Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 428 The Air Force is suddenly unreliable again

At 2330 hours on the evening of July 24, the headquarters of the 10th Army of Prosen.

When he heard the sound of horse hooves, Admiral Poker raised his head, adjusted the position of his monocle, and looked at the entrance of the tent.

He didn't have to wait long.

The disgraced Lieutenant General of the Moravian Cavalry opened the door curtain and came in, limping up to General Poker.

Admiral: "It seems you know the outcome without asking. You didn't encounter those tanks, right?"

Lieutenant General Moravia shook his head: "No. We were stopped by Ant's cavalry. We only had rifles, and some troops carried spears, but Ant's cavalry was all equipped with submachine guns, and they all used drum magazines for ammunition. The ferocious firepower knocked us all off our feet!

"They have no sense of chivalry at all!"

General Poker turned to look at the chief of staff: "Didn't you tell the cavalry in Moravia that the enemy is equipped with submachine guns?"

"We told them, and we also informed them of the currently identified enemy formations so that they can bypass the enemy." The chief of staff looked at the Moravians, "Not only did we give the information, but in order to prevent them from having diarrhea, we also gave them quinine Give it to them. We don't have enough quinine of our own, and quite a few soldiers have collapsed from malaria."

Lieutenant General Moravia lowered his head, like an eggplant beaten by frost, and kept chanting: "They have no chivalry, no chivalry!"

Admiral Poker hesitated to speak, and finally patted the Moravian on the shoulder: "Have a good rest and see a psychiatrist tomorrow."

Since the discovery of shell shock, which is more of a psychological symptom, Prosen has deployed psychiatrists in field hospitals at the division level and above.

Lieutenant General Moravia didn't even refute, he nodded directly, then turned and left the headquarters tent.

After he left, Admiral Poker cursed: "Damn Rokossov, he almost scared the Moravians crazy! Sometimes I have to believe what the propaganda preaches, Second Class Citizens are second-class citizens!”

The chief of staff nodded along with a host of staff officers.

Admiral Poker walked back and forth in the tent for a few times before sighing: "It seems we can only look to the Air Force. I hope they can be more reliable this time!"


July 25, 1000 in the morning, Yeisk First Army Headquarters.

As soon as the phone rang, Pavlov picked it up: "Headquarters! Yeah, okay, got it."

At the same time as he answered, the sound of air raid sirens came from outside the warehouse.

Wang Zhong watched Pavlov put down the phone and asked, "Did Brother Peter call?"

"It's just as you guessed," Pavlov looked at the window of the warehouse, "Okay, no need to guess. Yes, Brother Peter called. The enemy's large group of aircraft is flying towards us. And he has directly attacked the air defense forces. The order was given."

Yesterday, Wang Zhong guessed that the Prosens would come to blow up the fake tanks outside Yeisk, so he delegated the power to activate the air defense plan to Brother Peter in advance to save reaction time.

Popov asked: "How many enemy planes came?"

"Brother Peter said there are at least 40 heavy bombers and sixty-four Stukas."

Wang Zhong: “Where are the reconnaissance planes mixed in?”

"There were two of them, mixed in with the high-altitude aircraft, and a Ford Wolf 189 that was far away, flying close to the ground at low altitude."

As soon as Wang Zhong heard about the Ford Wolf 189, he immediately became energetic: "What? After yesterday's cavalry reconnaissance failed, the low-altitude reconnaissance finally came! Let the Divine Arrow troops definitely kill this 189! Definitely!"

Popov stood up and picked up the phone - Divine Arrow was under church management.

"Hey! Deputy Knight Yetsemenko, keep an eye on your troops. The enemy has a Ford Wolf 189 at low altitude. It is likely to sneak over and take pictures at any time. Let go of other aircraft and shoot down this reconnaissance plane!"

It is difficult for reconnaissance planes flying at high altitudes to tell that the tanks on the ground are "fake", but they can clearly see the "raging flames" and thick smoke rising from the tanks.

Therefore, high-altitude reconnaissance planes may increase the deception of these fake tanks, and in fact help Wang Zhong deceive the generals of Pu Luosen.

However, the low-altitude reconnaissance planes are likely to see through Wang Zhong's "little trick" at once, so they must deal with the low-altitude reconnaissance planes and the Stukas that flew away at low altitude after diving and dropping bombs.

Just as Popov was about to put down the receiver after finishing his instructions, Wang Zhong called out to him: "Wait a minute, ask Katyusha not to participate in the attack on other enemy planes, and just wait for the enemy reconnaissance plane to appear."

Popov was stunned for a moment, then pressed the transmitter end of the receiver: "Who is Katyusha?"

Wang Zhong: "It's that little one. Only the magic arrows guided by her will continue to chase after they leave the field of vision. That's a very powerful little one!"

Popov: "Is there such a person?"

Wang Zhong: "My name is Ekaterina, what's the matter with you? The military bishop doesn't know the name, age and ability of his prayer hands?"

Popov: "I knew it before, but now the army's prayer hands have changed a lot... the deputy knight must know."

He released the hand holding the speaker: "Hey, General Rokossov requires your prayer hand named Ekaterina to be responsible for the enemy's reconnaissance planes. Okay, that's the request."

After saying that, he hung up the phone and looked at Wang Zhong: "The deputy knight knows."

