Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 458 Beach Defense

Karamazov threw down the engineer shovel, sat on ZIS30, and gasped for air.

He has dug a bunker to hide the ZIS30, but to be honest, he doesn't think it is of any use.

The ZIS30 is already very compact. If you just pile some grass on it, you won't be able to see it from a distance.

Putting the car body into a bunker can only make the already concealed car even more concealed. But when it comes to concealment, if the enemy can't see it, it just can't be seen. Making something that is already concealed even more concealed feels like a useless effort.

The loader asked Karamazov: "Do you think the enemy will counterattack? If they don't counterattack, wouldn't we have wasted time? Follow the naval infantry to attack, and we can also blow up some bunkers or something."

Karamazov took out the cut tobacco, took out a piece of newspaper, tore off a corner, and began to roll cigarettes. While rolling, he replied: "There are destroyer guns attacking the port. We are worried about the use."

"It's said to be a naval gun. When I first arrived in Abawahan, I went to see it on a destroyer. The caliber was similar to ours, but it was replaced by a rapid-fire cannon. It fired suddenly, just like a machine gun. Although those destroyers were called destroyers, they were actually It is a real coastal defense ship of the navy, and is only used for port patrol. "

The inland sea is literally inland. Warships outside have to sail on dry land if they want to enter, so the volume cannot be too large.

The Ant Empire has shipyards around the inland sea, and it can build large warships, but considering that it is too big, it is useless. As long as it can be larger than the warships of other countries around the inland sea, it is enough.

Over time, the largest warships on the sea became this kind of "yellow water battleship".

Therefore, Rokosov proposed a fire support plan, using large cargo ships to transform fire support ships, which are filled with Army 152mm howitzers or Katyusha rocket launchers.

However, this plan was ultimately abandoned due to the limited number of large cargo ships that could be used for transportation in the inland sea.

In short, the "destroyers" of the Inland Sea Navy had to shoulder the heavy responsibility of fire support, forced their way into the port, and fired directly at the defenders with naval guns.

Karamazov rolled up his cigarette, held it in his mouth and began to fumble for matches.

The filler casually took out the matchbox and took one to strike.

Karamazov took the initiative, lit a handmade cigarette, took a strong drag, and then blew out a smoke ring.

He watched the smoke rings slowly rise into the sky and dissipate in the rays of the seven o'clock morning sun.

At this time, the sound of artillery came from the north.

Karamazov: "It's starting at the port. No matter how stupid the enemy is, it's time to fight back."

Loader: "But... the Balas people fought like that on the beach. We used armor-piercing bullets to destroy their morale. I guess they don't have the guts to fight back now, right?"

"Yes, I'm afraid only the Balas people dare not fight back." Karamazov blew out another smoke ring and looked through it in the direction of the city.

Although it is called a city, Karamazov did not see any buildings with a height of more than three stories - there were very few two-story buildings, and there were basically no reinforced concrete buildings, and there were even few red brick houses.

Karamazov: "If this poor place didn't have a line of communication, I don't think any party would bother to occupy it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the commander of the anti-tank artillery battalion drove over on a motorcycle and shouted: "The observation post saw the smoke, the enemy should be coming soon, be ready for battle!"

Karamazov shouted: "Are they really here? Are they tanks? Don't let a bunch of people on horseback come again!"

"If the cavalry comes, the machine gun company left by the naval infantry will deal with them. Don't worry, Karamazov. We will take care of the tanks and remember the weakness map of the Matilda tank sent to you. This is based on our own The results of the test and the data provided by the United Kingdom should be used.”

Karamazov waved his hand to indicate that he understood.

The battalion commander rode away on his motorcycle.

The loader took out the diagram: "Want to take a look?"

Karamazov shook his head: "I've seen it, I've seen it. I know where to pick up the tortoise shells of the United Kingdom. Do you dare to believe that this thing can maneuver in the wild at the same speed as infantry?"

"Same as infantry?" The loader was shocked.

"Yeah, maybe that's why it's called an infantry tank."

As soon as he finished speaking, Karamazov saw smoke and dust in the distance.

In the sun, the dust is very obvious.

He threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stamped it out with his military boots, and then shouted: "Load the armor-piercing bullets, quickly! The enemy is coming!"

Other cars nearby also entered combat mode, and the atmosphere in the originally relaxed position suddenly became tense.

There was more smoke and dust in the distance, even covering part of the city.

At this time, the battalion commander came back on a motorcycle, shouting as he walked: "This smoke doesn't look like a cavalry. A tough battle is coming, guys! If the tank hits us, we will die! If it misses, we will be blown up." We have to keep firing as much as possible before the enemy discovers our position!"

The battalion commander's motorcycle passed in front of Karamazov.

Karamazov stared at the battalion commander's back for a while, and after making sure that he was gone far away, he opened the emergency supply box next to the fighting position, took out his binoculars and looked in the direction of the enemy.

