Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 433: Deception Plan

On the night of July 26, at 2330 hours, Yeysk City, the headquarters of the Ant First Mobile Army.

"Report! Urgent call from the Front Army Headquarters."

Pavlov stood up and went to answer the telegram.

Wang Zhong and Popov continued to sit in front of the chessboard.

Popov: "Hurry up, I want to drink a bottle of vodka and then sleep with you again."

"Don't make any noise, I'm thinking." Wang Zhong picked up his queen and chose a grid.

"That's not good," Popov shook his head. "If you put it here, I will go like this. Can you see, like this, then you can only choose one in the Queen's Castle."

Wang Zhong silently put the chess pieces back to their original positions and complained: "The black and white chessboard is too difficult to see the path clearly."

Popov laughed loudly: "That's right, how could our general be a bad chess player? Absolutely not! If the news spreads to the propaganda hall, it will be a headache."

He laughed a few times and suddenly remembered that Pavlov was silent after taking the telegram, and he quickly looked up.

Wang Zhong was also moved by his movements and turned to look at Pavlov.

The chief of staff held the telegram and frowned.

Wang Zhong: "Another urgent telegram from our left wing?"

"It's more than just an emergency." Pavlov shook his head, "The front army headquarters can no longer contact the 91st Infantry Corps and the 50th Infantry Corps to which the Infantry Corps belongs."

The 91st Infantry Army is the frontal defense force of the enemy's newly mobilized group army. Now it can't even contact the superior 50th Group Army, indicating that the army may have collapsed.

Fortunately, Ant's army group is relatively small, so a collapse of 50 episodes will have little impact. If Ant's army group were as big as Prosen, the front would have been doomed.

Wang Zhong stood up.

Popov: "Hey? Why don't you leave? I haven't checked you yet!"

Wang Zhong: "The military situation is urgent. Let me see what happens."

After saying that, he walked away directly and came to the map table: "Episode 50 and 51 are already in place. It should be able to block it for a while. In addition, the infrastructure of the grassland can also delay the enemy's advance..."

At this time, another communications staff officer came over from the other side of the telegraph: "Report, the commander of the front army is sending an urgent message."

While Pavlov reached out to receive it, he said to Wang Zhong: "This is already the third seal. It is probably urging us to retreat across the river quickly. General Gorky is very impatient."

Wang Zhong turned his attention to the southwest of the Nanante Prairie and the large area north of the Raoul Pass. There were also a bunch of signs and circles representing Ant's troops.

"The rear guard of the Bolsk Front is still more than a hundred kilometers away from the mountain pass," Wang Zhong shook his head. "Although it is a hundred kilometers away in a car, the rear guard has never left the Plosen Army, and from time to time If we stop to block the enemy, we should not reach the mountain pass too quickly.”

Pavlov: "If we retreat now, the enemy will not be able to take back the troops that have been invested. It will take a lot of time to gather and re-deploy the troops."

Popov continued: "A lot of time, and a lot of staff hair."

Pavlov actually agreed: "Yes, that's it. I feel like it's okay to withdraw now."

Popov: "I'll sit on the wall first and see if 'Your Excellency Commander' has any better ideas."

Wang Zhong touched his chin and thought seriously.

First of all, it is not good for the friendly forces in Borsk to retreat now, because the enemy's newly transferred army group that is attacking must not have all its troops deployed now. Investing all the troops in the first wave of attacks will only crowd the troops. Together, there is no way to perform at all.

With so many troops crowded together, they would surely suffer heavy losses from enemy artillery fire.

Therefore, the enemy's attack echelon must come in waves.

Among the troops in the subsequent waves, there may be some that can be quickly transferred to Bolsk.

If the First Mobile Army ran away at this time, the rearguard troops on Bolsk's side might suffer heavy losses.

But if you don't run now, they will hit you with a right hook. The fighting will and fighting skills of the brothers' troops are not as good as those of the First Mobile Group Army, so they can't stop them.

In order to protect the Bolsk Front, it was obviously not possible to lose the First Mobile Army.

Wang Zhong was caught in the middle, struggling to find a way to get the best of both worlds——

Then he suddenly thought of a very famous operation on earth.

A bold idea took shape.

Vasily stared at Wang Zhong's face and said, "I know this expression! The general has an idea!"

Wang Zhong looked at Vasily: "Is my expression so obvious?"

Vasily shrugged: "If you don't believe me, ask the bishop and the chief of staff."

Wang Zhong looked at the two people and saw them nodding together. The reflection from their heads almost blinded Wang Zhong's eyes.

He waved his hand: "Stop nodding, your head will reflect! I do have an idea. I think we can carry out an operation to deceive the enemy."

Pavlov: "We have already made a lot of fake tanks. In the past two days, the Plosen Air Force has been going crazy. They are staring at us and bombing. Even the bombing of Arvik in the rear has stopped. What else can we do? "

Wang Zhong: "That's what I plan to do. Let a force carry a red flag and go to the front line to conduct reconnaissance."

