. I suggest that you stop advancing immediately after completely regaining the lost positions of the 113th Division to avoid any danger. Fraud!”

Major General Karl sneered and replied: "You can stop advancing, but my troops have been fighting very hard before and are tired of the enemy's cavalry. No, I will continue to move forward and see the strength of the Ant people."

Schultz yelled, "Then you might fall into a trap!"

Major General Karl shrugged: "The entire battle area is a prairie, and there is no terrain conducive to an ambush. I don't think there is anything to worry about."

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