This telescope was previously captured equipment and should be handed over according to military regulations, and then distributed by the troops according to the needs of each department.

But Karamazov left the illegally seized telescope, and the reason was very reasonable: "General Rokosov requires the vortex to penetrate and destroy the enemy's tanks at a distance of 1,800 meters, so our self-propelled anti-tank guns should also do it. Without a telescope, how can I search for the enemy at a distance of 1,800 meters?"

The rest of the company agreed with his reason, but he didn't dare to tell the battalion commander.

Karamazov used the captured Zeiss telescope to observe the enemy rushing over: "One, two, three... twenty, a total of twenty Matildas, and they are behind the formation, with the infantry. In front are all Crusader light tanks."

The United Kingdom called it a cruiser tank.

Karamazov observed the light tanks for a while, and asked the loader in confusion: "Do you remember how much the Crusader light tank weighs according to the information?"

The loader shrugged: "I don't remember, it seems to be about the same as our BT series?"

Karamazov: "Then why are they running so slowly? Is it because the engine is rubbish? But how do I remember that the United Kingdom's engine technology is more advanced than ours? Our Air Force also uses their Rolls-Royce licensed production engine."

"Very slow?" The loader didn't have a telescope and couldn't see the specific situation, so he could only stare at the approaching smoke and dust.

Karamazov's telescope followed a Crusader: "Yes, very slow, maybe only a little faster than the off-road speed of the T34. Did they install a speed limiter on the tank? But why is that?"

"To shoot more accurately while moving?" The loader spread his hands.

"Don't talk, they passed the target and are about to enter the range!" Karamazov put down the telescope, stuck to the gun sight, and locked onto a Crusader that was rushing in the front.

He opened fire.

There were sparks on the Crusader's shell, it hit!

Then the Crusader was unharmed and continued to move forward!

The shell just now exploded behind the Crusader tank!

Karamazov was shocked: "Over-penetration?"

Over-penetration refers to the armor-piercing ability of the armor-piercing shell far exceeding the target's defense, causing the shell to penetrate the target like a piece of paper and explode outside.

"Wait a minute! Don't load armor-piercing shells, load high-explosive shells! It just so happens that armor-piercing shells are consumed a lot during landing, and high-explosive shells are not consumed much!"

The loader helplessly pulled out the shell that had been stuffed into the barrel and put in another high-explosive shell.

Karamazov opened fire.

This time the Crusader exploded, and the turret flew directly into the sky.

Karamazov laughed: "Okay! Keep cleaning up the Crusader light tanks! Reload quickly."

At this time, all 30 ZIS30s in the battalion were firing, but many people did not realize that the armor of the Crusader tanks was too thin for the 57mm guns, and many gun crews were firing armor-piercing shells obediently.

There were also Crusaders that were hit by armor-piercing shells and smoke came out, and then a large number of tankers got out and fled.

After a few minutes of concentrated shooting, more than half of the enemy's vanguard Crusaders were wiped out, and the rest turned around and began to retreat.

By the way, all the Crusader tanks seemed to have no intention of counterattacking, and did not fire a single shot at the anti-tank position.

And Matilda did not drive up until all the Crusaders ran away.

"Switch to armor-piercing shells!" Karamazov, who picked up the telescope again to observe, ordered, "High-explosive shells probably can't do anything to Matilda."

At this time, the entire position became quiet, and everyone was waiting for the Matilda tank to enter the range.

However, this abstract thing with the same off-road speed as the infantry did not reach the wreckage of the Crusader tanks after crawling for seven minutes.

Finally, Karamazov could not bear it anymore, adjusted the scale with the gun mirror, aimed at a Matilda and fired!

The shell fell on the front of the Matilda at a large angle and was directly bounced off.

Karamazov cursed.

The loader comforted him: "It's too far, the energy of the shell has dropped sharply."

"You also know the word energy!" Karamazov teased.

Loader: "I also attended the night school opened by the general! I want to improve so much, man!"

Karamazov did not answer, and continued to observe the distance, waiting for these slow guys to enter the effective range.

Five minutes later, the first Matilda passed the target.

Karamazov immediately put down the telescope, put his eyes on the gun mirror, carefully aimed, adjusted the scale, and fired!

Sparks appeared on the front armor of the Matilda tank, and then the tank stopped, with thick smoke coming out of the rear of the vehicle. The tank crew hurriedly ran out of the tank and fled in all directions.

Karamazov clenched his fist: "Good! Armor-piercing bullets are also effective against this thing! Reload quickly!"

Other ZIS30s also opened fire. This time the heavy tank-infantry tank cluster only lasted for more than a minute, and then began to reverse and retreat.

Karamazov: "Reload quickly! Quickly! They are about to leave our effective range! Quickly!"

"There are no more armor-piercing bullets!" The loader shouted, "You used too much on the beach just now!"

Karamazov slapped his thigh, and he didn't know who he was scolding: "Sukabulie!"

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