All the new recruits, including Dimitri, changed their faces.

Even Gregory looked ready to pounce on Wang Zhong at any time.

But Wang Zhong would not be fooled by such words.

Damn, where did the air support come from so quickly in World War II? Do you think it was the US military in the Gulf War?

This is not the game "Steel Division 2". The air force was summoned and read a bar, and the air force flew over from the edge of the map!

Wang Zhong stepped forward and slapped the officer: "Nonsense! You can't provide such fast air support! This plane is going to bomb other places, it's just passing nearby! You want to fool us and make trouble while we are hiding!"

The officer raised his head: "It seems that you know nothing about the progress of our country's military technology, stupid inferior people!"

Wang Zhong laughed: "Military progress, look at your proud tank troops, they are still being beaten by our KV!"

The officer's expression immediately became not so good.

At this time, the sound of the engine came from the southwest, and it could be heard directly without the sound array.

The officer showed a smug expression, while Wang Zhong pursed his lips and looked at him with a half-smile.

Dimitri: "Why don't we hide for a while!"

Wang Zhong: "Look at this village. Are there any traces of enemy bombs? This is not the enemy's target, and the enemy's call cannot be responded to so quickly, so isn't the answer obvious?"

The real reason why Wang Zhong was so calm was that he had seen the enemy plane from a bird's-eye view, and the enemy plane's path did not pass through Kalinovka Village.

If it weren't for this, he would never let everyone accompany him to take risks to verify whether his speculation was correct.

The roar of the engine continued to approach, and Wang Zhong walked out of the yard directly, stood in the middle of the village road, and looked up at the sky with fearless momentum.

Officer Proson shouted: "You will be shot into a sieve by the machine gun! You will all die!"

Wang Zhong: "You too, maybe a little earlier than us."

At this time, the sound of the engine had reached the point where the window glass of the surrounding houses began to shake.

The soldiers of the Guards all pressed against the wall and lowered their postures.

Some of the prisoners simply lay on the ground, and only the officer was still staring at Wang Zhong in the middle of the road.

Then, the engine sound faded away.

Wang Zhong turned his head to look at the enemy's second lieutenant: "Where is your air support?"

The second lieutenant's face was livid.

Brother Peter on the rooftop poked his head out: "The enemy plane is gone! Flying to Loktov!"

Wang Zhong opened his arms and greeted his subordinates' admiring eyes: "Don't be so surprised, I said, Proson's air-ground coordination is not that good, it is impossible to call a plane so quickly.

"Even if he really called a plane, it would take at least an hour for those guys to fly from the airport!

"And this village has no signs of being bombed at all, it is not the target of the Proson Air Force!"

Wang Zhong pointed to his temple: "Use your brains more, classmates, as long as you are smarter than the enemy, you can defeat them!"

The officer stared at Wang Zhong with wide eyes, looking him up and down several times, and the contemptuous expression just now disappeared.

He asked in Ant: "Excuse me, who are you?"

Wang Zhong: "It seems that the Proson people don't know etiquette. Shouldn't they introduce themselves before asking others' identities?"

"You are right. I am Lieutenant Joseph von Hoffman of the 220th Motorized Reconnaissance Regiment. May I ask who you are?"

"Alexei Konstantinovich Rokossov, Brigadier General."

Lieutenant Hoffman was shocked and took a step back subconsciously. As a result, the guards around him all stepped forward, and several guns were pointed at his back.

The lieutenant looked at Wang Zhong again and shouted something in Proson.

Wang Zhong turned his head and asked Dimitri: "What did he say?"

"White Horse General. The newspaper said that the enemy gave you a nickname."

Wang Zhong approached the enemy and smiled slightly: "Yes, I am the White Horse General, an enemy you can't kill. I will fight until your empire is destroyed."

Second Lieutenant: "Impossible! The empire has won every war since its establishment!"

"Then this!" Wang Zhong pointed to the ground under his feet, "This is its last war! At most five years, we will completely destroy it!"

The enemy officer's mouth trembled, but Wang Zhong's confidence suppressed his thoughts of rebuttal. In the end, he finally lowered his proud head.

Wang Zhong waved his hand: "Get in the car and prepare to evacuate!"

Just then, the door of the yard next to the post office opened, and an old man came out with a cane and looked at Wang Zhong: "General, are you leaving?"

Wang Zhong: "We will come back."

Old man: "When? Five years later?"

It turned out that the old man heard what he just said.

Wang Zhong: "Maybe it won't take five years, old man."

The old man hesitated, and finally took out a few potatoes from his pocket and stuffed them into Wang Zhong's hand: "I asked my daughter-in-law to run away with the children and belongings, and this is all that's left at home."

Wang Zhong keenly noticed the key words: daughter-in-law, and he knew where his son had gone without asking.

