Arcane Lord

Chapter 2812 Dispelling Clouds Standard Power of Order Spell

Time flies and it soon comes to the end of February.

Usually at this time, the temperature in the North has begun to gradually warm up. Although it will not reach the level of snow melt, it will not be as freezing as before.

But February this year is still chilly, and the clouds over Netheril that have been moved away seem to be gathering again after nearly two months of preparation.

After all, the previous water vapor migration only removed the water vapor above Netheril, but the air is flowing. If there is excess clouds and water vapor in other parts of the North, it will inevitably gather here.

The temperature is no longer getting warmer, and cloudy weather is becoming more and more common. Ordinary people in every territory from south to north of Netheril are enveloped in a relatively gloomy atmosphere.

This naturally includes Xia Duo's Daxia collar.

Although most of the official citizens still live and work with peace of mind, those who should go to work go to work, and those who should have fun go to have fun, but today there are still more than half of the people in the territory who are preparatory citizens!

There are more than 200,000 immigrants from the three dimensions of Sweetwater, and nearly 100,000 Langas.

They can feel the new order in Daxia Territory that is different from other places, but after all, they have not integrated into this order. They will inevitably feel uneasy about the current bad climate and bad weather.

For this reason, Xia Duo also specially sent the elemental elders who were used to build the elemental ranch to the main plane to disperse the clouds over the territory. Fortunately, the clouds have not gathered much yet, and there are no thick dark clouds like years ago.

The four elemental elders take turns working, basically ensuring that the territory can see the blue sky most of the time. For this reason, Xia Duo will not hesitate even if the construction of the elemental ranch is temporarily delayed.

In fact, the production cycle of the elemental ranch is longer, and a few months later will not affect it. As long as you feed more energy crystals at that time, you may be able to harvest faster than normal feeding!

In addition to Chateau's arrangements, Leiden also asked the Territory Ministry of Culture and Education to conduct a series of propaganda and comfort activities at the temporary residence of the reserve residents. In conjunction with Chateau's Blue Sky Operation, the results were pretty good.

The mood of the people in the territory is relatively stable for the time being, at least there is no loss of control.

As long as it lasts for another month or two and the temperature rises, this year's unusually cold winter will be over, and then the spring of hope will come.

Floating City, Level 3 Laboratory.

In the central experimental area, a strange spiritual light suddenly flashed across Aibok's body. After a wave of fluctuations, it unexpectedly stabilized. Seeing this, Sha Duo quickly sensed the state of the power of order and recorded it.

At this time, Aibo couldn't help but ask: "How about it? Can you restore the standard spell?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem, I'll give it a try."

As he said that, Sha Duo controlled the power of order to enter a specific state of movement. In fact, he was referring to the spellcasting standards of arcane magic to create an artificially designed power of order spell, but without the assistance of magic net.

Such a spell is not easy to create, because the magic network itself has its own rules for energy flow and is also the best carrier for energy flow. This is just like electrical appliances on earth must require circuit conductors.

Because electrons cannot move out of thin air to a specific position for electrical appliances to work properly.

The same is true in the magical world. It's not just mixing a bunch of elements together to turn it into a spell, but it needs to react in a specific state. These reactions are considered the lowest level elemental reactions.

The role of the Magic Network is to provide a set of convenient tools for "quoting" these reaction laws.

To use programming as an analogy, casting spells without the Magic Network is like facing a machine's machine language, while using the Magic Network to cast spells is a high-level language that is easier for humans to learn and understand.

Arcane spells cast without a magic web require the caster to "manually" shape the specific form and vibration mode of the required elements. Originally, the elemental energy can "flow" in the string of the magic web, but without a carrier, it can only "oscillate" "The form reacted.

This is a very cumbersome way to cast spells. If there is no magic network, Shado speculates that the spell casters in this world should be like Kalishan, who first started with blood magic, and then gradually transcended blood to form a relatively complete and universal set of spells. Magic system.

When casting spells, more auxiliary spell-casting equipment should be used instead of completely "manual", or the spell-casting method should be improved and a convenient spell-casting guide program should be created, so that one can cast spells individually.

As for the power of order spells, it is similar. The power of order flows irregularly and has no fixed form. Just like elemental energy, if you want to cast the power of order spells, you must "manually" shape the specific form and vibration mode of the power of order.

The rules of the power of order involved in the original power of order spell are very shallow. They are almost the most direct and simple expression of the characteristics of the power of order itself, similar to the various effects manifested by the convergence and flow of elements.

In addition, the power of order is very similar to elemental energy, that is, non-order masters cannot directly control the power of order, just like they cannot directly control elemental energy without having the corresponding bloodline.

The Lord of Order is like a blood warlock who can naturally control the power of the elements.

It's just that it's difficult for a blood warlock to "lend" his spellcasting ability to others other than himself, but the order master can lend his spellcasting ability to other people within the order he controls.

Of course, the power of order and elemental energy are not essentially the same thing. They are similar only because they are both primitive forces and have similar expression and utilization methods. That's all.

The order spell that Sha Duo is currently creating is the [body-protecting aura] that comes with the Eastern World identity card, and he restored it after countless attempts.

In this process, the spell itself is not actually important. What is important is the exploration of the rules of the power of order during the restoration process. As long as the rules are explored, new spells are actually easy to create.

Soon, a strange aura similar to the one on Ai Burke appeared on Xia Duo. It was also very unstable at first, but in the end it barely stabilized.

This spell shows certain self-organizing characteristics, which is simply beyond Sha Duo's imagination. As long as the interference does not exceed a certain threshold, he can maintain this spell forever.

Unlike protective spells in arcane magic, such as mage armor, they cannot be maintained for a certain period of time and will automatically disband. Even if they are made constant through element recycling, they can only theoretically exist forever.

In fact, there is no permanent magic that exists forever. Spells that are used for a long time will always fail due to various factors.

The fundamental reason is that these spells do not have self-organizing properties, or these spells cannot repair themselves, but order spells can!

Although this is the only standard spell that currently has self-organizing properties, previously discovered primitive spells can easily "attach" to Order individuals.

Based on this, it is not difficult for Xia Duo to make an inference——

Perhaps all order spells have this characteristic!

"Is this the essence of the power of order?" Sha Duo thought thoughtfully.

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