Arcane Lord

Chapter 222 Bugbear

Xia Duo had never seen goblins drink water, but he shouldn't have such thoughts.

Of course, goblins need to drink water, especially when there is a ready-made river nearby. Xia Duo temporarily targets goblins, but of course other creatures are not excluded.

Xia Duo walked and chopped all the way. Jibu's fine gold sword fell into his hand, and before he could drink the blood, it became a woodcutter!

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the jungle ahead, and Xia Duo immediately stopped all movements and carefully distinguished it.

The sound was getting closer and closer. The sound was the sound of something pushing aside the bushes and rubbing against them. Listening again, the sound of footsteps was also heard.

Judging from the sound of Sha Duo walking around here, the thing that came was obviously much lighter than him. If nothing else happened, it should be a goblin.

As the sound got closer and closer, Xia Duo gradually established a rough image in his mind based on the increasingly three-dimensional sound——

Humanoid creature, short in stature, with lazy and casual movements and little strength.

In this Green Bead Forest, the most likely people to have such characteristics are goblins, and dwarfs are also possible, but Sha Duo heard that the dwarfs in the Savile Territory are all in the lord's mines, and it is usually difficult to see them.

Let alone here.

Xia Duo was almost certain that this was a goblin.

In a flash of thought, Xia Duo allocated part of his energy to arrange a layer of silent barrier around him. This 0-level spell stolen from Ganal was quite practical.

After Xia Duo's transformation, it can be maintained around the body while maintaining concentration, instead of being released and left in place.

With the silent barrier, Xia Duo's movements were much more relaxed. With the sharpness of the adamantine weapon, it was extremely easy to chop down these shrubs, which were no more than three fingers thick.

At the same time, the pace under my feet also accelerated a lot. There were no stone roads in Savile Town in the forest, but only primitive roads that were piled with decay and looked like mud.

Xia Duo did not take the winding path stepped by the goblins, but opened his own path, but the speed was not slow. When the goblin saw him, Xia Duo had already thrown the adamantine sword in his hand.

Hit the little gnome right in the head.

This unlucky goblin didn't even let out a whine, and just belched.

"This is--"

He pulled out the adamantine sword from the goblin's head and turned the goblin over with the sword. Xia Duo's eyes stopped on the two water bags that the goblin had previously held under him.

There was more than one goblin, and it was very likely that they had formed an organization. This unlucky guy was sent out to fetch water.

Sha Duo immediately made a judgment. From some information in the Tower of Time Library, it can be seen that goblins will only have an obvious organizational form when they form a settlement.

Otherwise, they are just a bunch of goblins and a bunch of headless flies. Even if they are the leader today, they may be secretly killed by someone at night.

Goblins are lazy by nature. If they have not formed an organization, they will not be willing to submit to the powerful. Even if they surrender on the spot, they may turn around and deny it.

The best way to deal with these little things that are so easy to overrun is to kill them all.

The soldiers and adventurers of Savile Territory are largely responsible for clearing the goblins in the forest. Small piles are cleared by adventurers, and large piles are cleared by territory soldiers.

It's just that their cleanup couldn't go as deep as 20 miles into the Green Pearl Forest to get here.

In other words, the Daxia leader's daily routine in the future will most likely consist of fighting goblins.

At this point, Xia Duo did not continue to move forward, but turned back. However, he did not go back along the original road. Instead, based on vague judgment, he moved a little further north and went to the landing point.

On the way back, Xia Duo still opened the way with his adamantine sword.

Until he emerged from the woods on the landing point, a shout suddenly sounded on the ship: "Lord!"

"It's the Lord!"

"The Lord is back!"

These people told them not to move, but they really didn't move at all. Xia Duo was actually a little dissatisfied, but this order was given by himself.


On the one hand, the superior requires the people below to resolutely obey him, and on the other hand, he requires the people below to take initiative and share his worries instead of just being a tool.

What a worry!

Thinking like this, Xia Duo burst into laughter. His intentions were really unpredictable. He thought of his workplace before time travel. No wonder the boss always found fault with his employees. It was always the fault of the people below him.

Chateau did not board the ship. He just stood by the gangplank extending to the shore and shouted: "Captain Gibb, ask the crew to move the supplies down. The people in the second team are on guard. You can lead the first team and follow me."

"Yes! Lord Lord."

Gibb quickly conveyed the order, and soon the first and second teams of soldiers all disembarked, waiting for Chateau's order. The crew members also disembarked with axes and machetes.

They had to clear away the surrounding trees and weeds and put wooden boards on them before stacking supplies.

"People in the second team, stay on guard. Simon, I now appoint you as the temporary captain. The rest of the second team will obey your command. I hope you will not let me down."

Before the development even started, someone had already taken half a step forward. Everyone in the second team looked at Simon with envy, the man who joined the Great Xia Territory at the same time as them.

Even Gibb and other members of the first team were thoughtful. If the people of the second team were confirmed members of the Great Xia Leader and could be promoted and rewarded, then their status would be a bit embarrassing.

Simon was overjoyed at this moment. He slammed his right hand on his left chest and said firmly: "I swear to the death to fulfill your order."

"Yes." Xia Duo nodded lightly, then turned to Gibb, "Follow me!"

After saying that, Xia Duo left a magic warning nearby, and then walked in the direction of the goblin settlement along the "road" he had opened before.

Behind him, Gibb was in a mixed mood. In the past, Xia Duo was still someone he could look up to or even look down at, but as Xia Duo became more and more outstanding, he became a pioneer.

Completely becoming a being that he looks up to.

I don't know what he thought of, but Gibb's eyes suddenly became extremely determined. He grasped the empty scabbard without the sword tightly and followed Xia Duo closely.

Three or four hundred meters east of the Xiado landing point, the terrain here is no longer flat, but has undulations that are almost half a person's height.

It formed something like a hillock. The west side of the hillock was opened by an unknown creature, revealing the stone interior. It was slightly sunken inward, but it could not form a cave.

Instead, it looks like a natural stone throne.

Just as Xia Duo and others were opening the way, a muscular humanoid creature suddenly stood up from the stone throne.

As if frightened by its height of more than two meters, a group of little goblins less than one meter tall around it suddenly became commotion and swarmed back.

But the ones behind are pushing forward, and the movements of the little goblins in front are destined to be useless.

The tall creature stepped off the "throne" and grabbed a little goblin. He didn't care about the little goblin's struggling limbs and stuffed it into his mouth.

The sharp long teeth penetrated the little goblin's neck at once, and he kept sucking until the little goblin in his hand stopped moving.

Then he tore off an arm and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it, scaring the little goblins next to him so that they didn't dare to move.

But after eating an arm, this tall creature felt very bored. He took out two water bags from the stone throne, threw them in front of all the goblins, pointed at a small goblin, and roared:

"You, go to the river and fill the water!"

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