Pavlov was shocked: "No! You are not allowed to go!"

Wang Zhong hurriedly reassured the chief of staff: "Don't worry, I won't go! If you don't go, I won't go! I mean, pretend that I'm on the front line for reconnaissance, and get as close as possible to the enemy's troops. Because I often did this before, with Pu Luo They must have noticed Mori Ren's rigor.

"Didn't an airborne chasseur recruit all his underwear yesterday? He said that Proson has a file on me that summarizes my commanding habits one by one, but his level is not high enough to read the file. .

"I bet there must be a love of red flags and risky frontline reconnaissance."

Pavlov: "No, you almost ran into the face of an enemy tank while riding a horse. The Prosins must have records."

(Indeed, it was written by the man who missed the opportunity to kill General Rokossov.)

Popov: "I don't understand. What is this fake frontline inspection unit doing? Pretend that you were killed?"

"No, no, no, of course it's impossible to pretend that I was killed. Then the enemy will go deal with the Bolsk Front." Wang Zhong waved his hands repeatedly, "But the enemy will definitely try to kill 'me', and this reconnaissance team will definitely They can’t really be eliminated, but they can throw away their bodies!”

That's right, Wang Zhong's tactic is based on the famous deception operation in the history of World War II on Earth. In this operation, the British intelligence service forged the body of an officer who died in an air crash, and placed carefully crafted documents that were fake and authentic on the officer's body.

Santoku picked up the corpse and immediately felt like he had found a treasure. Then the information on the corpse perfectly matched the content provided by the legendary spy Garcia (made up), so Santoku was fooled and thought that the landing place was in Calais instead of Calais. Normandy.

Wang Zhong: "When this unit sets out, choose a fresh corpse, put on an officer's uniform, and bring a document bag and a map bag with you. Inside are our forged things..."

Pavlov suddenly realized: "This is our attack plan!"

Wang Zhong: "Yes! There are also documents about the delay of the attack caused by the continuous bombing, as well as the document about mobilizing a new group army to block the enemy's right uppercut, which made the Plossons think that on the one hand, we are increasing troops on the left to resist the attack, and on the other hand, we are increasing troops on the left to resist the attack. We are also preparing a right hook to defeat the enemy's Tenth Army!"

Popov already smiled: "Okay, okay! This is good! In fact, we retreat secretly..."

Vasily: "No! We also need to prepare a secret feint plan, saying that we are going to pretend to retreat, but in fact we are attacking!"

The others looked at each other, then laughed.

After Wang Zhong finished laughing, he patted Vasily on the shoulder: "Okay! You better understand! Then you will take the lead in making all the contents of the map package and document package!"

Vasily's smile suddenly froze: "What? Me?"

Popov also came up and patted him on the other shoulder: "You are our camouflage expert here! Think about it, you have been deceiving the enemy since Loktov."

Vasily: "Are you sure it's me who's deceiving the enemy? The cunning man is here, okay!"

He pointed at Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong: "I just put forward the idea, and it's you who implement it, musician."

Vasily sighed: "I knew it would be bad if you called me a musician. Okay, I'll do this."

Pavlov: "How many staff officers do you want? How many clerks?"

Vasily thought for a while and said: "Five staff officers will draw the map, and five clerks will write the documents. I think it should be about the same."

Wang Zhong nodded vigorously: "Well, very good, he is indeed our expert in counterfeiting and deceiving the enemy. He has already figured out what to do. This is called professionalism!"

"Stop making noises, and hurry up to organize a deception unit. This unit will face the enemy's attack directly, and besides the prepared corpses, the others will either have a way to escape from the enemy's attack or be captured. You have to keep your mouth shut, it’s not easy to do both situations.”

Wang Zhong: "Yes, indeed."

Popov: "You have to choose a death squad. If you are injured and survive, but you can't keep up with the troops, you must be determined to pull the glory bomb."

Wang Zhong: "Just recruit volunteers according to the standards of a death squad. Bishop Davasili, you will be responsible for this."

Popov nodded: "Okay!"

He stood up to leave, took two steps and turned back: "Wait a minute, you picked yourself clean again?"

Wang Zhong: "I...I'm going to convince Buscephalas to agree to be the actor! You see, my horse is here, and so am I. The one who plays me can ride my horse, I’ll probably be happy.”

Vasily: "That's so happy. You don't know. Now the stables are already talking about it. With Bucephalas, if the enemy bombards the stables and flattens them, everyone will be safe. There are still people who secretly Selling horse hair!"

Wang Zhong's eyes widened, and just when he was about to comment on this matter, Pavlov shouted: "Vasily! We have found all the people for you, let's start!"

Wang Zhong's words suddenly changed: "Yes, let's start!"

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