Arcane Lord

Chapter 858 Subliminal instructions and forced spell casting

After returning from the [Projection Plane·Dark Realm] and having an experience of being contaminated by other people's memories and thoughts, meditation has now become an indispensable job for him every day, and he will find time to do it no matter how busy he is.

In addition to sorting out memory, organizing consciousness, backing up personality, and integrating latent consciousness, meditation can also slowly increase the upper and lower limits of concentration, thereby improving the stability of spell casting.

Generally speaking, there is no need for arcanists to carry out special concentration training. Daily spell casting itself is a kind of exercise. From arcanists to great arcanists, some people will never reach it in their lifetime. There is no need to worry about the stability of spell casting. Just practice slowly.

But for people like Xia Duo who upgrade very quickly, in addition to continuous spell-casting training to ensure the proficiency and stability of spells, specialized concentration training is also a good choice.

Now, Xia Duo can use the subconscious mind more directly and effectively. In addition to the new soul state obtained after the latest bloodline awakening, meditation also plays a certain role.

——Master Anglin, everyone, I’m starting!

The speed of thinking, especially the speed of subconscious mind, is very fast. After integrating the sensory information of various high-level mages, he immediately issued a reminder in the spiritual link.

Then, give the order.

This instruction was sent to everyone in the form of sharing subliminal information. To everyone who could not directly obtain the specific subliminal information, it was like some kind of intuition or inspiration suddenly occurred.

The [Psychic Link] spell was originally integrated and transformed from the judgment spell of the Arcane Empire of the projection plane. It must have an influence on the subconscious mind, and even the ability to directly forcibly distort the conscious mind.

However, in [Psychic Link], Sha Duo did not include the function of forcibly distorting consciousness, or any other forced effects.

Otherwise, this is not a question of whether we can cooperate, but a question of directly offending a group of people.

But even if it only has a weak subconscious influence, some people still can't accept it.


A high-level mage who was still actively sharing sensory information immediately chose to disconnect the spiritual link, leaving only five people who actively shared it.

However, Xia Duo had already expected it. Instead of problems arising during the battle, it would be better to deal with them early on. This is also part of the united front work.

Only by properly handling internal problems can we better deal with external enemies.

Or, it’s also called “traveling light.”

Xia Duo didn't care that one person was missing. Anyway, it was just the trial stage, or it was the demonstration stage for him to show the effect of [Psychic Link] to everyone.

According to the existing five people, Xia Duo adjusted the instructions in time. In the spiritual link, communication was extremely fast, and the reaction was reflected in reality.

The five people in the spiritual link state fully carried out Sha Duo's instructions, each operated the string of the magic network, and weaved the same spell from the same source point, which was almost a true joint spellcasting.

It's just that the spiritual link state is not a resonance state, and it cannot have the "same frequency" fault tolerance rate. This kind of spell casting is almost forcibly accumulated by virtue of extraordinary synergy ability.

Without one person, the source point of the spell woven by such an extremely exquisite [pseudo-joint spellcasting] almost collapsed instantly.

But with Xia Duo's central command, he made up for the missing spell elements in time, and passed the subsequent re-planned operating instructions to other people's subconscious minds.

Others may be really willing to accept this method and give Xia Duo full trust. When subconscious intuition and inspiration come, they choose to execute it without hesitation.

This made Xia Duo feel gratified. In fact, he himself did not mind sharing some sensory information, as long as it did not involve some personal privacy information.

Many people on earth are very happy to simply share thinking information, thinking processes, or thoughts. It can even become a pleasure or even a lifelong pursuit for others to accept their thoughts.

In Xia Duo's hometown, there has always been a saying of the three immortals of "establishing virtue, establishing merit, and establishing words." Among them, "establishing morality and establishing words" refers to the sharing and dissemination of ideas.

Even in the West, where I am from, there has been a dispute over ideas that lasts for thousands of years, and what they do is naturally the sharing and dissemination of their own ideas.

These five high-level mages, to a certain extent, Sha Duo is willing to call them comrades.

As the operation instructions continued to be issued, the [Protection-2-14] originally required to be executed in conjunction with the resonance spell book was actually realized by the six of them in this almost impossible way.

In the process of continuously generating countless miniature diamond-shaped protective force fields, a series of surprised sounds came from the surroundings.

We are all high-level mages. How could they not tell whether they are using the Resonance Spell Book to jointly cast spells?

So what do they see now——

Six strangers who had only practiced together for ten days beforehand were actually able to cast spells together! And it is a forced cast without resonance!

"How can this be!"

"Is it really the effect of [Psychic Link]?"

Hearing the exclamations from everyone and the people who were already asking questions about Anglin and others, even though Xia Duo was always calm, he couldn't help but feel proud.

However, it is difficult to implement such a forced joint spell, not to mention whether everyone's mental state at the time of war can adapt to this kind of dancing on a steel wire.

The stability of the spell itself is difficult to guarantee. A slight disturbance may cause the spell to fail, which will backfire on the caster.

Furthermore, there is already a resonance spell book that is easier to cast, so using this one is asking for trouble!

What he originally wanted was to use the same dispatch and command to let multiple teams deal with the elf mages at the same time. By attacking more and less and with a high degree of tacit understanding, it was easy to block all the opponent's escape routes and completely wipe them out.

The strategic expectation of truly annihilating the Kingdom of Cormanthor and even the overall war potential of the elves as a group was achieved.

"Now everyone has seen the effect of [Psychic Link]. Although it has some disadvantages, if you want to achieve real victory, this is the price, isn't it?"

Most Nese mages believe that everything must have a price, and they all adhere to the principle of equivalent exchange (relatively reasonable or only in their own opinion).

If [Psychic Link] really has no hidden dangers, it might be the most troublesome thing. Unless Xia Duo informs all the details of the spell, and at the same time, it must be endorsed by someone who has studied psychic spells, so that others can believe it.

But now, there are some hidden dangers in speaking out. At the same time, Xia Duo has indeed explained the basic principles of this spell many times. People always have an arrogant side, especially for spell casters.

First they relaxed their vigilance, then they thought they understood, and finally they talked about equal exchange. Everyone seriously thought about it, was it worth it?

But once we think about the feasibility, we are almost ready to accept it.

Especially since even a genius arcanist from Gustav Tower like Anglin has accepted it, what reason do others have to refuse!

"Master Xia Duo, can you tell me more about this [spiritual link]?"


Upon seeing this situation, Xia Duo knew that the other party was interested. After all, in this situation, the elves have shown a tendency to unite. If they do not unite, they will only be defeated individually.

As for our own team, which has the highest probability of winning, is there any better plan than Xia Duo's plan? Is there anything better than following Anglin?

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