Arcane Lord

Chapter 3302 The Fate of Evereska

Such a reality is difficult for Xia Duo to accept, because if it is understood in this way, there must be a civilization stronger than Elan, strong enough to transcend the timeline, so where are they?

Or is the current timeline, including the extraterritorial Holy Golden Dragon Empire that is connected to the current existence, just an illusory possibility?

Or is the essence of time not what Xia Duo currently believes, and there is a deeper connotation, enough to accommodate all the incomprehensible and unacceptable situations he is encountering now.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Xia Duo believes that the prophetic image interferes with reality, which is purely a not-so-wonderful misjudgment. Xia Duo personally tends to think so, but this is just wishful thinking.

Various signs indicate that this is not a misjudgment, at least based on his current knowledge and experience, it is indeed the case. It is really such an outrageous thing that the prophetic image interferes with reality!

But now is not the time to explore the essence of time in depth. Now he has more important things to do. No matter what the essence of time is, no matter what principle is hidden behind this incomprehensible phenomenon, it will not change the Illuminati's plan to destroy the world that it wants and is implementing.

The most important thing now is to stop the Illuminati.

In addition to the future images where the Illuminati successfully completes the ritual and Elan is reborn, there are also future images where the Illuminati fails, but in those images, there is no good in the main plane.

In almost every such image, there is a large amount of space-time fog, which is the foggy area found in the northwest of Elan and the border of Sluvende before.

At present, it can only be judged that the area may be affected by the Illuminati's time-related rituals and is in a very special space-time state. Because it is externally manifested as fog, it is named space-time fog.

But now, in the slightly better future image predicted by Xia Duo - compared with the complete failure of the Illuminati completing the ritual, this one can indeed be called slightly better, and the good and the bad are all compared - the main plane is full of space-time fog.

Although this is a collection of space-time fog in all future images where the Illuminati fails, it also illustrates this possibility, that is -

Even if the Illuminati fails, space-time fog may form anywhere in the main plane, and it is possible that multiple areas exist at the same time.

Among them, the more certain one is the Elan region. In these images, all the regions that can be confirmed to be Elan have appeared in the fog of time and space, which seems to be the inevitable result of the image of the failure of the Illuminati.

But it is quite reasonable to think about it, starting from Elan and ending from Elan.

If in the image of the success of the Illuminati, what Xia Duo cares most about is the pyramid-like magic building in a specific image.

Then, in the image of the failure of the Illuminati, what Xia Duo cares most about is that one of the images involves himself, not directly related, but indirectly.

He saw Evereska crashed in the mountains!

Although the figure of Yongle City was not seen, Evereska crashed. It is conceivable that Yongle City must have been attacked unprecedentedly, otherwise it would not even be able to save Evereska.

And such an image also reveals a possibility, that is-

The Illuminati may attack Yongle City in the future, or attack Evereska, which is currently hanging in the suspension field of Yongle City, and eventually cause Evereska to crash.

Since such a possibility has been foreseen, Xia Duo can no longer bring Evereska to the edge of Yongle City as it is now. It is better to find a place to put it down first, such as the terrace where the original site is located.

In this way, Yongle City can also be liberated. Although carrying Evereska is not a big burden for Yongle City, considering the unprecedented attacks that may be encountered next, it is good to reduce the burden of even a straw.

For Evereska, returning to the ground temporarily may lose the protection of Yongle City, but its own maze protection can be strengthened.

After all, Evereska's maze is also built according to the terrain. Even if Xia Duo cuts off the foundation below when intercepting it, it is still a considerable change compared with the overall terrain.

This also means that Evereska's maze has been severely weakened. If it can be transformed into a floating city, the maze can also be repaired and improved in the process.

However, if Evereska is put back now, I don't know whether the alliance countries will let Evereska fly again.

Evereska is eager to take back the authority of the maze lock, but for the alliance countries, they must hope to keep this authority forever or even gradually expand this part of the authority. Evereska's transformation of the floating city or even just the transformation of the maze lock is not in their interests.

Thinking of this, Shado still couldn't make a final decision. Putting Evereska down now can certainly deal with the risk of attacks that may be encountered in the near future, but in the long run, it is likely to pit Evereska.

For such an important matter, Shado can't make a unilateral decision. He still needs to discuss with Evereska. He doesn't want to turn the existence that could have become a hardcore ally into a stranger or even an enemy.


After sorting out all the predicted future images, Shado finally determined the next action plan. He first went to Evereska to tell Evereska about the predicted possible attack and crash, and let them choose for themselves.

Then it was still the original plan-summoning the messenger and tracking the Moon Shadow Family.


After Shado's incarnation, considering that it was just a prophecy, he did not directly contact Devin, the highest elder of Everriska, but first contacted Elder Larian, who had a good personal relationship with him.

After the two parties met, Shado did not hesitate to inform the other party of the possibility of Everesca's crash that he had just predicted. Larian took this very seriously. Although he did not know how Shado obtained the prophecy inheritance, since Having said that, it concerns the entire country and must be treated with caution.

"Lord Shado, can you know the identity of the attacker and what method of attack he used?" Larian asked.

"I can't control the prophecy picture. Being able to catch a glimpse of it is already a kind of luck. How can I choose the target of prophecy at will? Maybe those senior prophecies can do it, but I can't."

Speaking of this, Xia Duo seemed to have thought of something, and quickly added, "Any prophet's interpretation of the future is subjective, but I still suggest that Everesca should not find other prophets to repeat prophecy."

"I understand that the future tense is changeable, and repeating predictions may not necessarily lead to better results." Larian nodded in approval.

But in fact, at this point in time, even the elf Larian is vaguely aware that there may be a problem with the prophet, and now that Xia Duo specifically mentioned it, he has temporarily put aside his plan to find other prophets.

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