Arcane Lord

Chapter 945 I can tell at a glance that you are not a human being

"Xia Duo, go pick up the Archmage for me. I'll wait for you here!"


Shado didn't hesitate too much and immediately returned to the Tower of Time from the portal not far away. Behind him was the portal leading to Savile Town.

You can vaguely see the scene in the temporary barracks on the other side of the portal that maintains the portal. Of course, there are only blurry images and the sound cannot be transmitted.

But as long as you have a full understanding of the portal spell, you can project your detection through the portal to the other side and observe the situation on the other side.

Shado once learned [Short-distance Teleportation Gate] at an exchange meeting in Severton. It only has 5 rings, but it is a simplified version of the original 8-ring [Teleportation Gate], and it basically has all the necessary elements.

He himself knew how to observe the scene on the other side through the portal, but he came from the other side and did not need to cast a spell to understand it.

At this moment, in the teleportation room where Xia Duo is located, in addition to the activated teleportation gate on the wall behind him, there are also five unactivated teleportation gates in the room.

Of course, more accurately, they are portal pedestals, located on three other walls besides the door, two on each wall.

Their main function is to maintain portals leading to fixed locations for a long time.

Without these bases, the portal can still be used, but its duration is extremely limited and it cannot play a good role in connecting Savile Town and the Tower of Time.

Generally, when a teleportation gate is used, it basically needs to be maintained for a long time. If it is used for a short time, it may be more convenient to teleport directly.

In the center of the room, there is a square platform about half a foot above the ground, with complex but very regular lines poured on it using precious metals such as mithril and gold.

This is the teleportation circle.

Niya has just passed the temporary access key here to Archmage Auron, so Shado only needs to wait here for a while.

Soon, the magical aura of the teleportation circle began to tremble, and the aura that was originally white and clear as water suddenly became blurred, like a white mist.

Of course, this is just a strange phenomenon in magic vision. In normal vision, the teleportation circle is also glowing, but it does not affect what Sha Duo sees on the teleportation platform at all.

From the time the teleportation array responded to the end of the teleportation, it took almost only a blink of an eye, and the magic aura that looked like white mist suddenly shrank.

Immediately afterwards, Archmage Auron, whom Sha Duo had met several times before, appeared on the teleportation platform. Along with him, there was a bald spellcaster wearing a gray robe and a strange mask.

Just by looking at the other person, Xia Duo could tell that he was not a human being. If he were a human being, his eyes would glow, and it would be a very strange red light.

Even in the magical world, Xia Duo has never seen anyone whose eyes can shine under normal conditions, so he has no other ideas. It must not be a human being.

However, Xia Duo is not Fahai, so he doesn't dare to call out any bold monster here.

And the most important point is that the moment he saw the other person's eyes, Xia Duo felt a chill on his head. It was not fear, but more like a kind of spiritual oppression.

This feeling is very intuitive and metaphysical, but it is real, so Xia Duo has to deal with it carefully.

In fact, he had recognized the identity of this special spellcaster who was personally accompanied by the Princess's follower, Archmage Auron.

The opponent's iconic long white gloves, strange mask, and skull emblem on the gray robe are all announcing to the outside world that he represents death.

This was indeed a servant, or priest, of the Lord of Death.

If Xia Duo guessed correctly, this person might have been transformed into an undead creature, which gave him an indescribable feeling.

In the past, he had heard that there were death priests who would voluntarily transform into undead creatures, but this practice was actually against doctrine.

The Lord of Death witnesses and defends death, and believes that only death is the ultimate eternity. However, he also respects life very much. He believes that the more wonderful a life is during life, the more glorious and great its death will be.

The Lord of Death is not the reaper of life, so mass killing or transformation of undead creatures is not allowed, even for His priests.

In fact, one of the long-term important responsibilities of the death priest is to clean up the negative energy and undead creatures in the world, and let the dead return to death.

Being able to become an undead creature while still losing the favor of the gods and maintaining the identity of a priest is really extraordinary!

Xia Duo felt a shiver in his heart, knowing that a big shot might have come to the Tower of Time. In the blink of an eye, he adjusted his mood (undead creatures are very sensitive to emotions) and bowed slightly to the two people (?):

"Arch Mage Auron, and the loyal servants of the Lord of Death, welcome you to the Tower of Time!"

"Lord Xia Duo, long time no see!"

The priest had no reaction. On the contrary, Archmage Aulon showed some enthusiasm and introduced Shado: "This is High Priest Morton, the legend of Severton. This time, he came here entrusted by the parliament to deal with the murloc tide. event."

High Priest Morton?

Xia Duo used his extraordinary memory ability to quickly retrieve all the information behind the name in his mind. Everything else, including his legendary status, was not important to Xia Duo and could not hinder him anyway.

There was only one thing that made him very interested——

This High Priest Morton has mastered the art of resurrection, and there are many confirmed cases of resurrection!

This is simply a walking money-printing machine!

Although the specific price of resurrection is unknown, as long as the technology is in hand, if you meet relatives and friends who can't let go of the dead, then you can just ask for a price!

Resurrection is an important technology with strategic significance that Xia Duo wants to obtain, but he also knows that it is almost impossible to get resurrection from a death priest.

Not to mention the difficulty of converting from divine magic to arcane magic, the resurrection itself violates the doctrine of death, which makes the death priest unable to disclose it easily.

However, an undead creature is engaged in the resurrection business, is this good?

This is not good!

Before knowing that High Priest Morton was an undead creature, Xia Duo didn't think anything, but when he saw High Priest Morton with his own eyes and recognized that the other party was most likely an undead creature, he always felt a sense of disharmony in his heart.

It feels like running a crematorium on Earth but doing rescue work part-time, how can it not be disharmony!

However, the scene couldn't be cold, he hurriedly said: "Thank you, High Priest Morton, for your support to the South!"

But Morton still didn't react at all, only the red light in his eyes flashed twice. Xia Duo had never dealt with undead creatures. If there was another death priest present to translate, maybe he could have a friendly exchange?

Of course there were no other priests here, but there was an Archmage Oron who accompanied Morton here, so he could definitely communicate, "Lord Xia Duo, High Priest Morton said there was no need to thank him, the council gave enough compensation!"

After a pause, Oron said again: "High Priest Morton asked you to take him to the river!"

"Okay! Come this way!"

Xado pointed to the open portal a few steps away and made an invitation gesture. After the two followed, he walked in first.


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