He looked at the potatoes and found that they had probably been kept by the old man for a long time, and they might be the life-saving food he left for himself.

"Old man, we are full, you should keep these potatoes for yourself."

The old man: "I am old. During the civil war, I joined the army to fight for the secular faction, but no one wanted me."

The civil war in the Ante Empire was a war between the secular faction of the Eastern Holy Church and the Zongsheng faction. In the end, the secular faction won and deposed the current tsar to the throne.

The old man: "Let these potatoes fight for Saint Andrew for the last time for me!"

Saint Andrew, the founder of secularism, the origin of the Andrew Cross on the imperial flag.

Wang Zhong stared at the old man for a few seconds, then took back the potatoes: "I will make good use of them."

Old man: "You can just throw it at the enemy in a hurry!"

Wang Zhong nodded, and then he thought, why not ask the uncle about the wind direction here?

So he asked: "Uncle, have you lived here for a long time?"

"Lived there all my life."

Wang Zhong: "Then what kind of wind is blowing here this season?"

The uncle smiled: "You are going to shoot here, right? Let me tell you, there is basically no wind at nine o'clock in the evening this season. You can fire at this time and just follow the map coordinates."

Wang Zhong nodded.

At this time, Gregory came over and saluted Wang Zhong: "Your Excellency General, all the loot has been counted. A total of 5 submachine guns, two machine guns, some ammunition, and a motorcycle have been seized!"

Wang Zhong: "Paint our army's logo on the motorcycle and requisition it."

He turned to look at the corpses of Proson soldiers scattered on the street, and added: "Bury grenades under the bodies of these soldiers, and hang pull rings on them to ensure that the grenades will sound when the enemy turns over their bodies."

"Yes." Gregory turned around and ordered, "You have all heard it, take action!"

Then he said to Wang Zhong: "The walkie-talkie has been checked and is not damaged. Dimitri is studying the user manual found on the enemy's communications soldiers."

Wang Zhong nodded and was about to look at the walkie-talkie. He remembered that he hadn't said goodbye to the old man yet, so he looked at him again.

"Go ahead, General!" The old man said with a trembling salute.

Wang Zhong gave him a military salute seriously, and then walked towards his subordinate who was playing with the walkie-talkie.

The old man leaned against the chaimen of the small courtyard, watched Wang Zhong's figure, and murmured softly: "What a brave and young general, may Saint Andrew bless you."


At the same time, southwest of Loktov, Vasily showed the newly written sign to his temporary subordinate Filipov: "Look at this!"

Filipov stopped the sledgehammer in his hand, rested against the sign he had just hammered into the ground, and said: "Don't let me see it, I don't understand Prosensive."

"What I wrote is: There are no mines here!"

Filipov frowned: "Will it be useful to use such words to scare people? It feels like a child playing tricks on people!"

Vasily: "Let's put a big detonator under this sign, and the enemy will have to believe it. Let's go, insert it over there, it just corresponds to the minefield you just inserted."

Filipov shook his head: "You, if the school instructors find out, they will scold you for being smart!"

"He would also tell me, 'Such cleverness is of no use in a real war!'" Instructor Vasily learned the lesson perfectly.

Filipov: "It's good that you know."

"But you see, the brigadier general asked me to do this. Doesn't he know that I only have a little cleverness? What he must know is that he wants me to use these little clevernesses to surprise the enemy!"

While they were talking, the two of them walked to the place. Vasily threw the sign on the ground and started digging a hole.

Filipov took out the detonator and explosives from his backpack: "How much?"

"Have a piece!"

"So much? This could send someone flying to the moon!"

"Hey, this little clever thing, it's better to bury it too hard than to blow it up hard. It's better to explode it once so that all the Prosin troops can see it. Then they won't dare to push these signs in the future! Just put one down!"

Filipov dropped a block of explosives and installed the detonating device.

Because they are all likely to be assigned to command engineering teams, they have learned demolition and are very skilled in these things.

Finally, Filipov tied the detonating tab to the root of the brand with wire: "Okay!"

Vasily inserted the sign into the hole and began to fill it with soil.

"Take it easy!" Filipov shouted, "This thing can also send us to the moon!"

Vasily didn't care at all. After filling in the soil, he said: "Let's find some tin cans or something and throw them into the field behind. This will make the enemy's mine detectors scream!"

"I support this suggestion," Filipov said, "but where can I find tin cans?"

"Let's buy some from the locals. I have rubles with me." Vasily said and suddenly sighed, "If you don't use it now, you may not have time to use it in the future."

Filipov: "Will the locals who are still here accept rubles?"

"If we don't accept it, just say ours belongs to the Inquisition, and they will accept it," Vasily said.

"We're not wearing blue hats."

"It's simple. Let's hide our hats and say that we were shot away by enemy bullets on the way here! Come on, Filipov, give the Prossen people a surprise!"

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