Wang Zhong nodded.

At this time, the anti-aircraft guns outside opened fire, indicating that the enemy aircraft had entered the sight of the anti-aircraft gun commander.

Wang Zhong could see the fleet of aircraft in the sky from all angles.

He found the reconnaissance plane mixed in the fleet without much effort. Then he looked around and found no plane carrying the Fritz X guided bomb.

Strangely enough, the Fritz X was used in large-scale combat for a period of time last year, but now it is completely invisible.

Wang Zhong didn't know that the Proson side evaluated the effectiveness of the Fritz X in attacking cities and found that in an environment like a city with a large number of messy buildings, even if there is no defense on the ground, it is difficult for the guide to accurately guide the bomb to the correct target.

The main reason for the Fritz X is that the guide needs to see the light at the tail of the bomb to know where the bomb is. The light is too difficult to see against the complex background of the city, especially during the day.

If the bombing is carried out at night, the guide can clearly see the light at the tail of the bomb, but cannot see the target on the ground that is under blackout, which is very embarrassing.

In addition, there are often big fires on the ground, and the thick smoke will also interfere with the guidance.

So the Proson people transferred the bomber company equipped with the Fritz X to the Aegean Sea to attack warships at sea.

Wang Zhong, who didn't know these, was still confused. His knowledge of Fritz X came from the game War Thunder. In the game, Fritz X was very useful. It could bomb the enemies squatting in the pits accurately. How could he know that the real Fritz X was so weak?

Under Wang Zhong's gaze, the Proson fleet began to bomb, targeting the "tank cluster" outside the city. The bombs blew out several "scars" composed of explosions on the ground.

Many "tanks" were on fire, and they looked real from high altitude.

The burning smoke further obscured the tank cluster, and it was certain that the enemy's high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft could not take any good photos.

The problem was the FW189 hidden at low altitude.

At this time, the MiG-3 of the 11th Fighter Regiment appeared, and 12 white contrails rushed towards the dense contrails of the Plosson group, reminding Wang Zhong of the words he liked before the time travel: The storm is coming! This is the brave petrel, flying proudly in the roaring sea and among the lightning; this is the prophet of victory shouting: - Let the storm come more violently!

The Plosson group opened fire, and the storm composed of tracer bullets raged in the sky. The MiG-3 was like a petrel, dancing in the storm.

Wang Zhong thought, wait, next year the pilots of Plosson will rush to the United States B17 group like this, and then they will be even more different from the enemy.

Wait, Plosson!

Just as the MiG-3 was entangled with the bomber group turning to the return route, the Stuka dived down.

Wang Zhong saw several fire dragons rising from the ground, hitting the diving Stukas, forcing them to drop bombs at a very high altitude, and then rush to the ground in a panic.

However, the grassland had basically no ups and downs - or the ups and downs were negligible for the aircraft, so the magic arrows continued to fire in unison, and in just one dive, they shot down nearly 30 Stukas!

At this time, Wang Zhong saw the FW189, no, two FW189s! The two FW189s were almost stacked together! They actually used the large fleet to interfere with Brother Peter's hearing and successfully deceived the monk's ears!

A lonely fire dragon rose from the ground and hit the FW189 flying higher.

Pilot Proson pulled the plane away from the friendly forces just before being hit, so that it would not interfere with the friendly forces' flight after being hit!

The second fire dragon took off!

The enemy plane had discovered the launch position of the Fire Dragon and tried to avoid it by flying at an ultra-low altitude almost close to the ground -

But it was still hit.

Wang Zhong saw the little Katyusha jumping up at the launch position, and was obviously very happy.

I have to give her a medal when I go back, Wang Zhong thought, and then rub her head hard!

As for whether the little one will take this as a reward, Wang Zhong doesn't care!


On the evening of the 25th, Prosonnanant Air Force Command.

The commander of the Fifth Air Force, Proson, looked at the Stuka pilots in front of him and asked, "Are you sure what you saw was a real tank?"

"It's real!" The Stuka pilot, who held the rank of colonel, answered confidently, "It must be a tank! And it was fully fueled, so it would catch fire as soon as it exploded! The enemy is preparing to attack!"

The other pilots nodded together, "Yes, it's a real tank!"

The commander of the Fifth Air Force looked at the faces of the pilots one by one, and suddenly pointed at a second lieutenant and said, "Your expression is not very firm, you say it!"

The second lieutenant pilot looked at his companions and said, "None of the tanks exploded, so I think it's a bit Strange..."

The leading colonel said: "That's because the enemy is not fully prepared to attack and has not loaded ammunition! Our tanks also refuel first and then load ammunition!"

The commander paced back and forth in front of the pilots, and the chief of staff said: "We will know whether it is a tank or not when the photos are developed tomorrow."

The commander: "Why do we need human eyes to detect when photos are useful? But the enemy killed the reconnaissance plane that can see those fake targets most clearly! So many Stukas came back, but the two reconnaissance planes were lost!"

At this time, a colonel wearing an airborne hunter uniform entered the room, with a natural edelweiss pinned on his collar.

Only airborne hunters can wear real edelweiss, and mountain hunters can only wear iron edelweiss emblems.

The colonel saluted the commander: "The airborne hunter commando is ready and can be airborne tonight!"

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